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"It is Murder"--Parsing Leonard Cohen's Song "The Future"

August 25, 2022


The idea that Cabalist Jews and Freemasons
are preparing a holocaust for Gentiles
seems absurd.  Until you consider the evidence. 

Updated from Jan 9, 2019 & Feb 21, 2022
by Henry Makow PhD

Leonard Cohen was an Illuminati insider.   In response to a recent article, his former girlfriend, Ann Diamond, recalled that in 1990, he urged her to convert to Judaism because in the future there will be "a holocaust for Gentiles."  

I posted the comment but it seemed absurd. However, a reader, DP, wrote and said, "I have had Jews admit to me on a few occasions that there will be a holocaust of gentiles. I laugh at them for being fools and ask them if they believe that there is honor among thieves. So innocent and silly these people are, despite their arrogance." 

Another reader, Bill, sent me the lyrics to Cohen's song "The Future."  I extract and highlight the pertinent points which describe the overthrow of Western civilization.

Give me back my broken night 
my mirrored room, my secret life 
it's lonely here, 
there's no one left to torture 
over every living soul... 

Things are going to slide, slide in all directions 
Won't be nothing 
Nothing you can measure anymore 
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world 
has crossed the threshold 
and it has overturned 
the order of the soul...

You don't know me from the wind 
you never will, you never did 
I'm the little jew 
who wrote the Bible 
I've seen the nations rise and fall 
I've heard their stories, heard them all 
but love's the only engine of survival 
Your servant here, he has been told 
to say it clear, to say it cold: 
It's over, it ain't going 
any further 
And now the wheels of heaven stop 
you feel the devil's riding crop 
Get ready for the future: 
it is murder

thefuture--cover.jpgThings are going to slide ...

There'll be the breaking of the ancient 
western code 
Your private life will suddenly explode 
There'll be phantoms 
There'll be fires on the road 
and the white man dancing 
You'll see a woman 
hanging upside down 
her features covered by her fallen gown 
...and the white man dancin'

Things are going to slide ...

When they said REPENT REPENT ...

Now I'll list in no particular order the anecdotal evidence that the cabalists are planning to exterminate the goyim. The latest are obvious.

nuland.jpgA)  The pandemic hoax and deadly "vaccines" causing millions of deaths and injuries.   B) The gratuitous war in Ukraine designed to kill goyim and provide a pretext for another world war, if necessary. C) The economic fall-out from this war (left.)

1) The Jewish-controlled Democratic party is trying to take guns away from the goyim, and staging false flags to justify it. The Democrats are the party of white genocide. RINOS are collaborators. 

2. The migrant invasion of Europe sponsored by organized Jewry.   The migrants are mostly males of military age financed by George Soros. 
The Freemasons are instruments of Organized Jewry. They have let 1.25 million migrants into a country of only 10 million in just ten years.
Cultural and political genocide preced actual genocide.

3. Then there is the Ukranian genocide carried out by Communist Jews.

4. The two world wars were both instigated by the Cabalist central bankers. The death of some 75 million goyim in these wars are the real holocaust. The assimilated Jews who died were sacrificed to justify the State of Israel. All wars are banker wars against the goyim and humanity in general. World War II was also a charade.

5. Historian Wolfgang Eggert says the Cabbalist Chabad sect which surrounds Donald Trump believe a nuclear catastrophe is necessary to bring back the Messiah and enshrine Jewish rule. This is consistent with Albert Pike's prescription for WW3. 

The attack on marriage and family is genocidal in itself. The effort to mainstream homosexuality and make heterosexuality into pathology
is genocidal. Add the promotion and normalization of miscegenation and the agenda could not be more obvious.

7. The empowerment of minorities of all description to the exclusion of the majority of European descent is cultural genocide. As I said, cultural genocide precedes physical genocide. 

8. The plethora of"white guilt" and "white privilege" media propaganda and courses in high school and university designed to make Europeans accept their dispossession. Under the Masonic Jewish (Communist, Illuminatist) dispensation, no one is the master in his own home. At the same time, minorities are given a collective feeling of grievance and entitlement even if they haven't suffered personally or are responsible for their own situation. People who have earned their "privileges" are told to give them up for people who haven't.

The Cabalist bankers have been waging war on non-Jews for centuries. They are not preparing a genocide. They are carrying it out.
Except the traitorous banker-controlled media isn't saying, so people don't realize it's happening. The logic of Communism is that white Westerners one day will be in the position of White farmers in South Africa today if the present trend is allowed to continue. I am sounding extreme because nothing else seems to work.

Do you think Cabalists are preparing another holocaust for the goyim? 

Related - WW1  The First Christian Holocaust 


First Comment from WLW-

read your article about leonard cohen's comments. I also see the same thing from different sources. It is here in my article

The Many Forms of Genocide: Hard and Soft. 5th Rev.

I'm very depressed. The Anglo-Saxons are committing communal suicide---autogenocide. Yes, the Europeans are committing suicide because of Jewish influence.

All I can say is that current events vindicate the Roman Catholic authorities in the Medieval Age suppressing the Jews. Catholic authorities asked, pleaded to Napoleon to not give liberty to the Jews. We are now reaping the consequences. 
Makow-  Great Comment WLW but the Masonic Jewish central bankers are responsible not "Jews" in general. 10-20% might be in on the plot (I'd be interested in how many you think are) but most are manipulated like liberals in general.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for ""It is Murder"--Parsing Leonard Cohen's Song "The Future""

B said (August 26, 2022):

I did a thing on that abomination song by Cohen a few years ago. Shocking how they just come out and sing it with a fancy tune, isn't it. He just lays it all out and no one hears the words or takes them seriously. That is how Jews do that trick, I forget the proper term, tell us ahead of time their intentions. They tell us in tricks.... and this was our warning. You know they have been holding those cursed and hex rituals against Putin, do you not?

Anyhow, I digress, Cohen was an inspiration to me as a teenager; now I see how his works, especially his novels, soiled me. Until then I had no idea of what a homosexual was even. Nice Catholic girl n all.... But even Hallelujah sounds like a mockery too. He takes an enchanting catchy background and fills the entire thing with sickness. Being a Canuck as well guaranteed good sponsorship.

NH said (February 22, 2022):

Your list of "anecdotal evidence that the cabalists are planning to exterminate the goyim" is only a good start. It is not at all an exaggeration to say the the cabalists are planning to exterminate the Goyim in every way they can possibly think of (and possibly hope to get away with) in a stealth war that has been going on for perhaps 5000 years (according to Ezra Pound and Eustace Mullins). [Actually, it may extend all the way back to the war between the Neanderthals and Homo Erectus, maybe even including genetic manipulation by the Annunaki.

For example, chem-trails, which are world-wide, are harming and killing not only the Goyim, but the entire global ecosphere. It's patently crazy, insanely expensive and significantly harms many "Masonic Jews" as well as the targeted Goyim. That's ecocide, as well as genocide. "They" are at core a criminal cartel, suckled on the Talmud (the real Satanic Bible), and are pathologically insane beyond words.

Think of, for example, the 5-10,000 "national security" patents they have stolen (from the Americans). Think of their web of twisted policies like "planned obsolescence", for example, and what it all means for our world. To say they are diabolical murderers does not even begin to describe their unspeakable perfidy.

As far as the Jews go: whether it's "10-20%" culpable, as you say, or 80-90% as claimed by others - it doesn't really matter, for a number of reasons (some of which follow):

1) In the real world, rarely is any Jew ever punished for anything anyway, no matter how heinous their crimes. In other words, the Goyim cannot even get rid of one single half-way significant Jewish miscreant like... James Comey comes to mind. So what difference does it make if the Jews are 10% culpable or 90%? None whatsoever because none presumably will ever be punished anyway.

2) The Goyim have no reliable method for separating culpable Jews from non-culpable anyway. So the only practical procedure is to purge them all - and historically that has been the method that has (partially) worked. In a war against the Goyim, initiated and prosecuted by Jews, innocent Jews will become "collateral damage" - and that is not the fault of the Goyim.

3) The main problem is not the Jews per se. There will always be groups of criminals who want to take over our world by force. The Roman Catholics were just as bad as the Jews for many centuries, as were some Muslim groups of that period (and others) - and if every Jew overnight disappeared (poof), it wouldn't be very long before they were replaced by some other heinous criminal outfit.

No, the problem is with the Human Race itself. The Goyim are just too gullible and easily brain-washed and it's as simple as that. Until that changes, nothing will change in the long run. We are evolving. COVID-19 clot-shots are getting rid of some of the more stupid, gullible and feckless Goyim. That eliminates some of the "non-adaptive" DNA. But unless the Goyim wake up, smarten up and learn to fight back effectively, nothing will save Homo Sap from complete extinction eventually. The universe does not fuck around.

Marcio (Brazil) said (January 11, 2019):

Yes, the cabalists have been rehearsing another holocaust for the Goyim in Cuba-de facto-run socialist Venezuela. They might set it up elsewhere as soon as they take full control over other governments. They are today what we may be like in the future.

Millions of desperate Venezuelans have fled the country to Colombia and Brazil to make a living as (sometimes teenage!) prostitutes, beggars or street peddlers; others have simply suicided out of despair. Most of the population is underfed and some others have gone cannibal, eaten pets or zoo animals, hunted rats, looted markets or simply starved to death.

Please check it out yourself:

Despair is the cabalists' favorite weapon.

Phillip P said (January 9, 2019):

Another thought-provoking article.

Several are saying the Mexico border WALL is really to keep Americans in as well as illegal immigrants out.

I suppose the great hope for Christians will be that they will be raptured out of here at the appropriate time.

Gary said (January 9, 2019):

"central bankers are responsible not "Jews" in general. 10-20% might be in on the plot (I'd be interested in how many you think are) but most are manipulated like liberals in general."

If you have a barrel of apples and 10-20% are rotten best throughout the whole barrel. In the case of Jews even the decent ones have children and many of their children will become subversive. As I recall 150 nations down through history expelled the Jew and for the above reason.


Thanks, Gary''Interesting how people who feel aggrieved are the first to victimize the innocent. Also, what
are your plans for the millions of Freemason and liberal goyim who are advancing this agenda?



About 120 mid-level bankers have committed "suicide" over the last three years. Some were Jews some gentile. The gentile Freemasons can get the same treatment, throw all subversives in the same barrel. I'm sure you are aware of all these sealed indictments/pending arrests. If all this isn't bullshit there will be no distinction made between Jew and gentile.
I place most of the blame for our predicament on the Jew but they get plenty of help from gentiles. Go reread the Protocols. That document is incredible, it is exactly what is going on now and it was written well over 100 years ago. In my opinion, no human being has that much foresight. What does this tell you?? There is an evil force, beyond human, that has a hand in running human affairs. Most political leaders are Satanists and this plays a part, but I'm referring to a physical force. As an example, Medvedev was talking to some reporters and he let slip "there are nonhuman entities walking among us". Naturally, the reporters began questioning him but he said he had already said too much

Gordon W said (January 9, 2019):

you didn't publish the entirety of the lyric of The Future by Cohen ... a very important part, is :

"destroy another fetus now
we don't like children anyhow
I've seen the future, brother
it is murder"

just the meerest of co-incidences that that tune played over the closing credits of the movie "Natural Born Killers" ? I think not

at the beginning of my decade involvement in the (so-called ) Pro-Life thing, I was told about the report overseen by Henry Kissinger, prepared for the leadership of the United States of America, in 1976, entitled GLOBAL 2000. A quarter of a century before it happened, it predicted the normalization of artificial abortion on demand.

after going through about 7 court cases here in BC ... being called "my political enemy" by Elizabeth Cull, then the deputy Premier - for the sake of my anti-abortion activity in which I proved the New Democratic Party was taking a cut of the $$ subsidies handed to the local abortion "clinics", I concluded that the facts did not matter : we were not going to be allowed to win, anyway. So I stopped banging my head against that particular brick wall.

the Powers-that-be are masterful at cultivating cognitive dissonance ; holding 2 contradictory beliefs at once = 'that the child in the womb most certainly is a human being' as well as 'it's only a fetus/ a blob of unorganized tissue'

Pastor Pete Peters was the one who explained to us that 'cognitive dissonance' is an occult practice of 'making a mental knot in the human mind'

Time magazine called him "the most dangerous man in America" because he was saying these things 20 years ago. The most dangerous part of his message, being ; the FACT that the religious racketeers who head up organized Christianity are race traitors ...Their co-operation with the greater communist agenda is crucial for keeping the sheep in the pews from understanding that there most certainly is a calculated genocide going on against white people ... for which the Holomordor was only a dress rehearsal.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at