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As COVID Narrative Flips, Remember Anti-Vaxxers Scrubbed Masonic Connection

January 27, 2023

image-22.pngThe narrative appears to be flipping. Twitter and YouTube are allowing adverse reactions to be reported. With my return Friday, Twitter is finally committed to free speech. The rats are jumping ship...Fauci, Berk, Ardern, Johnson etc. Turdeau could not be far behind.

One Tuesday I re-posted this whistle blower who said a billionaire in New Zealand confided that all social institutions that promoted the COVID hoax and "Vaccines" would be discredited. Faith in government would be destroyed. 

It appears that the counter vax narrative has Masonic sponsorship as well, something we should keep in mind as the world returns to sanity on this issue.

quote-the-best-way-to-control-the-opposition-is-to-lead-it-ourselves-vladimir-lenin-35-44-09.jpg"The Academy of Divine Knowledge appears to be a Masonic organization whose teachers and associates  include prominent anti-vaxers David Icke, Judy Mikovits, Del Bigtree, Alec Zeck, Dr. Christiane Northrup,  Dr. Carrie Madej, and RFK Jr.  The Academy has since re-branded itself to hide its occult connection. "

from Jan 20, 2022
by CR

In an article "Some Prominent Antivaxxers Have Masonic Ties," I exposed "The Academy of Divine Knowledge" an occult organization whose members include several prominent "anti-vax" activists including RFK Jr., Del Bigtree, and David Icke.

The Academy's site is now gone.  The domain name ( still exists but redirects to a new site named UNIFYD, which includes most of the same list of "teachers" but all references to the occult have been scrubbed.

lost-trust.pngHilariously, their monthly fee of $33 (an obvious Masonic reference) has been reduced to $32.99.

Is this the result of them being called out for their occult practices? 

The original site spoke of "helping humanity through its awakening process in a comfortable manner."  Perhaps openly espousing occult beliefs and practices resulted in them receiving too much negative attention and the "awakening process" (aka indoctrination into occultism) had to be aborted.

Even the video by Sgt. Michelle Foy which originally exposed these people has been removed from her account. 

Not to point fingers at her, but what is going on?  Maybe she was threatened.

Her video is  available here:

This works if you copy and paste it into your  address bar.


In my original article, I noted that the periods of lock downs and restrictions corresponded to Saturn entering the sign of Aquarius, which the second time happened on the first day of Saturnalia.  

The renowned occultist HP Blavatsky said that the god Saturn is in fact Satan and is "the god of our planet and the only god", and the Academy's logo was the hexagram which is the star of Saturn.

Saturn will exit Aquarius on March 7, 2023 and is currently in the "waning" phase, which (aside from the resistance) may explain why the tyranny is beginning to wind down.  

Not only is resistance growing among the general public but the entire covid narrative is now crumbling with the vaccines proven to be useless and dangerous, while the latest studies show that even four doses are ineffective at doing anything but causing adverse reactions.
hp.png(Emblem of the Theosophical Movement in Russia)

Meanwhile, the "latest variant deadly variant" has turned out to be nothing more than the common cold.   Are these coincidences or was this the plan all along?

Perhaps the time for proselytizing has also passed for the Academy of Divine Knowledge.

Deeply involved in the occult, the globalist elite plan world events to coincide with astrological events and dates with numerological significance.  

They have tyranny and destruction planned like clockwork.  They wait for all the stars to line up before making their next major move.

This is not to say that the covid scam is totally finished or that global tyranny is taking a holiday.  

Things are moving into another phase, which looks like it will be largely driven by fraudulent climate change ideology. 

wolves-sheep1.jpgAnd thanks to the Academy of Divine Knowledge, we can be fairly certain that indoctrinating us into satanism is one of the main objectives as well.

As always, be on the lookout for wolves in sheep's clothing. 

They will tell you the truth about one thing only to gain your trust, the better to betray you. 
Related-- False Opposition seeded in Vaccine Truth Movement

First Comment from David

I looked on and found nothing for before 2021. 
Saved 42 times between April 26, 2021 and January 21, 2023.
If you want to see the available pages.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "As COVID Narrative Flips, Remember Anti-Vaxxers Scrubbed Masonic Connection "

K said (January 29, 2023):

As we all know, symbols and signs rule the world and the symbology coming from that group spoke volumes, pure satanic! After our discussion about Icke, and after seeing the ADK page for myself there is simply no denying this. I then researched some other characters in this tragic comedy, like the bitcoin pusher Otto. This guy was all over IG with almost 1 million followers, spouting about Q, the Jab, kissing trumps arse etc etc and was left untouched.

We all know that the nail that stands out the most gets hit the hardest, you better than anyone would know that Henry. Then the background of Kennedy, you only have to dig around this guy to find out his connections to the puppetmasters.

And then we have ICKE. Icke had to be one of the biggest plagiarist in the alternitve research arena. It has now been revealed that DAVID ICKE was given 3 books after a meeting with Jordon Maxwell in his very early days in this business.

I call it a business in this respect because for the likes of Icke, Jones, Rense etc etc. this is exactly what this is, but Ickes and Joneses Role goes a bit further.

Jones latest fiasco is nothing but an initiation into this thing and Icke I believe has been so accurate because he is being drip feed information to release to the public via the same puppet masters. The books Icke had written in his early days I have to admit was a phenomenal piece of work, but thats because he was just re-wording what Maxwell had given him, and this was the real reason that they had the falling out. Keep it up Henry.

Doug P said (January 21, 2022):

There are many reasons to be anti vaxx and they are independent of anything anyone has said since the internet was created. Plenty of old books and new statistics can rapidly turn anyone into an anti-vaxxer. The vaccine scam is more obvious than the 9-11 scam.

David said (January 20, 2022):

This organization and the prominent members involved is a curious connection, to be sure. I am unsure what to make of it.

There is no question that, for example, RFK Jr. is certainly an example of an "anti-vaxxer" that is an enigma. It was not but 2 years ago he was denouncing the free speech rights of those "scum of the earth" human beings that dared to question climate change.

If the covid "pandemic" has provided him with a different perspective on this issue, he has not to my knowledge expressed it. Yet, he seems to be doing incredibly important work on the covid front, and has been consistent on the vaccine issue for decades.

The other named individual I wish to comment upon is David Icke. I am aware of your past "feud" with him, which is unfortunate.

However, I have a very difficulty time believing that David Icke is controlled opposition. In fact, he is one of the only commentators that has from the start been unwavering in the assertion that there is no new virus. He's certainly the most prominent of those voices. And that is the most important issue.

He also does talk about the Rothschilds. In fact, with some moderation, he makes arguments that are quite similar to your own. He correctly identifies what he refers to as the sabbatean-frankists and ultra-zionists, while being careful to point out that regular Jews like you and I are victims of these destructive policies. This was featured most prominently in his 2019 book, The Trigger.

As we all know, it is wise for Icke to present his arguments in such a way as to make clear that he is not singling out an entire people. This is particularly true for someone who is not Jewish, although as you know well, it hardly matters these days.

Like John Lennon said, "if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow." Icke is correct to frame the issue in the way he does. And as you and I know, Henry, it is entirely accurate -- after all, we aren't in on it, and no one has invited us in. (At least I know I'm not in on it)

Are these seeds of truth merely to seduce the naiive into false ideologies? It is true Icke is not a Christian. But he believes in a higher power, and it is described as infinite awareness and love.

I'm going to have to give this guy a major benefit of a doubt, if for no other reason than his unwavering commitment to the ultimate truth: there is no virus.


David Icke dumped me after I revealed Jeff Rense's
racket, here.

This is hardly consistent with his pretensions.

The bottom line is that he is obfuscating. I can say in 15 minutes what he says in six hours, except that people might understand him.


kg said (January 20, 2022):

My opinion is that all persons with a significant audience are useful idiots and/or controlled opposition. It is not okay to accept that some of their views are aligned with lies, "because they cannot be aware of everything." Learning more about the Tavistock Institute has recently made me accept the likelihood of brainwashing and consequent control of all persons.

There are and have been thousands of secret groups focusing on owning or controlling everything of significance for thousands of years. I believe that these groups are often interconnected and controlled at the very top by a small number of people. Every country and every leader is controlled. Some leaders veer away from the agenda imposed on them so must be dealt with and are made examples to keep other leaders in line. Of course this is all easier now due to much better control of surveillance, data, money, food, energy, courts, media and education etc.

I believe this control agenda will collapse eventually due to the need for it to become more extreme causing many useful idiots to abandon their control positions for various reasons. The human condition will improve, after much death and suffering! and will be at a more advanced level than now, but will gradually begin another cycle where evil greedy people will again control everything through their control of finance and money.

Tony N said (January 20, 2022):

Although I should say I wish you had posted this article sooner. I already bought the RFK book and although it does have some excellent information, the pushing of climate junk science and Trump bashing (not defending Trump) were segues into odd areas for a book that was supposed to focus on Fauci.

There appears to be alot of poisoning the well through ridiculous claims of some of these antivax satanists...whether it is alien reptile Icke or the vax doomsayers saying everyone will die from clots or brain degeneration within 2 years.

I will definitely be much more careful when listening to the various truth speakers and not believing every doom story they throw out there.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at