Jan 21 - Russia is Morally Justified in Attacking UK
January 21, 2023

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
If A gives missiles to B to attack and maim C,
then C is justified to use missiles to attack A.
Eventually this will happen.
The agenda is to weaken destroy the West.
This has been happening from within
for some time. (Gender dysphoria, vaccines,
lock downs, migration, CRT. BLM)
Western death wish- Practically no antiwar movement.
Westerners embrace their own death and destruction?
Proof most grassroots movements are AstroTurf. (Soros)
UK to send 600 Brimstone missiles to Ukraine - Defence minister
"I can say we're also going to send another 600 Brimstone missiles into theatre which will be incredibly important in helping Ukraine dominate the battlefield," he said.
Wallace also said Western unity against Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion remained strong and that allies were "in it for the long haul".
"If President Putin is banking on us getting bored this year, he's wrong. We will plan for this year and next year and the year after and beyond," he said.
Larry Johnson------The West still labors under the delusion that the U.S. and NATO are not combatants. Nope, they are just providing the tools, intelligence and planning that Ukraine needs to kill Russians. If this was a murder case, the U.S. and NATO could be charged as accessories.
If you think that Russians, whose history is written in the blood of centuries of invaders, do not care about the threat that NATO presents on its western border then you know nothing of Russia's tenacity in beating back such threats. These are very dangerous times.

Liberal euthanasia laws make Canada the world leader in organs harvested from assisted-suicide victims
Data shows that since MAiD became legal in 2021, over half of the world's organ transplants from those who were euthanized were done by doctors in Canada.
IT JUST STARTED! Banks Silently Bailing In Deposits & Customers Money Is Missing
They are planning to read our minds This is what they mean by "hackable humans."
can pick up and decode faces that you're seeing in your mind -- simple
shapes, numbers, your PIN number to your bank account" -- Nita Farahany,
World Economic Forum, 2023

Zachary Zulock and his husband William are in jail on child sex abuse charges
Not only did they rape their sons, police say they offered them to other men
They also sent videos of the abuse to 12 people, arrest documents claim
Hotel rooms for asylum seekers cost Ottawa $94-million since last election
--Mike Adams- Globalists following planetary script to REPLACE HUMANS with AI systems ... you are now obsolete

The Biden Administration Finally Admits Its Mistake In Cancelling The Keystone XL Pipeline
James Perloff-
Hi, Henry. I have just published a major post on Climate Change. I noticed that, after 3 years of bombarding us with COVID propaganda, the Deep State has suddenly switched its primary focus to Climate Change. I don't mean that they've stopped pushing the COVID narrative (or the Ukraine or financial "Great Reset" narratives), but for the moment, Climate Change holds center stage. The post is comprehensive and loaded with graphics and ULTRA-short video clips (most 1-3 minutes).
--2023 World Economic Forum Planned Tyranny Exposed, Including "Slew of New Vaccines"
After Four Shots, COVID Jabs Produced Collapse of Immune System in Mice
Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Fauci Backed Premeditated Murder by Injection

World Economic Forum declares "misinformation" (i.e. Truth) a top "global risk"
Gray Collegiate basketball player collapses, seizes after contact, game halted
Blood quickly began flowing from his nostrils as the school athletic trainers and Mitchell's parents hurried to his aid. At one point, one of the trainers performed CPR on Mitchell and an AED was quickly rushed to her side.

73 Million Americans Think They Know Someone Who Died Because of the COVID Jabs
• 51% of Democrats believe that the side effects of the shots have led to a large number of unexplained deaths. • 32% of Americans had safety concerns in Dec 2021. This has now grown to 48%
Wagner Group Designates the US Government as a "criminal organization."

'Putin considers Erdogan a real man': Why Russia maintains friendly relations with one of NATO's key members
Good news! Rasmussen Reports released results of a survey of likely US voters. It turns out that 57% of likely voters want the CDC investigated by Congress on "how the CDC dealt with issues of COVID-19 vaccine safety".

Billy---Henry I am not sure how many of the WEF discussions you've watched but I saw a few of them and noticed some significant things:-In the video of the talk "Protecting Cyberspace amid Exponential Change", at around 1:40 and 25:30 they say that a cyber attack is likely to happen in the next 2 years.
One thing I found strange is at 25:20 the President of Microsoft uses the term "unbridled alchemist" which I thought was suspicious considering lots of them are actual alchemists; seems like an uncommon saying.
-During the "Leading the Charge through Earth's New Normal", Andrew Forest called either the world or humanity an "ecosystem of animals" which is how they really view us of course"
Before Al Gore goes on his fiery rant, the lady with the hat whose last name is Sharp, actually brings up the "Creator" and says that we are all connected in the world, which is a Cabalistic belief if I'm correct, and she also mentions our DNA and that we are all one strand which we have to look to the almighty Creator for. This could be referencing the fact that the vaccines are really designed to implement a third strand into the DNA of human beings.
-In the "A New Reality: Building the Metaverse" program, they talk about 5G technology, and then say that things will be "coded into the DNA of the Metaverse" which I suspect could be in relation to the Metaverse having access to our DNA. The lady Ingabire says that with the Metaverse she thinks the "devil is in the details", whether or not that's suggesting something bad about it or not.
-Last one I watched was the "State of the Pandemic" and after 10:30 in the video, the Moderna CEO said he told one of his colleagues, and I'm paraphrasing, "We're gonna make a billion dollars this year, there's gonna be a pandemic". Then at 25:30 one of the people says that they needed indemnification when enforcing the measures they took during the pandemic.
Mieke (NL) said (January 22, 2023):
Please take a seat, relax, and spend an hour + 2 minutes on this gem :
You'll find that you are wrong with those above remarks about "practically no antiwar movement".
You could also scroll the Twitteraccounts of f.e. @Kees71234 and @72powpow
to arrive at similar conclusions regarding Germany and France in the first place!