Old Age is No Longer "Sustainable" in the West
July 20, 2022

"FB" believes the "vaccines"
are a form of euthanasia and
the elderly are the primary targets.
My father, 97, died just a few months
after receiving his "vaccine."
by FB
It is no coincidence that the same nations with the highest vaccination rates also have very highest health-care and pension obligations on the planet.
For instance, the average life expectancy for a person in Canada and Western Europe was 82 before the Covid vaccines were ushered out.
The older you get and the longer you last then generally the more expensive you will become and be considered a burden to sustain the various services and personal pension incomes, and particularly a burden to those in charge of the money and credit supply.
All of you who have said that the vaccines are for culling, if that was the case, then where would they start?
Likely with those most vulnerable, most expensive and who are least able to defend themselves - those they most likely have already considered as "useless eaters".
Have the authorities pushing the vaccines not made huge strides to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in the very nations with the highest life expectancy?

Sustainability is after all the mantra for everything else they advocate. These institutions and the money power behind them are our major creditors and together with our governments they have already admitted that most pension plans and heath-care services simply are no longer sustainable.
Motive is clearly established in all of this and it ought to give rise to more people who simply want to continue living asking the following questions:
What exactly was is in the vaccines being pushed upon them? The makers won't say.
Who was given what in what batch with what ingredients?
What in fact are the death rates for each and every age category for the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated?
This information is being suppressed.
Coincidentally, these are precisely the questions which our governments and all pawns of the international banking cartel refuse to answer.