CIA Murdered JFK & Mary Pinchot Meyer
December 16, 2022

brutally murdered by the CIA. Their deaths were
part of an ongoing program of political assassination.
In his book, Mary's Mosaic, Peter Janney has assembled
the puzzle. The picture is disheartening but truth
Latest: -How the CIA Took Over America and Holds Presidents Hostage to Assassination

Despite the injunction against CIA involvement in domestic politics, the book reveals that the JFK assassination was only the most prominent of hundreds of US political assassinations. Consider names like RFK, MLK, JFK Jr., Vincent Foster and Senator Paul Wellstone. J. Edgar Hoover was probably murdered.
Janney also suspects that Washington Post publisher Philip Graham was murdered by the CIA who then controlled the Washington Post through his wife Kathleen Graham and Managing Editor Ben Bradlee. This casts into doubt the Post's role in the Watergate Affair. Janney says the 18-minutes missing from the Nixon tapes included his threat to expose the CIA role in the JFK Assassination.

Mary Pinchot Meyer is often described disparagingly as Kennedy´s "mistress." In fact, by 1963 she was part of his inner circle and perhaps his greatest influence.
An American blue blood, her father was a two-term governor of Pennsylvania. She was raised in NYC and travelled in the same social circles as JFK. A statuesque beauty, she was high-minded and had no time for the young Kennedy who was a philanderer like his father.
Coming of age during World War Two, she was preoccupied with world peace. She married Cord Meyer, an ex-Marine with an artistic temperament. She shared his commitment to the United Nations as a step toward "world federalism." These young idealists didn't understand the real agenda behind world government.
However Cord couldn't find a job in academia and Mary found herself the wife of a rising star in the CIA. She socialized with CIA families but was not afraid to voice her disapproval of CIA programs. After her divorce, she became a painter and experimented with LSD.
Like Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary, whom she visited, she believed that psychedelics were necessary for people to break the shell of socialization and experience divine consciousness. She started a group of Washington women dedicated to turning on the powerful men in their lives in order to prevent war.
In 1959, Meyer became reacquainted with Kennedy whose marriage was a sham. Mary turned JFK on to pot and LSD. Kennedy was determined to make peace with Russia and Cuba and wind down the Vietnam War. His Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was passed in the Senate. His emissary was meeting Castro on the day of his assassination.

Her murder Oct. 12 1964, two days shy of her 44th birthday, while walking on a canal tow path, was as carefully orchestrated by the CIA as the President's murder. Mary struggled with her assailant and called out for help but was silenced by bullets to the head and heart. Such is the fate suffered by our truest and our best.
Leo Damore was actually able to interview the CIA hit man, now retired, who confessed. This journalistic coup may have cost Damore his life but he had passed the information on to a colleague who gave it to Janney.
Janney's 550-page book is a 25-year labor of love, meticulously researched and measured. Often the author is quite lyrical, giving it a novelistic page-turner quality.
However, Janney does not understand that the CIA ultimately answers to the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel. He refers to an "invisible government" but this is the Illuminati world government. He says James Angleton was a mole but whose mole? The Mossad controlled him for the Illuminati bankers. They weren't going to let an idealistic President impede their agenda which depends on constant war and ever-increasing debt.
The mass media's complicity in the JFK cover up made possible the CIA-Mossad's next outrage, 9-11. It makes possible new false flags almost monthly, hoaxes like Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon. To be successful today, you have to collaborate with the satanic forces destroying America, or at least not challenge them. However, I doubt if ultimately the corrupt ruling class will enjoy the spoils of treason.
Nevertheless, we may find hope in Peter Janney's courageous achievement. Mary's Mosaic is an impassioned defence of freedom based on knowing the truth: ¨The shining beacon of America--a promise unlike any other for humanity-- was being extinguished...[due to] ignorance...I would do whatever it took, pay whatever price was required, to allow this story this small but essential piece of history---to see the light of day." (391)
No matter how depressing, the Truth is always inspiring and so are people like Janney who risk their lives to tell it.
Figure 131 CIA's Cord Meyer's Ex Wife was JFK's Mistress Howard Hunt Identified Cord Meyer's Role in JFK Murder
o http://www.spartacus.
First Comment from James:
Anon said (December 17, 2022):
If there were any true Christians in the United States, they’d all be praying for the repentance and conversion of the puppet-masters and working to eradicate their own sins, especially their hatred and thirst for revenge, their remembrance of wrongs and refusal to forgive. God does not desire the death of a sinner, but rather that he turn from his wickedness and live, as the Bible clearly teaches over and over and over again. If there were many true Christians, none of the evil that’s permanently overtaken both America and the world as a whole would’ve been allowed to spread. The existence of the satanic power that is poised to control all life on earth only grows stronger when people return evil for evil (another topic that the New Testament and the history of Christian martyrs for 2000 years makes pretty plain).
I shouldn’t have to make this distinction, but many people are so defensive and incapable of critical thinking these days that I have to say it: forgiveness doesn’t mean you give up trying to fight your overlords; i.e., forgiving is not forgetting. But you’d better be darn careful you do it without any hatred in your heart and that you’ve straightened out your own soul first. Judgment begins at the house of God, and the very fact things are the way they are should tell you that this judgment has already been pronounced on us because of OUR sins.