Mike Stone -- Parallels With the Start of World War Two
September 24, 2022

Now keep that in mind and look at two very revealing events that occurred last week. The first was Russia's announcement that they are mobilizing 300,000 reservists.
The events unfolding today are almost identical to the way World War II started. Eerily similar you could call it.

Fast forward to 2022: The Ukraine, under the leadership of Volodymyr Zelensky, was torturing and murdering Russian citizens in the Donbass. Zelensky refused to stop and his refusals forced a military response by Russia. Those events were preceded by and greatly influenced by a successful Communist overthrow of the United States. Eerily similar indeed.
Make no mistake, we are at war at Russia. A proxy war at this point, but a war nonetheless. When you consider that the hoax pushers went all-in, murdering and maiming millions of people in the process of pushing their fake virus, then it's obvious that this new hoax is not going to end anytime soon or in any pleasant fashion.
Think of the decades of planning, the trillions of dollars spent, and the millions of lives it cost to push the virus hoax. You don't think war with Russia is going to be any less destructive? Those pushing war with Russia have no qualms about killing and maiming millions of people.
You can see the escalation occurring before your eyes. The sanctions have failed, the money and arms pouring into the Ukraine have failed, what is the next inevitable step? The only logical projection is further escalation.
Anyone who wore a mask over the last three years at any time and for any reason other than buying food is a fool, a coward, and a traitor to their country and should never be trusted or listened to again for any reason.
Anyone who urged or advised you to take the jab, whether your doctor, your employer, your best friend, or your favorite political personality, should be dropped like a hot potato and never trusted or listened to again for any reason.
Anyone you know who refuses to face the truth today, who continues to live life as if everything were back to "normal," is a blithering idiot who should never be trusted or listened to ever again.
It's amazing how these events have exposed the hoaxers as the cockroaches they are.
Kris said (September 25, 2022):
Just laughed, knowingly, when I read your statement
"My theory was that the virus hoax was being dropped in order to bring in a bigger and more important hoax.
You can't manipulate the brain-addled masses over more than one hoax at a time. I mean, it's possible, but doing so results in a splintering of forces and most people are unable to concentrate on more than one thing at a time."
I wanted to say, that I have long wondered how with the arrival of Trump, "the War on Terror" fear vector dropped out of the news, cold turkey, 90 degrees down to zero level! The shysters who run the show sure can put on a kabuki can't they! They had to drop the terror hoax to start operation covfefe (Covid fear). Then they dropped covfefe for Ukraine. "The masses can only work one hoax at a time".