Pope Francis is an Imposter
January 14, 2023

"If Pope Francis was a true Catholic
he would not want to deface God's creation in any way with "gene
therapy", or whatever the mRNA vaccines do to a sentient human body. He
would not embrace homosexuality or divorce. Pope Francis is a fraud--a
crypto-Jew planted by the WEF conveniently in time for the "Great
Reset" facade begun in 2020 with the Covid-19 scam."
Latest- Francis rumored to be preparing new Decree against Traditional Latin Mass
by Edward Menez
I spoke to a Catholic Priest today who rued the fact that Pope Francis has banned the traditional Latin Mass. So has everyone I've talked to about this issue.
Once I heard it was to be eliminated, I attended Latin Mass twice in the last year, just to see how it is performed, and to witness it first-hand.
As my wife says, it is more "reverent" than the new Mass, and the Gregorian chants from over 1000 years ago make it particularly inspiring.
The Latin Mass has been a Catholic tradition for almost 2000 years--why should it be banned? Pope Benedict, who passed away on December 30, 2022, allowed the Latin Mass to exist concurrently with the new Mass. Pope Benedict had traditional views, such as maintaining the ban on homosexuality. Oddly enough, he became the first Pope in 600 years to "resign", and he lived the last 9 years of his life in the Vatican, and as some would say, a "prisoner".
On March 13, 2013 (a very numerological date), Pope Francis was elected to take over for the newly "resigned" Pope Benedict. Seems to me more like getting the WEF men in place for the Great Reset.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio makes the hidden hand sign
Pope Francis's wikipedia page has the following first paragraph: "Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio,[b] 17 December 1936) is the current head of the Catholic Church, the bishop of Rome and sovereign of the Vatican City State. Francis is the first pope to be a member of the Society of Jesus, the first from the Americas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere, and the first pope from outside Europe since Gregory III, a Syrian who reigned in the 8th century."
So he's the first Society of Jesus, or "Jesuit" Pope, ever. The Jesuits were founded by Francis of Loyola, a 100% definite Jew. Pope Francis is also himself a crypto-Jew.
Pope Francis has given himself away by embracing LGBTQ, other religions, divorce, and even abortion in some ways, but his true outing came when he called getting the Covid-19 vaccines "an act of love": https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-08/pope-francis-appeal-covid-19-vaccines-act-of-love.html
If Pope Francis was a true Catholic he would not want to deface God's creation in any way with "gene therapy", or whatever the mRNA vaccines do to a sentient human body. He would not embrace homosexuality or divorce. Pope Francis is a fraud--a crypto-Jew planted by the WEF conveniently in time for the "Great Reset" facade begun in 2020 with the Covid-19 scam. He joins his brothers Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern (yes, a brother and not a sister), Barack Obama and Michele Obama (same as Jacinda), Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Tedros Ghebreyesus, and other homosexuals and faux leaders easily susceptible to blackmail and put in power by the Jews to destroy Christianity and the European cultures. The pawns had to be in place in time for the Great Reset begun in 2020.
How did the Catholic Church allow the Marranos to pretend they were converted and then continue practising Satanism, the de Medici Popes Leo X and Clement VII to bring in the Protestant Reformation and Copernican heliocentricity, respectively and now allow a new anti-christ in Pope Francis to ban the traditional Latin Mass which has been in use for almost 2000 years?
I suppose it is the teachings of forgiveness and reconciliation. The Catholic Church tries so hard to preach those doctrines, but after the Jews had been kicked out over 100 times from Catholic countries due to immorality, you'd think the Church would have learned their lesson by now.
I case you didn't see Henry's link to the following a few days ago https://www.fisheaters.com/srpdf/xtheplotagainstthechurch.pdf, it is a good summary of what has been done to the Catholic Church over the years.
Related- Pope Francis- Longtime Zionist Tool
Cdl. Pell wrote memo sent to cardinals on 'catastrophe' of Pope Francis: Vatican reporter
Andrew M said (January 15, 2023):
I think that you know me by now. I am an individual that is an ethnic Roman Catholic. Much the same way as you identify as an ethnic Jew.
Regarding a “ real Pope” We have not had one since the election of Anti Pope John the XXIII. Anti Pope Bendict was about as evil as they come! He is appropriately the second beast of the Apocalypse only behind AntiChrist JPII.
Francis or Frackenfrancis is neither a validly ordained priest nor Pope. The last seven popes not including Frankenfrancis had only four validly ordained priest whom, were by Apostolic succession, Lawfully ordain as such all the way up to Pope. Two of these were ipso facto manifest heretics. However, JP the First, died, most likely murdered on day 33 while in office. So, they were Pope Pius the XII, Anti Pope John XXIII and Anti Pope Paul VI and Pope JP the First.
This means end of the line! No valid Pope and no Church! But God is in control. The Church still exist but to a small remenant. Jesus Himself will now become the visible Head. We see the same thing occurred in the Kingdom of David. Over 500 years without a valid King and the Babylonian exile. That is until the “Son of David” Note: This according to Birthright and not Jesus being the actual son of David. The Blessed Mother was saved at the very moment of Her conception. She is therefore a Child of God and thus not a child of wrath. All not Baptised are children of wrath. Therefore God the Father is the one and only Father of Jesus who is King and His Blessed Mother who is Queen.
Present day Israelites are members in good standing within the Body of Christ…Are you?