Jan 25 - Shame! We Didn't Warn the Vaccinated!
January 25, 2023

Even though they knew what we didn't. Our blood is now on their hands."
Massive spike in excess deaths sparks calls for an 'urgent investigation': NHS crisis is blamed for nearly 3,000 more Brits than usual dying each week
17,381 deaths registered in England and Wales in the seven days to January 13
This is the highest number of excess deaths since the UK's second Covid wave
Health experts say 999 delays, long A&E waits and backlogs could be to blame

What are the odds that within 72 hours two elderly Asian men, Huu Can Tran, 72, would kill eleven mostly fellow Asian people on Saturday on the 34th degree of north parallel latitude in in Monterey Park, California, and then on Monday, 380 miles north, a Chinese man, Zhao Chunli, age 66, murders seven people at locations near Highway 92 in the vicinity of Half Moon Bay, on the 37th degree of latitude, some of them said to be Hispanic farm workers? What are the odds? One in a million? We don't believe in coincidences.
Cannon fodder dept
Reader- Tedro was in Brazil in that tape, you can see Itaipava (a brazilian beer, and the music is Raí, Saia Rodada - Já que me ensinou a beber. It's not a gym, it's a bar, very usual all over Brazil.
Antifa Is The 'Armed Instrument' Of The 'Permanent Democratic Establishment,' Tucker Carlson Says
Fox News host Tucker Carlson called Antifa "the armed instrument" of the "permanent Democratic establishment" Monday, citing the weekend riots in Atlanta where police made multiple arrests.

55-year-old school Superintendent Michael Smith #died suddenly at his home. Michael posted his vaccine status on Facebook, and encouraged others to do the same.
"2nd shot. I'm smiling. Thank you to everyone who is working so hard on these vaccinations."
The borough of Knowsley, on the outskirts of Liverpool, is the location of the Suites Hotel, a large accommodation filled to the brim with working-age illegal immigrant men. When our team visited the hotel, they could find no women or children anywhere. All the illegal migrants were men in their 20s and 30s.
Ukraine owed the Rothschilds a lot of Money
U.S. raises 'grave concerns' over Mexico's anti-GMO farm policies

John Birch Society was set up by Cabalist Jews to debunk their defining role in the NWO
This proves it
"The Jewish Conspiracy Tangent"
Reader--"Revilo Oliver (who I believe to be genuine) said he was one of the founders of the JBS in 1958, but quickly found that whole thing was run by Communist Jews."
Australia's Gun-buyback Program Is a Bust
To put things in perspective, there are reportedly between 260,000 and 600,000 "illegal" (i.e., unregistered) firearms in Australia, and 18,000 of them were "surrendered" in the 12 months ending last July. That's either seven percent or three percent of the targeted firearms privately owned.

'BREAKING: Canadian judge drops charges on hospital security guards in Stephanie Warriner asphyxiation death, new video shows them slamming her into wall'
'The guards, Amanda Rojas-Silva, 42, and Shane Hutley, 35, were charged with manslaughter and criminal negligence after the incident, but a judge said that there was not enough evidence to take the two to trial. The charges were then dropped.
The guards initially claimed that they were assaulted by the frail woman suffering from COPD, but it ws later found that the guards lied. "Mr. Hutley went as far as to claim that Ms. Warriner delivered several overhand and underhand punches to Ms. Rojas-Silva's face and was kicking her feet," says a court document by the Crown.
"Later on, Mr. Hutley began sobbing and admitted he had not been truthful in the report, saying 'I'm sorry. I would have never said the things I said in there if I knew there was a video,'" the court document says.'
What a fucking joke...caught lying about his actions, judge says "nothing to see here".

'Video from the incident shows Warriner at the Toronto hospital's lobby in a medical gown with a mask on her chin. She was told to put on the mask, and was then approached by security. The incident between the guards and Warriner is now shown on the security cameras as it was turned by another guard. He says he did so because he "panicked" and "got really anxious." The guard was able to keep his job afterward.
The guard allegedly pushed Warriner against the wall, and then restrained her on the ground. She was then moved away by guards while unconscious. She died in hospital 16 days later. The coroner's report showed that she died from a brain injury from a lack of oxygen due to "restraint asphyxia following struggle and exertion." Her COPD was found to be a possible contributor to her death.
"But for her interaction with the Applicants, Ms. Warriner would likely be alive today," the forensic pathologist said during the preliminary hearing.'
What in the actual fuck...
Doug P said (January 25, 2023):
I can't speak for anyone else, but I got sick of being physically pushed around, insulted, losing jobs and losing friends and associations for warning people not to trust known criminals, thieves and murderers long before Kovid was created. I still kept on doing it anyways. Ask me that in person sometime...see what happens. Bring yourself a first aid kit, maybe a change of clothes. Most of you are just too stupid to live in a modern age.