Justin Trudeau: Mind-Controlled Poster Child for Pedophilia?
December 1, 2022

In his father's eulogy, Justin Trudeau seems to allude to his MK-Ultra mind control and his father's pedophilia.
from April 18, 2015 & Sept 22, 2019

Reviewed by Ann Diamond
Justin Trudeau's autobiography "Common Ground" was not easy to review. Its unspoken subtext involves abuse due to the Illuminati/Luciferian background of both sides of his family.
In her book, Trans-formation of America (1995) MK-ULTRA survivor Cathy O'Brien stated that many world leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, are pedophiles. She met them in the course of her life as a sex slave trained (with her young daughter) to service high-profile politicians. Other sources support Cathy O'Brien's allegations.
Over the years, insiders have told me that Pierre's 1968 marriage to Margaret was "arranged" by the military. The couple was programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.

After Margaret ran off with the Rolling Stones in 1977, the marriage was over. Soon after, as a single father, Pierre turned to a York University sociologist, John Seeley, for parental advice.
Quite a childhood. First the trauma of being separated from the mother he adored, then frequent exposure to his father's unsavory friends.
Children often idealize their abusive parents. During his eulogy at Pierre's funeral, a smiling 28-year-old Justin seemed dissociated, almost giddy. He began the eulogy with a weird story about a trip he took at age six, with his father and grandfather "to the North Pole," to a "military installation" at Alert NWT.
A few years ago, I was shown a 1984 letter signed by Pierre Elliot Trudeau expressing enthusiastic interest in meeting a ten-year-old boy. The letter may have been used in a blackmail attempt by the boy's father.
If Pierre Trudeau was abusing their children, Margaret's history of bipolar illness takes on a whole different cast.

The book is persuasive and well put together, probably with help from a seasoned journalist. It flows like slick PR, but has much-unhealed trauma in the margins. Posing as saviours, Trudeaus and Sinclairs may be well-paid agents of national decline, but their story is emblematic and unavoidable.
Here and there, a reader encounters tragedy almost worthy of a Russian novel. Certain passages actually moved me to tears: his parents' divorce and the loss of his brother. His love for his mother, who skidded into depression while partying with rock stars and royals.
As for the politics - you're not really interested in Liberal rhetoric, are you? Young Trudeau manfully appeals to Liberal platitudes: tolerance, openness to cultural differences, gender equality, all of which sound good after the Harper Decade.
There are odd references suggesting the author has rubbed shoulders with elite perverts. Prince Andrew and the Starlight Foundation. Jacques Hebert and Katimavik. West Point Grey Academy and his mate Christopher Ingvaldson, convicted of possessing child porn. He is suspected of paying $2.25 million to cover up sex with a student "much younger than 17" which is why he was fired from West Point Grey.

Pierre Eliot Trudeau was Canadian Prime Minister from 1968-1984
The Trudeau Foundation Revealed
Margaret Trudeau says she dreads 'bullying' attack ads against son Justin (Is Justin a Manchurian Candidate?)
New First Comment from D (an insider):
Your information about Pierre Trudeau
"According to Trudeau's Jesuit mentor, Trudeau ordered the kidnap and murder of his enemy Pierre Laporte in October 1970, because Laporte was threatening him with blackmail and exposure as a pedophile."
is exceedingly important and makes huge sense according to Jack English see http://cuabcimc.blogspot.com who has advised me, today, as follows:

and English says ...
Hellyer and Walsh were so shocked by the discovery that Trudeau was a Satanic Pedophile that they convened a meeting at Hellyer's Resort to discuss removing Trudeau from office, but for reasons unknown, it did not proceed. It would be good to be able to discuss this with Paul and set the historical record straight.
My friends in the Canadian military have previously corroborated the reports from Mr. English and the information you have posted on your web site.
We have published important information about Mr. Trudeau at the Water War Crimes web site including
1. That he sent his wife Margaret to the MK Ultra Brainwashing Hospital - The Allen Memorial Hospital in Montreal when she had her nervous breakdown.

3. That his son Michel was in a near-fatal accident, probably a targeted hit, in Brandon Manitoba six months before he was killed on Friday the 13th in a suspicious avalanche in November 1998 a month when avalanches are very rare.
4. That Trudeau was part of the plan to loot Canada's water export revenues.
Thank you for your tireless efforts in bringing these matters to light.
Pedro said (March 12, 2018):
Gertjan Zwiggelaan's book The Horror - free at http://rense.com/DtRH_LITKORAN.pdf - reckons that
"Justin Trudeau is a simple-minded, narcissist; a Jewish lad; we all at DtRH* suspect is the bi-product of a union of a Jewish woman, Margaret Spenser; one of the 13 Illuminati families, and a Jewish psychopath named, Fidel Castro."
That would confirm to other investigators views of these bloodlines (Lauren Moret, Miles Mathis, Fritz Springmeir).
If and when we the people get hold of apps and gadgets that can in short time and cheaply analyse DNA from hairs or dead cells left behind, like in the movie GATTICA, I wouldn't then want to be in their world trying to cover such tracks left behind. Either way they are racing against time, hence they want populations too stupid to avail themselves to such opportunities. Mandatory DNA testing and ancestry revelations for all politicians I say.
* http://stratophericus.com/hello-world/
(It will be easy for Justin when he has that sex change to put an 'e' at the end of his name to make it Justine, just like Michelle and/or Michael Obama.)