Fran Drescher: Audrey Hepburn's Daughter?
November 6, 2022

(Fran Drescher)
Bloodlines not talent determine who makes it in Hollywood
"No one sets foot on the red carpet
of movie premiers, award shows, and other high profile events except
for those who are members of the bloodlines of the Satanic elite which
is what the red carpet symbolizes."
(Disclaimer - I reserve judgment.)
By Matrix Hacker
( Hollywood movies and the entertainment industry are a cover for a vast breeding program run by the Cabal which produces an endless supply of offspring who are secretly bred by celebrities to become the celebrities and breeders of the future.
Part and parcel of creating the illusion that beauty, talent, and a chance at fame are equally distributed throughout society is the practice of adopting the offspring into unrelated cult families that possess looks that are similar to those of the offspring.
Seeing that celebrities emerge from ordinary appearing families with a wide variety of socio-economic backgrounds creates a false reality in the public imagination that fame is bestowed randomly.
Appearance obscures the fact that it is precisely because they are products and carriers of the correct bloodlines that celebrity offspring will inevitably be "discovered" by the industry and put on the fast track to success. Official narratives are produced to further mislead the public into believing that celebrities rise to prominence due solely to some combination of their good luck, good looks, talent, or ambition.
The truth is that no one sets foot on the red carpet of movie premiers, award shows, and other high profile events except for those who are members of the bloodlines of the Satanic elite which is what the red carpet symbolizes.
However, not all actors and actresses bred by A-list stars during the making of major Hollywood films are guaranteed to become movie stars themselves. Many, in fact, get relegated to careers largely in television. An example of this is Fran Drescher.
Even if we are aware that the Hollywood breeding program exists, it would be extremely difficult to detect that New York Jewish-raised Fran Drescher is the true daughter of British actress Audrey Hepburn were it not for the fact that the Cabal offers us clues to that effect. Fran Drescher is noteworthy in
that, compared to other celebrities, there is a preponderance of clues
alluding to her true parents. Comparing one celebrity to another in the
mass media is a common way that the Cabal offers clues as to who is
related to who.

Comparisons of Fran Drescher's appearance to that of Audrey Hepburn's have been made in numerous articles and also in Season 1, Episode 20 of The Nanny, the sitcom that Fran is most famous for. Clues are also frequently offered by means of who the celebrity most admires in the world of celebrity. On September 19th, 2022 an article entitled "Fran Drescher Has Always Admired Audrey Hepburn's Style" was published by four online news outlets.
Fran Drescher was born on September 30, 1957. If we look to see which film starring Audrey Hepburn was released in 1957, we discover that she starred in not one but two films released that year. Funny Face, co-starring Fred Astaire, was released on February 13, 1957 and Love in the Afternoon, co-starring Gary Cooper, was released on June 30, 1957. What immediately jumps out is that Fran and Fred are both 4 letter names that begin with FR which looks to be a clue. Still, Fran does not resemble Fred Astaire but neither does she resemble Gary Cooper. Celebrity breeding often results in offspring that resemble one famous parent to the exclusion of the other famous parent.
So how are we to know for sure who her true father is? Well, the Cabal has spelled the answer out for us, literally. If we look at the name Fran Drescher and we take the first letter of her first name and the first three letters of her last name we have FDRE. FDRE is an anagram of FRED and this is evidence that the Cabal has chosen to unequivocally let us know who her true father is -- by clearly encoding his name into her name. And, for the final clue, Fran Drescher rose to fame by playing the role of Fran Fine in the hit television show The Nanny. Fran Fine shares identical initials (FF) with the movie during which Fran Drescher was bred -- Funny Face (FF).
Why is the Cabal is compelled to
reveal truth in such a peculiar manner? First off, the totality of
occult secrets previously hidden from the masses are readily available
to all who wish to find them. The greatest occult secret of all was
revealed by Manly P. Hall in his 1928 magnum opus, The Secret Teachings
of All Ages. This secret is that man has hidden within his nature an
immortal spirit.
The second is to turn inward
and train ourselves to not believe everything we think and achieve
mental mastery through learning to distinguish a true thought from a
false thought. As we do this we dispense with the false parts of our
nature which allows us to bring forth the truth (God) that is already
within us. Within Buddhism can be found the occult secrets that birth
and death are illusions of the 5 senses and reincarnation is a feature
of sensory experience.
The following two occult secrets are found within Christian mysticism: Jesus taught that the future of humanity is to co-create Heaven on Earth and live in peace and harmony, free from old age, sickness, and death. His promised Second return to Earth was referring to the time when humans would come into awareness that the qualities that He possessed are already within their own nature. The Cabal has inverted these truths by creating a false reality that states that, following three World Wars, Jesus will make a literal return to Earth for the Battle of Armageddon. For a secular audience, a false reality was created stating that a totalitarian New World Order is the future of humanity. These false realities function as predictive programming and are the scripts in the Cabal's playbook that will continue to be acted out until humanity chooses to wake up.
What we can conclude from this information is that life is a game.
Games have rules and, because Cabalists play the role of the oppressors
of humanity, they are prohibited from revealing the truth outright
because doing so would spoil the game.
Knowing this makes their clue
method of revealing truth coherent. Hollywood functions in part as Revelation of The Method. Its purpose partly was to introduce arcane
knowledge of a breeding program employed by an invisible Cabal over
millennia into mass consciousness. The plan to reveal truth includes
offering clues that are hidden in plain sight indicating who bred who in
celebrity circles. These clues have been provided to alert us to the
esoteric social reality that operates beyond the exoteric fiction
promulgated by official narratives.
Related - Other Articles by Matrix Hacker
First Comment from Joe
In his latest exercise in conspiratorial madness the Matrix Hacker states - without, once again, offering any proof - that: "Hollywood movies and the entertainment industry are a cover for a vast breeding program run by the Cabal which produces an endless supply of offspring who are secretly bred by celebrities to become the celebrities and breeders of the future."
This very murky, nebulous-sounding "Cabal" that he keeps referring to - in one absurd exercise in fantasy after another - is never explained in any detail. Who are its members? Where is its headquarters? When was it first set up?
It is simply a fact-free assertion he is offering up. There is no reason why any reader should take it on faith.The Matrix Hacker's latest victim is actress Fran Drescher. Here, again, it's absolutely ludicrous how he will descend to the most flimsy, head-scratchingly nutty claims as "evidence" to support his case, such as the following:
"Fran Drescher was born on September 30, 1957. If we look to see which film starring Audrey Hepburn was released in 1957, we discover that she starred in not one but two films released that year. Funny Face, co-starring Fred Astaire, was released on February 13, 1957 and Love in the Afternoon, co-starring Gary Cooper, was released on June 30, 1957. What immediately jumps out is that Fran and Fred are both 4 letter names that begin with FR which looks to be a clue. Still, Fran does not resemble Fred Astaire but neither does she resemble Gary Cooper. Celebrity breeding often results in offspring that resemble one famous parent to the exclusion of the other famous parent."
In previous examples that the phony hacker has put forth as supposed products of a breeding program - Julianne Moore, Richard Gere, Paulette Goddard and Paul Newman - NONE of them remotely resemble the supposed biological parents that he claims for them. I addressed these in some detail in my responses.
Fran Drescher does not resemble either Audrey Hepburn or Fred Astaire (which he acknowledges). The fact that she was born in 1957, the year that these two actors appeared in the musical film "Funny Face" does not prove anything as to her parentage.
Audrey Hepburn gave birth to only two children in her life, both sons, fathered by her first husband, Mel Ferrer, and some years later, with her second spouse, Andrea Dotti.
She did not have a daughter with Fred Astaire, and then give her baby up to some "Cabal". She was a very kind, loving woman - well known for her charitable nature - and would not have done something so bizarrely inhuman and vile as this.
Fred was 30 years Hepburn's senior when they appeared in "Funny Face" - (he was born in 1899) - and his fathering days were long past him at this point.
He was regarded as one of Hollywood's great gentlemen throughout his life - without a breath of scandal attached to his personal life.
In the movie colony of their day, Hepburn and Astaire shone forth as people of great integrity. They would not have cooperated with any Cabal-sponsored breeding program - something which in any case exists only in the Matrix Hacker's head.
This very murky, nebulous-sounding "Cabal" that he keeps referring to - in one absurd exercise in fantasy after another - is never explained in any detail. Who are its members? Where is its headquarters? When was it first set up?
It is simply a fact-free assertion he is offering up. There is no reason why any reader should take it on faith.The Matrix Hacker's latest victim is actress Fran Drescher. Here, again, it's absolutely ludicrous how he will descend to the most flimsy, head-scratchingly nutty claims as "evidence" to support his case, such as the following:
"Fran Drescher was born on September 30, 1957. If we look to see which film starring Audrey Hepburn was released in 1957, we discover that she starred in not one but two films released that year. Funny Face, co-starring Fred Astaire, was released on February 13, 1957 and Love in the Afternoon, co-starring Gary Cooper, was released on June 30, 1957. What immediately jumps out is that Fran and Fred are both 4 letter names that begin with FR which looks to be a clue. Still, Fran does not resemble Fred Astaire but neither does she resemble Gary Cooper. Celebrity breeding often results in offspring that resemble one famous parent to the exclusion of the other famous parent."
In previous examples that the phony hacker has put forth as supposed products of a breeding program - Julianne Moore, Richard Gere, Paulette Goddard and Paul Newman - NONE of them remotely resemble the supposed biological parents that he claims for them. I addressed these in some detail in my responses.
Fran Drescher does not resemble either Audrey Hepburn or Fred Astaire (which he acknowledges). The fact that she was born in 1957, the year that these two actors appeared in the musical film "Funny Face" does not prove anything as to her parentage.
Audrey Hepburn gave birth to only two children in her life, both sons, fathered by her first husband, Mel Ferrer, and some years later, with her second spouse, Andrea Dotti.
She did not have a daughter with Fred Astaire, and then give her baby up to some "Cabal". She was a very kind, loving woman - well known for her charitable nature - and would not have done something so bizarrely inhuman and vile as this.
Fred was 30 years Hepburn's senior when they appeared in "Funny Face" - (he was born in 1899) - and his fathering days were long past him at this point.
He was regarded as one of Hollywood's great gentlemen throughout his life - without a breath of scandal attached to his personal life.
In the movie colony of their day, Hepburn and Astaire shone forth as people of great integrity. They would not have cooperated with any Cabal-sponsored breeding program - something which in any case exists only in the Matrix Hacker's head.
MH Reply-
again, your reply lends credence to the saying that "it's easier to
fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." And,
once again, I will say, the information that the Hollywood breeding
program exists was released into the public domain by a Hollywood
insider and was not dreamed up or imagined by me. This information was
made public for one reason only and that is because the Cabal now wants
and needs the masses to wake up. All occult secrets have been revealed
and act as the proverbial carrots to entice us to wake up.
the coronavirus scam was a means of signaling the world to accelerate
its rate of awakening or face future and more severe consequences for
failing to do so. Perpetrating a phony pandemic was the stick method of
forcing this process and there are many more sticks that can and will
be employed if humanity does not come to a fully awake state
voluntarily. Total economic collapse is likely the next stick to be
utilized. Waking up requires us to first set aside the myriad of
distractions that compete for our attention on a daily basis and then
search for truth. The truth is out there for all who put a premium on
finding it and refuge is no longer to be found in worldly pleasures and
imprisoned during lockdown in the place that we formerly called home
was a means of cutting us off from many of our distractions down to
basic freedom of movement. The bogus presidential election of 2020 was
an audacious revelation of truth by the Cabal that our votes do not
influence who gets installed into office and they never have. As
Cabalists continue to destroy civilization as we know it, what we are,
in fact, being subjected to is a speed up of our awakening process for
the purpose of bringing Heaven to Earth and a transfer of power from the
Cabalists to the people. Those who are truly awake do not need
governments, jails, hospitals, or Satanists who create false realities
for them. Jesus said we cannot serve two masters. To be less than
fully awake is to empower the illusions of life and the Satanists who
create them.
DD said (November 7, 2022):
think all the bloodline stuff was relevant years ago -
pre Dolly The Sheep -that right was the game-changer -
I cringe to think of all the people that have been cloned since -
maybe tens of thousands? -
the amount of sex-slaves and manchurian candidates? -
more cringe... as the psychopaths that run the level 4 labs have been proven just that - psychopathic - they willingly made Covid [ne Corona (Crown) virus]