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Reader Discovers How Men Can Have Children

November 29, 2022

Ryan-Ambuter-by-Jessica-Scranton-1000x750.jpg(Ryan Ambuter, left, is a former female who transitioned and had a child. Now Smith College claims men can have kids.)

Smith College graduates have been creating a satanic reality bubble
for over a century.  They include Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem and
 the head of the ACLU.

By Long Time Reader

I just found out how men can become pregnant... reading my Smith Alumnae Quarterly.  It featured a woman who transitioned herself into a man but became pregnant because she obviously kept her uterus and ovaries.  Just for the record, she/he is one remarkably ugly dudette, and calls herself "the gestational parent."  She is featured in the Fall Quarterly which has been on this tack for a good twenty or thirty years, at least.  These people have created their own bubble and think they are now the majority, mainstream, and leading the pack.  

Here is one of their quotes:  "My biggest fear is that we don't realize that we're playing a winning hand.  The people who oppose us think that they're fighting feminists and the human rights movement.  But in fact they're fighting forces way bigger than they are.  They're fighting truth.  They're fighting history. They're fighting time.  And I've never seen any group of men that can kick ass with truth, time and history."

That sounds like a challenge, to me!  I think you guys can kick ass with TRUTH, TIME AND HISTORY, and that these elements are all on your side in a humongous way!  

God says in His Word that when one doesn't have a love of the truth, he or she is given over to grand delusion!  These wymyn are all there now, in spades!  

The Quarterly stopped its letters to the editors program years ago, so there is NO VOICE of opposition or alternate thought allowed in print!

 I have contacted members of my class and housemates, to no avail; three of them are bigwigs on campus now and could have been a voice against this, but weren't.  One sure wonders about the power of the hive mind.

 In our freshman orientation meeting, we were told that we were "the elite." I can remember how troubled I was by that, knowing that I had no desire to be the elite, as that had been my small lot in my small home town, and that sure wasn't cutting it for me; surely there was something more to life than that!

 I went to college hoping to learn truth!  In my heart, I just wanted to be a good American and a good Christian.  These are no longer allowed on campus, it seems, but I would imagine the majority of Smith's graduates are NOT OF THIS LATTER ILK!

 And I guess one just has to let it go, because if one doesn't learn the easy way, one will learn the hard way, and that is yet to come for these people.  

A thought! God's Word says that if two or three of us agree about anything, it will be done for us.  Will you please join with me in a prayer of agreement that this weird, unhealthy and defiant element that has taken over Smith College will soon be outed, repudiated, and destroyed, and even sooner than we might think possible?  Thank you!  I would much appreciate seeing this come to pass!  

"Father God, we ask you to arise in all your power and glory at Smith College and for all your enemies to be scattered.  We ask this in Christ's Name and for His Sake, amen and amen!"   

Thou Art Coming To A King by John Newton:  first two stanzas

Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
Jesus loves to answer prayer
He Himself has bid thee pray
Therefore will not say thee nay

Thou art coming to a King
Large petitions with thee bring
For His grace and power are such
One can never ask too much

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Reader Discovers How Men Can Have Children"

RH said (November 29, 2022):

I was listening to Tom Quinn on the Fakeologist podcast. He talked a bit of hypnotism and mesmerism used by the Satanists to poison our bodies and minds. I am thinking there is truth to this and it’s done through advertising, MSM news, TV, movies, music, sports, and education (or rather mis-education). It penetrates even into our churches, as it it so constant in our lives. Your article shows how far we can delude ourselves when fed a constant stream of bad information. Being a gender is a construct, being one of two sexes is a fact, I believe one person said recently.

Keep up the good work.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at