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Vaccine Destroyed My Daughter in 1995

January 15, 2023


"If Kaiser had prevailed in keeping me away from my daughter while they sedated her into oblivion, she would not be here today.

My daughter was worth an estimated $250K as a lab specimen which Kaiser stood to benefit from by trafficking her to St Helena for an untimely death.

For the record, I learned that Kaiser, unknown to the parents whose children similarly die, harvests liver, kidney and brain samples for research in connection with the vaccinations that caused their deaths.

They were not only going to kill my daughter, she was research material for vaccination efficacy, which is human trafficking."

by Anthony Baldwin

In 1995 my youngest daughter received a MMR (Measles, mumps & rubella) vaccination to which she reacted by becoming ill. She recovered but developed behavioral issues before starting school which Kaiser documented as Conduct Disorder at 30 months old.

Developmental milestones were interrupted, SST intervening in grade school at what time she calmed down.

Puberty revisited an escalation of behavioral issues which Kaiser mental health addressed with 14 different types of ADPS meds, every one of these prevailing in magnifying symptoms.

Her sixth trip to ER, the nurse pulled me aside and explained my daughter was coming in w/acidosis, another event and she'd be dead at 15. Meanwhile, the medical team sent her over to their St. Helena Mental Health auxiliary where staff there commenced treatment with yet more ADPS meds.

Attempting to visit my daughter while at St Helena Hospital, I was turned away at the door, staff explaining she was sleeping, although she was not. I called PD to which a SWAT officer responded. This PDO interviewed all parties, qualified my request to get her released, then raised his right hand over his shoulder and snapping his fingers declared, "She's out of here, now!"

I got her back drug induced semi-comatose. It took her 18 months to recover ambulation, the ability to dress herself assisted, use a spoon and bathe supervised, albeit she had also become suicidal.

30 months subsequent to Kaiser's monstrous medical intervention, I researched her MMR with product information from Kaiser, which it took me using an attorney to obtain, and learned the medically toxic substance used in her vaccination was Sorbitol.

kaiser.pngOn an aside, Kaiser, founded by Freemasons, is an American eugenics cohort of the British Eugenics Society.

(Rising sun is a Satanist motif)

We are able to consume Sorbitol in the food we eat, but injected through the skin in young children, it attracts to the liver and elsewhere oxidizing mitochondrial production of choline and ATP the effect of which mimics autism behaviorally, but below the brain.

Such a diagnosis of autism is misleading, because where the latter manifests effecting Purkinjie axon and arbor directly, it is the liver and ATP that are attacked by Sorbitol the effect of which manifests on the brain secondarily, the only way of avoiding how the HPA axis becomes involved by fortifying the infant diet with DHA micro-nutrition... before administering this ungodly vaccination!

In a nutshell, the Sorbitol MMR does in fact disrupt metabolism with deadly consequences, one other example of which was Jet Travolta.
John Travolta would not respond to my attempt to communicate with him before his son's death.

My daughter survived, because I abandoned my job and went to the street to keep her alive.

If Kaiser had prevailed in keeping me away from my daughter while they sedated her into oblivion, she would not be here today.

Having approached Kaiser for a settlement on my daughter's injuries, their counsel recommended I take it up with the doctor that administered the vaccination product. Attorneys wouldn't touch this even as a human trafficking event.

My daughter was worth an estimated $250K as a lab specimen which Kaiser stood to benefit from by trafficking her to St Helena for an untimely death.

For the record, I learned that Kaiser, unknown to the parents whose children similarly die, harvests liver, kidney and brain samples for research in connection with the vaccinations that caused their deaths.

They were not only going to kill my daughter, she was research material for vaccination efficacy, which is human trafficking.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for " Vaccine Destroyed My Daughter in 1995"

Bob said (January 15, 2023):

The only way to protest is to kill the enemy who wants to kill, rape, sterilize or rob you or yours. Whoever invented "protesting" is burning in hell right now. 

(Makow- while we cannot condone violence, it is important to reflect the frustration informed people are feeling.)

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at