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The Cabalist-Bred Offspring of Gary Cooper

August 29, 2022

the-fountainhead-movie-poster-976664773.jpg(left, Richard Gere's real parents)

Movie stars are made to breed offspring together
as a condition of appearing as leading actors
and actresses in Hollywood productions.

Part 1:  Richard Gere-

By Matrix Hacker

Richard Gere was bred by Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal during the making of the 1949 film The Fountainhead

In her 1988 autobiography As I Am, Patricia Neal revealed that she and Gary Cooper fell deeply in love during filming but that she chose not to consummate their relationship until post production so as not to minimize their on-screen sexual tension.  This admission of hers begs the question of why she felt compelled to consummate her working relationship with a very-married Gary Cooper at all.  The answer, of course, is that movie stars are made to breed offspring with one another when starring as leading actors and actresses in Hollywood productions.  


 gc.jpg(left, young Gary Cooper)

Neal also bravely confessed that she became pregnant from having slept with Cooper, however, she dubiously claimed that the pregnancy did not occur until the filming of Bright Leaf which they also starred in together and was released in 1950. 

    According to her story, they very much wished to marry one another and have their child.  While Cooper had gone as far as separating from his wife to be with Neal, an open secret in Hollywood at the time, he ultimately decided that he could not bring himself follow through with a divorce because the repercussions for causing an out-of-wedlock pregnancy while married would certainly have ended  both of their careers which had been the case with Ingrid Bergman "earlier that year."  Further, Cooper had been deeply conflicted about ending his marriage as he dreaded the prospect of subjecting his daughter Maria to the divorce.  


Hence, the decision was made that Neal would have an abortion which was to become the biggest regret of her life.  Neal is quoted as saying "for years and years, I cried over that baby.  And whenever I had too much to drink, I would remember that I had not allowed him to exist.  I admired Ingrid Bergman for having her son.  She had guts.  I did not.  And I regret it with all my heart.  If I had only one thing to do over in my life, I would have that baby."  

     gere.jpgWhile the pregnancy portion of her story is true, the abortion part of her story is fabrication as the child they produced together is Richard Gere, who is, indeed, a him and not a her. 

Another problem with Neal's story is that, according to the official record at least, Gere was born on August 31, 1949 and the Bergman-Rossellini affair and pregnancy did not become public knowledge and an international scandal until 1950.  Whether real, invented, or imagined, in spite of all the drama contained in Neal's narrative with regards her liaison with Cooper, they were breeding for the Cabalists just like every other major Hollywood star.  

     Nonetheless, the details in the drama surrounding the breeding of Richard Gere as told by his mother are screaming out to be unpacked and interpreted properly by "reading between the lines." 

This story brings to light something that I have found to be true in my nine years of researching Hollywood/Cabalist breeding.  Any and every story involving a star or famous person having had either a miscarriage or an abortion is very likely false. 

The main reason being that live bodies, or babies, are far too valuable of an asset to the Cabalists who aspire to maintain their world domination.  However, this only holds true among those who are born into the Satanic cult and who's lives are consequently subject to the direct, hierarchical control of the Cabal. 

At every strata of the cult, babies are useful whether they are earmarked as future movie stars, politicians, attorneys, doctors, bankers, authors, athletes, executives, social workers, blue collar workers, breeders for the cult, stand-in children for celebrities, stand-in parents for celebrities, or simply human sacrifices.  

     Therefore, miscarriage and abortion narratives are employed because they obfuscate that a live birth, in fact, took place which enables the cult to more effectively conceal the bloodlines of celebrities and other public figures.  Among the profane, or those not born into the Satanic cult, abortion is a desirable outcome from the perspective of Cabalists who seek to reduce the world population at large to a more controllable number, the reason being that, unlike cult members, non-cult members have the freedom and potential to thwart the power wielded over society by the Cabal.  Fake narratives detailing celebrity abortions also serve to corrupt the profane by insidiously promoting abortion as a socially sanctioned option because the profane are apt to mimic celebrity "behavior" and therefore choose to have abortions themselves.

     When researching Richard Gere, I located a 2012 article about him by Scott Feinberg writing for the Hollywood Reporter in which he spoke of the system of control exerted over the lives of celebrities.  Gere is first quoted as saying "I didn't want to be the center of attention.  I never have."  Feinberg then writes, "but people who become movie stars have little say in the matter and learn to adapt to their unusual circumstances -- or fail trying." 

Coming back to the subject of the baby she conceived with Cooper, what Neal was really attempting to convey with her narrative is that she did not want her baby to be taken from her, she did not consent to him being taken from her, and that she failed trying to stop it from happening.

    Related - Other articles by Matrix Hacker

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Comments for "The Cabalist-Bred Offspring of Gary Cooper"

JW said (August 31, 2022):

I'm just not buying this improbable story of previous century movie actors Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal having a son who turned out to be Richard Gere, born in 1949.

The allegation is as phony and easy to disprove as an earlier one you posted by this writer - which alleged that actress Julianne Moore was the daughter of Yves Montand and Marilyn Monroe.

The Matrix Hacker's main "evidence" was that the two actors worked on a Fox movie released in 1960 - "Let's Make Love" - and that Moore was born at the end of that year.

What destroys that idea is that Moore bears absolutely no resemblance to either of her alleged parents.

Also, Monroe was unable to carry a pregnancy to full-term, due to having irreparably damaged her reproductive system with abortions done years earlier.

It was a key factor in her divorce from Arthur Miller, who wanted children.

Likewise, in this recent article, it is plain from the picture of Gere that he bears absolutely no resemblance to either Cooper or Neal.

Traces of their genetic heritage would be apparent in his facial features - skull shape, eyes, nose, cheeks, etc.

There is none.


Reply from Matrix hacker

Your response that Julianne Moore could not possibly be the daughter of Marilyn Monroe because they bear no resemblance to one other is identical to my initial response when I was confronted with this information.

The subject of celebrity breeding was not invented by me but introduced by a woman calling herself Susan Maureen Brandt. She claimed to be a homemaker and homeschooling mother in Canada who was tipped off to the celebrity breeding program by an acquaintance of hers, a Hollywood insider. After doing much research she created her own website in 2010 which she used to reveal the identities of who bred whom in Hollywood and the royal family primarily. To a lesser extent she revealed who bred whom in the worlds of politics, sports, music, and publishing.

I became riveted by her work and spent years investigating her claims and assessing them for their truth value. You are correct. Prima facie, Julianne Moore bears little resemblance to Marilyn Monroe. However, a deeper investigation into the subject reveals that she does bear a strong resemblance to a freckled and auburn haired Norma Jean Mortenson before her metamorphosis into the persona of Marilyn Monroe.

I also agree that Moore bears no apparent resemblance to Yves Montand. This is a common phenomena as many of these movie stars bear a strong resemblance to one of their famous parents and no resemblance whatsoever to their other famous parent. Celebrity breeding is done among people who are closely related and it produces some interesting results. Brandt took note of the fact that the surnames of Monroe and Montand both begin with MON and interpreted it as being an indicator that they have one set of great grandparents in common.

My investigations into the claims made by Susan Maureen Brandt in regards to who bred whom have found them all to be true and particularly so in the case of the breeding of Julianne Moore by Marilyn Monroe and Yves Montand. Long ofter becoming convinced and laying to rest my inquiry as to whether Moore was, in fact, the child of Monroe and Montand, the truthfulness of Brandt’s claim was further underscored by a February 15, 2017 article the in the Daily Mail in England.

This article is titled: EXCLUSIVE: Never-before-seen pictures of secretly pregnant Marilyn Monroe, who confided to her close friend that her Let’s Make Love co-star Yves Montand was the baby’s father — not her husband Arthur Miller.

Link to article:

While this article reveals truth with solid evidence to back it up, it simultaneously supports the “official story” by falsely concluding that the pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Playing the role of ultimate sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe’s public persona did not call for her being a mother. Yet, behind the scenes she was also breeding future movie stars for the Cabal.

The work of Susan Maureen Brandt has mysteriously disappeared from the internet and by writing articles I aim to both share her findings with a receptive audience and reveal my own findings as I expand on her work utilizing the same methods she employed. The articles I write for Henry’s website must conform to a short word length and don’t always include 100% of the evidence but I can assure you that I do tremendous amount of research before I present my findings and I make no claims that I am not personally convinced of.

As for Richard Gere, he resembles both his father and his mother. If you watch a Gary Cooper movie from late in his career, it is easy to see that Gere is a dead ringer for Cooper but only when they smile and the older Gere gets, the easier it is to spot this commonality. They also share a similar profile. Gere most definitely has similarities in the facial bone structure as well as the coloring of his mother — dark eyes, complexion, and hair in his younger years. When you devote years to this subject, the visual evidence eventually starts to speak for itself but you can’t see what is hiding in plain sight without first knowing what to look for and that you should be looking for it. The false narratives surrounding the lives of celebrities function to prevent us from seeing the truth being constantly being paraded before our eyes. A willingness to suspending the narratives we have all been indoctrinated into while examining the visual evidence can wake us up to a world of truth that is ready and just waiting to be discovered.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at