Promiscuity Destroys the Love Bond
October 12, 2022

Some women get cancer --they get all sorts of health problems --just like coming off an addiction to heroin. Women get the shakes, vomit, can't sleep -when detoxing from a relationship --just like detoxing from heroin --its torture --so many women can't handle it and they run back to the man or a woman may throw herself into another sexual relationship to oxytocin bond to the take the edge off. Women have no clue that they are REACTING to this oxytocin love-bond-addiction.
Further, the consequences of women's oxytocin love-bonding is an education that has been purposely omitted from standard sex education.
For example, battered wives can't leave their abusive husbands, who beat them because of oxytocin love-bond-addition.
This oxytocin is a bonding agent --like a glue --it makes a woman stick chemical in an induced high to the man she is intimate with and it grows stronger -- more bonding when she gets pregnant and then it extends to the child and grows even stronger via breast feeding-- no matter what.
God made it this way so women would love whatever ugly baby comes from them. Women have no free will not to love-bond to their baby.
God didn't want a woman to have a choice of loving or not loving their baby--oh of course there are exceptions and reasons why some women don't oxytocin bond or lose their love-bonding ability.
However, if a man has the wrong pheromones, in other words, if she does not like his smell --if his smell stinks to her then oxytocin will not be activated. Men's and women's unconscious sexual attraction to each other starts with their scent.
This is age old wisdom noted in the Bible, Song of Solomon 4:10 "How delightful is your love my bride...your love is much better then wine and the fragrance of your perfume than all spices." Thus a man's bride should smell great and vise-versa for a woman.
When men and women do not like each other's smell they are not a love match for children. It doesn't matter if a woman has sex hundreds of times with a stinky guy--her oxytocin love-bonding is not going to be activated and she won't oxytocin love-bond.
If a man has some health problems --maybe he took some drugs, vaccines or something that destroyed his pheromones...if he has no scent --he is un-bonable.
Some women are chemically imbalanced and just can't bond to anyone.
Also, the more men a woman sleeps with the more she erodes her oxytocin "glue." Women are not built to have multiple partners --whores have the highest mortality rate. Women need to know that every added man they sleep with, is exponentially increasingly the years off their life--bringing them closer and faster to death. Like smoking cigarettes it increases mortality. Changing partners is dangerous--life threatening for women. It does not effect men this way --at all!
Also proven in medical studies various pharmaceuticals can under cut oxytocin bonding. I do not know of any studies on how vaccines effect oxytocin but if it messes with a woman's hormones, it is destroying her oxytocin love-bonding ability.

A woman's natural pure loving nature is connected to her ability to smell pheromones to activate oxytocin and release love-bonding. If pharmaceuticals destroy her ability to smell pheromones which then prevent oxytocin activation or destroy her oxytocin in some other way, then she loses that wonderful loving woman ability and that fierce momma bear killer instinct to protect her child.
I basically hung up on my male friend because he just could not wrap his mind around the idea that women don't have free will when it comes to intimate relationships. If they don't have free will, they are off the hook -- Yes that's right --So we need a society to understand that teach that and protect women.
The "weaker sex" doesn't just refer to physically weaker they are also "weaker" i.e. emotionally vulnerable -- but that vulnerability channeled into love-bonding with one man --in one marriage and motherhood is a strength.
Why are elite co-eds turning to TikTok and Snapchat to connect with lonely men who pay for their attention? 'Less work, more money. Passive income stream.' (The only time the word "passive" can be applied to these young women.)
Tom said (October 14, 2022):
This is very well written -----Just ask your friends when they go to a wedding---Why wear a white dress? The chance that she is a virgin is less than 1%, especially today. There is a real reason why God built women this way --learn that and teach that and women will thrive. Unfortunately, many women have gay men friends which promotes another sickness hiding in plane view.
Men are also ineffective as real men when they sleep around as well. Their bonding with the right women is greatly diminished. This leads me to a question a husband had to his wife after 30 years of marriage----
Honey he asks--"How many men did you actually sleep with?"
She replied quickly--
Only you honey, then paused and stated * all others kept me up all night!" --
I use this joke a lot and you will be surprised by the number of women that say "That's a good one" --I will use it,
This answer demonstrates the moral decay that women have today and complain later in life and wonder!