Hunter Biden for President in 2024
October 24, 2022

On Tuesday November 8th, we will discover whether or not the stealing of elections has been decriminalized in America.
If they do steal enough votes on November 8, 2022, it might no longer be possible to have a President who cares about America. And that is why I believe Hunter Biden is the best option available in a nation ruled by rigged voting machines, a treasonous media, corrupt politicians and Silicon Valley. The Democrats have weaponized the IRS, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Justice and the courts to root out and destroy all men and women of sound mind, good character and the courage to resist evil.
The primary reason to vote for Hunter Biden is that he is a tool of China. Believe me that is his best point. A lot of crazy people including Joe Biden are talking about having a thermonuclear war with the Ruskies.
Currently, Poland and Lithuania are conducting NATO exercises near the Belarus border. The US 101st Airborne is conducting live fire exercises in Romania near the Ukrainian border and talking about entering the Ukraine.
China would tell President Hunter Biden to get rid of all those idiot Neocons like Tony Blinken and Victoria Nuland. He would be told that we will peacefully transition to a multi-polar world where everyone has their interest represented and not just Wall Street Banks, Israel and the Military Industrial Complex.
Mr Raytheon, Loyd Austin, would also have to go. What good is he to us? He let tens of trillions of dollars be stolen from the Pentagon while our troops were being saddled with highly inferior weapons. My regular readers know that the Philippines bought a Mach 3 cruise missile from India while the US Navy still has a subsonic cruise missile. And India plans to upgrade to a Mach 8 version in 3 years.
If those moronic Neocons actually invaded Belarus and the Ukraine, the Russian S-400 systems in Kaliningrad, Belarus and the Donbass would wipe out the 101st Airborne before their planes got to the drop zone. The Russians are replacing all of their current cruise missiles with the Mach 10 Zircon. And they are replacing their Iskander missile with the Mach 12 Kinzhal so it will cost them nothing to fire all of their Mach 3 cruise missiles and their Iskanders. They are also importing a lot of short range Iranian missiles with 500 kg (1,100 pound) warheads. The Russians also have 1,500 Iranian suicide drones in case the first few waves of Iskanders and cruise missiles do not get all of the Polish and Lithuanian armor and trucks.

Another benefit of China taking over the White House would be the end of Pfizer and Moderna. I do not like Chinese vaccines. If I had to take a vaccine, I would opt for a Russian version, no mRNA for them.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and glyphosate are illegal in BRICS nations. That would be a major plus for the US to join.
If China took over, they would put an end to the theft by Wall Street of tens of trillions of taxpayer dollars. They might be satisfied by a lot less graft. Asia Times Magazine said more than a decade ago that the Big Banks launder $500 billion a year in offshore political bribes and that Chinese politicians got 40% of that money. The Chinese government, Chinese businessmen and corrupt politicians have stashed at least $10 trillion overseas because they expect their government to fail as I do. That total could be closer to $20 trillion. We do not know.
The Chinese do want to take California when the Dollar Dies. They also want to control all of the ports from Vancouver, British Columbia to California, to Mexico and Panama. So, if anyone wants to export American crops out of any port on the Pacific coast, they will have to first get permission of the Chinese. Bribes will be appreciated.
The Chinese will have competition from the Mexicans who believe California should be theirs when America collapses. They want to make it illegal to be Black except in the US Deep South and in certain Black cities. And they want the state legislature to conduct business in Spanish.
Homeland Secretary Alejando Mayorkas is Jewish and has gone all the way down to the Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama to set up refugee camps to welcome Latinos to the US. That includes the criminals Venezuela is unloading from their prisons and insane asylums. China might want to close the US southern border as there is a drought on the West coast and they need the water for Chinese people and businesses.
Lara Logan has a UN whistleblower who told her that their plan is to have 100 million illegal aliens in America. At the present rate, we could have almost 50 million illegals by election day 2024. The UN-Davos goal is to have one government for Canada, the US and Mexico. That would require US and Canadian wages to be cut 60%.
I grew up in California and have come to despise what it has become. We have entered a period in history when we can expect many more severe earthquakes and volcanoes. The US West coast will soon be toast. Move out now. Ditto for the New Madrid fault zone from Memphis to St Louis.
If Hunter Biden did become President and the Chinese kicked out Pfizer, Moderna, Monsanto-Bayer (GMOs, glyphosate), the Neocons and the Military Industrial Complex, we would be a lot closer to the liberation of the American people. As I have said before, the Chinese government expects to collapse as not one of their governments in 2,000 years has survived 40 years of bad weather and not enough food both of which are caused by Grand Solar Minimums. Those GSMs also give us more intense quakes and volcanoes.
When all of these bad things happen, America will still be here. As the Guardian said, we have 7.1 million Americans who own 40 or more guns and 100,000 or more bullets.
It does not matter who is in Washington when it collapses. We will walk right over them all.
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KRR said (October 25, 2022):
f you say these "J" words, polite Christians will unfriend you.
Jews and Jesuits are the real enemy, not Russia.
Time for polite Christians to wake the fuck up and fight back instead of turning the other cheek.