Putin is a Nationalist in a (((Globalist))) World
October 2, 2022

This doesn't sound like a Jew:
"Of course, I am Russian, my roots
are all in Russia, my ancestors lived in the same village for 300 years
and went to the same church, and this can be seen from church documents.
This is all very curious for me, I feel like a part of the country and a
part of the Russian people, no matter how grandiloquent it may seem,
but it is, I feel."
A Jewish reader sent these quotes saying, "I'm almost speechless at the breadth of his knowledge and his articulate manner of speaking. It frankly nauseates me how he is constantly demonized by American elites. My impression is Putin is a godly person, deeply religious, and woe to our society that mocks and scorns such a decent human being. Perhaps nuclear annihilation is the best we deserve."
This Russian nation did not exist forever, it was formed from various Slavic tribes. There were no Russians at some stage, and then they began to form: on the basis of a common market, the power of a prince, a single language, and then a single faith, the Russian nation was formed. But it was made up of different tribes. And then, when statehood began to take shape, the primary form of Russian statehood, there were also a lot of Finno-Ugric peoples. For now we find material evidence of.
Preservation of the people you spoke about, remembering Solzhenitsyn, is not only physical preservation, although, probably, this was what Solzhenitsyn had in mind first of all, but also our identity as a people, otherwise we will simply be blurred, we will cease to exist.
Such examples in the history of mankind are a dime a dozen. We do not even remember the names of those peoples who have already disappeared from our consciousness. There were a lot of them, but why should we follow these examples?
We want to be Russians, Tatars, Jews living here, Mordovians and so on and so forth. We have 160 ethnic groups living on the territory of the Russian Federation. Why should we blur? We value this and we must talk about it. We must strengthen our identity. (15)
Russia took shape as a multinational state, and then as a multi-confessional state. But it has existed for a thousand years and is stable, primarily because a very tolerant attitude was initially laid between all the nations that form this state and representatives of various religions.
Russia took shape as a multinational state, and then as a multi-confessional state. But it has existed for a thousand years and is stable, primarily because a very tolerant attitude was initially laid between all the nations that form this state and representatives of various religions.
This is the basis of the existence of Russia. And if we want Russia to remain like this, develop, strengthen, and the Russian people, of course, are the state-forming people, then it is in the interests of the Russian people to preserve this country.
And if we stick such cave nationalism forward, throw mud at representatives of other ethnic groups, we will ruin the country, in which the Russian people are not interested.
And I want Russia to be preserved, including in the interests of the Russian people. And in this sense, I said that the most correct, I am the real nationalist and the most effective.
But this is not cave nationalism, stupid and foolish, which leads to the collapse of our state. That's the difference. (16)
Putin: "We do not have a preventive strike in our concept of using nuclear weapons. Our concept is a retaliatory strike. For those who know, there is no need to say what it is, for those who are not initiated, I will say it again: this means that we are ready and will use nuclear weapons only when we are sure that someone, potential the aggressor strikes at Russia, at our territory. I won't tell you any secret: we have created a system, and we are constantly improving it, it needs to be improved - SPRN, missile attack early warning system. That is, this system fixes on a global scale which launches of strategic missiles from the World Ocean, from some territory, were made. This is the first. And secondly, it determines the flight path. The third is the area where the warheads of nuclear weapons fall.
And when we are convinced (and this all happens within a few seconds) that the attack is on the territory of Russia, only after that do we strike back. This is a reciprocal. Why counter? Because they are flying towards us, and towards us they will fly towards the aggressor. Of course, this is a global catastrophe, but I repeat, we cannot be the initiators of this catastrophe, because we do not have a preventive strike. Yes, in this situation we seem to be waiting for someone to use nuclear weapons against us, we do nothing ourselves. Well, yes. But then the aggressor must still know that retribution is inevitable, that he will be destroyed. And we are the victims of aggression, and we, as martyrs, will go to heaven, and they will simply die, because they will not even have time to repent."
And when we are convinced (and this all happens within a few seconds) that the attack is on the territory of Russia, only after that do we strike back. This is a reciprocal. Why counter? Because they are flying towards us, and towards us they will fly towards the aggressor. Of course, this is a global catastrophe, but I repeat, we cannot be the initiators of this catastrophe, because we do not have a preventive strike. Yes, in this situation we seem to be waiting for someone to use nuclear weapons against us, we do nothing ourselves. Well, yes. But then the aggressor must still know that retribution is inevitable, that he will be destroyed. And we are the victims of aggression, and we, as martyrs, will go to heaven, and they will simply die, because they will not even have time to repent."
Thanks to MM
http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/58848 [original news source]
speech in the original Russian. It's worth viewing just to get a sense
of his demeanor so people will see that he's not a raging lunatic:"
English transcript of Putin's speech: