Mike Stone -- Is Damar Hamlin Alive?
February 2, 2023
At the same time, they photoshopped Tiffany Dover back from the dead.
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February 2, 2023
JP said (February 2, 2023):
I'm from Buffalo so this story has my attention. My initial thought was that his collapse on the field was staged. If you watch player #30, he is focused on Hamlin after the play as if waiting for his cue. As soon as Hamlin drops, he darts over to him. But how could he have known at that very second and from that distance that Hamlin's fall was something to worry about? Then they kept this guy on the field for 9 minutes when the hospital was only 3 miles away. Why? Wouldn't we expect them to do CPR on the way to the hospital instead of on the field? It was also odd that the MNF crew stayed on the scene and covered what was happening on the field. Normally, they are instructed to cut away and return when they are ready to resume play. And it was weird that all the players gathered closely around Hamlin and blocked him. Then they all took a knee except one dude, #33, who's name happens to be Neal. So this event could have been staged but let's assume it wasn't for argument's sake. The first hospital picture of Hamlin looked like a fake. I noticed that his arm shadows were not correct, indicating photoshop. The event at the Bills playoff game with Hamlin allegedly in attendance was some kind of stunt. Last, his recent video looked authentic, but deep fake technology is almost undetectable. So the question remains, is he dead and they are faking the recent video? or is alive because his collapse was staged? I have a problem with the official narrative that he died twice, required 10 minutes of CPR, and is somehow walking around like we have all seen in recent videos.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
CR said (February 3, 2023):
Regarding the Mike Stone piece.. Beware of these "searches" on public databases showing L.Hamlin dead.. I did a search the other day on "SearchQuarry.com"for my own name and it showed me born, married, divorced and yep dead. It shows you as everything. I guess to get more specific (or correct?) information about someone you have to purchase a subscription to the site. Otherwise all the database shows you is your name and that you existed at some point..Try it and you'll see what I mean and perhaps your readers would wish to check it out. We've got to be "wise as serpents" and "innocent as doves" in this crooked world.