"They've Stolen Everybody's Happiness"
July 10, 2022

People are reeling from a massive betrayal by all our social institutions --government, medicine, media, church, justice, education-- which have ripped up the social contract, declared us redundant and initiated a slow-motion genocide.
Shell shocked, people have withdrawn into a shell. Now more than ever we need to reach out to our friends and fellow citizens. We need to form communities, support each other, and affirm our solidarity. Do not be paralyzed by fear. It's not how long we live, it's how we live.
There seems to be a disconnect between the gloom and doom we see on this site and the blissful ignorance of the masses who seem to think things are returning to "normal." The economy is still functioning, a last remnant of sanity but perhaps the most important.
The Satanists cannot win as long as people are able to communicate instantaneously worldwide on the Internet. A fate awaits them similar to what the corrupt rulers of Sri Lanka are now experiencing. First step: Understand WHY we are being enslaved or eliminated.
The pandemic seems to have stolen everyone's happiness
It's so weird how this pandemic has changed peoples personalities. Pretty much everybody that I talk to has anxiety and seems to be unhappy or not as happy as they used to be pre-pandemic. Have you guys noticed a change in how people behave? I work with the general public and it's a pretty good gauge of how people are doing mentally because I see hundreds of people a day and interact with a lot of them face-to-face and I have seen that people are majorly disconnected from their fellow humans and do not want to socialize.
Some folks and I were just talking about this. People are definitely more aggressive and rude these days. I'm in the south, very friendly, strangers will stop and have a conversation all day everyday. Now people rarely make eye contact, employees are doing absolute bare minimum and often not even that. It's odd.
My gauge for "shit just got real" was when people stopped holding the door open for people at QuikTrip. This was when social distancing was introduced. Pre pandemic people used to just stand there and hold the door open for a long line of people. Nowadays that's a rarity...
Actually I can and do blame them. Either do something about the system or don't -- but don't take your misery with the system out on fellow citizens -- it's a low IQ move.
Its because the conspiracy that we were targeted for termination was a conspiracy; it's now clearly true and we seem incapable of rallying enough minds to hang these fuckers who want most of us dead and the rest out oiling the machines.
I've become totally disgusted at the weakness and fear that I saw in people during the plandemic.
Yeah, people aren't doing so good. What they did to us, we've not even had time to take a step back and get our heads around it. A lot of people are pretty messed up on both sides of this thing. The ones who are still terrified of COVID and can't take off their masks or leave their houses still, but also those of us who got a taste of what it would be like to be in a minority group that the majority had started dehumanizing, and we could sense where that was going...
It was like they changed tack just before things got really extreme, but it was so close. It's hard to forget that. And everyone is acting like nothing much happened and nobody wants to talk about it, and definitely nobody is apologizing or acknowledging just how far it went. The ones still acting like the vaccines work are a challenge to anyone's sanity. You just have to accept that extreme irrationality and delusion has become normalized.
It's quite the headfuck.
This was the point of isolation, dehumanization and demoralization of lockdowns and masking. These are the same social conditions every tyrannical system engineers in order to take control.
Yep, I work with the general public too, and have for the most part since 2003. Worked in the thick of it every single day during the whole "pandemic" and wearing masks by force for almost two years, etc. It was horseshit, and I've seen people get meaner and meaner and weirder and weirder. It sucks ass working in the public now. I basically expect to get shot, stabbed, or bashed in the head with a hammer by one of these random weirdos someday. There's no value for my presence or person whatsoever. The society has been turned to trash, especially in an area like Minneapolis.
Didn't change my lifestyle or fell for the fear mongering. Been living the same focusing on me and I am happier every day.
Weak fake pandemics have nothing against healthy informed people. Fear sickens, and weakens
That's because we're atomized and no longer care about other people, we're now conditioned to look after our selves first.
People have always been depressed as fvck. I know because I'm generally high spirited and get nothing but hate when I'm in a good mood. But yea, the last few years it's a lot worse
Agreed, it's effected me this way 100%. I no longer socialize the way I used to, I'm anxious , and genuinely mentally exhausted.
None of us have been happy for a long time. Far longer than covid. Yes, we have had happy MOMENTS. But deep down you all have felt that void filling. The darkness building. And that fight or flight feeling because you know something big is coming. Shit has been fucked up globally for a long time and a lot of us have deluded ourselves into thinking that it was normal.
That is part of it. Staying on social media day in and day out don't help
I make over 1000 phone calls every day and 99.9% of the encounters are with grumpy, angry, or hateful ppl when these people have requested the call to begin with
the entire world has no substance or value anymore
i'm actually doing significantly better now then i was in late 2019/2020. not suicidal anymore. so that's a plus.
I think a lot of people may be stressed due to financial reasons these days. It could also be true that some people may have become more introverted.
I went into some sort of long term fight or flight from 2020-2021 because I'm a parent so... You have to rally for your child and muscle through the hardest things. After the pandemic died down, my kid went back to school, her doctor reopened for regular appointments and fun places I liked to take her reopened (so basically my kids life restored 100%) the depression then hit me like a truck.
I've been fucked up ever since. I'm really trying but I'm just so concerned with the state of things and the future. And I'm definitely jaded. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, wondering what will be next.
I'd go as far as to say it's a form of trauma. I think many of us now have this trauma.
It's so weird how this pandemic has changed peoples personalities. Pretty much everybody that I talk to has anxiety and seems to be unhappy or not as happy as they used to be pre-pandemic. Have you guys noticed a change in how people behave? I work with the general public and it's a pretty good gauge of how people are doing mentally because I see hundreds of people a day and interact with a lot of them face-to-face and I have seen that people are majorly disconnected from their fellow humans and do not want to socialize.
Some folks and I were just talking about this. People are definitely more aggressive and rude these days. I'm in the south, very friendly, strangers will stop and have a conversation all day everyday. Now people rarely make eye contact, employees are doing absolute bare minimum and often not even that. It's odd.
My gauge for "shit just got real" was when people stopped holding the door open for people at QuikTrip. This was when social distancing was introduced. Pre pandemic people used to just stand there and hold the door open for a long line of people. Nowadays that's a rarity...
Actually I can and do blame them. Either do something about the system or don't -- but don't take your misery with the system out on fellow citizens -- it's a low IQ move.
Its because the conspiracy that we were targeted for termination was a conspiracy; it's now clearly true and we seem incapable of rallying enough minds to hang these fuckers who want most of us dead and the rest out oiling the machines.
I've become totally disgusted at the weakness and fear that I saw in people during the plandemic.
Yeah, people aren't doing so good. What they did to us, we've not even had time to take a step back and get our heads around it. A lot of people are pretty messed up on both sides of this thing. The ones who are still terrified of COVID and can't take off their masks or leave their houses still, but also those of us who got a taste of what it would be like to be in a minority group that the majority had started dehumanizing, and we could sense where that was going...
It was like they changed tack just before things got really extreme, but it was so close. It's hard to forget that. And everyone is acting like nothing much happened and nobody wants to talk about it, and definitely nobody is apologizing or acknowledging just how far it went. The ones still acting like the vaccines work are a challenge to anyone's sanity. You just have to accept that extreme irrationality and delusion has become normalized.
It's quite the headfuck.
This was the point of isolation, dehumanization and demoralization of lockdowns and masking. These are the same social conditions every tyrannical system engineers in order to take control.
Yep, I work with the general public too, and have for the most part since 2003. Worked in the thick of it every single day during the whole "pandemic" and wearing masks by force for almost two years, etc. It was horseshit, and I've seen people get meaner and meaner and weirder and weirder. It sucks ass working in the public now. I basically expect to get shot, stabbed, or bashed in the head with a hammer by one of these random weirdos someday. There's no value for my presence or person whatsoever. The society has been turned to trash, especially in an area like Minneapolis.
Didn't change my lifestyle or fell for the fear mongering. Been living the same focusing on me and I am happier every day.
Weak fake pandemics have nothing against healthy informed people. Fear sickens, and weakens
That's because we're atomized and no longer care about other people, we're now conditioned to look after our selves first.
People have always been depressed as fvck. I know because I'm generally high spirited and get nothing but hate when I'm in a good mood. But yea, the last few years it's a lot worse
Agreed, it's effected me this way 100%. I no longer socialize the way I used to, I'm anxious , and genuinely mentally exhausted.
None of us have been happy for a long time. Far longer than covid. Yes, we have had happy MOMENTS. But deep down you all have felt that void filling. The darkness building. And that fight or flight feeling because you know something big is coming. Shit has been fucked up globally for a long time and a lot of us have deluded ourselves into thinking that it was normal.
That is part of it. Staying on social media day in and day out don't help
I make over 1000 phone calls every day and 99.9% of the encounters are with grumpy, angry, or hateful ppl when these people have requested the call to begin with
the entire world has no substance or value anymore
i'm actually doing significantly better now then i was in late 2019/2020. not suicidal anymore. so that's a plus.
I think a lot of people may be stressed due to financial reasons these days. It could also be true that some people may have become more introverted.
I went into some sort of long term fight or flight from 2020-2021 because I'm a parent so... You have to rally for your child and muscle through the hardest things. After the pandemic died down, my kid went back to school, her doctor reopened for regular appointments and fun places I liked to take her reopened (so basically my kids life restored 100%) the depression then hit me like a truck.
I've been fucked up ever since. I'm really trying but I'm just so concerned with the state of things and the future. And I'm definitely jaded. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, wondering what will be next.
I'd go as far as to say it's a form of trauma. I think many of us now have this trauma.
Anxiety is from the vaccine. I know several people who needed to get on Xanax since being jabbed.
I work at an FQHC and from 2019 to 2021 our patients being treated for depression went up 180% and for anxiety it was a 160% increase.
People are hurting, and meanwhile Abbot & the Texas GOP refuse to expand Medicaid and is taking money that would go towards mental health services away from the HHSC and sending it other places.
Clown State.
Related - Comedian Jim Breuer: Jim's Got a Heavy Message - "Get Your Life Out of the World That Is Trying to Drag You Into an Emotional, Demonic, Evil Distress." - Truth Comes to Light
'The people in the great cities of Europe are sullen and forlorn." (1892) Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Jewish World Government
RM said (July 11, 2022):
I was having the time of my life before Covid. Everything shut down.
A girl I wanted to date sent me a photo with her mask on. Needless to say it went nowhere.
Our former Governor here in Virginia, Northam (a complete shit eating mother fucker) would buzz my phone with Covid fear porn constantly. Northam is also for live birth abortions.
The vaccine push has eased here considerably. Pfizer will be convicted of fraud and then the feeding frenzy will begin.
Attorneys will go after anything and anyone to make their clients whole.
People gave into the fear and sadly some are permanently damaged.
I never did give into fear. I got challenged on mask wearing, nose covering, social distancing, going the wrong way down the grocery aisle.
On another note the Hunter Biden phone hack is so bad that the entire Biden regime is finished. Hunter is an obvious pedophile. Photo evidence of him with multiple preteen girls.