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July 17 - Globalists Try to Revive Covid Hoax

July 17, 2022

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This is a 2-3 day sample of "top stories" on facebook's "news" tab....This is what tens of millions of people are seeing every day over the last few days.

Now you understand how powerful the media is and how easy it is to brainwash the sheep!!
WHO may proclaim moneypox a global health emergency next week!

Canada to reintroduce random covid testing of air travelers

Read the comments
MSM starting to report on adverse reactions

 New Study finds Natural Immunity to Covid-19 does not wane by even 1% but the Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

New York COVID-19 Quarantine Rules Unconstitutional and Illegal: Judge

US Relaxing Sanctions Against Russia

The US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has cleared transactions with Russia that involve shipments of fertilizers and food, drugs and medical equipment

The United States had previously removed certain items from the list of anti-Russian sanctions, including fertilizers, medical equipment and medicines. They ceased to apply to inorganic fertilizers, seeds and reproductive materials, foodstuffs, vitamins and minerals, food supplements, bottled water, live animals and animal feed.

The Finance Ministry also lifted sanctions on medical drugs, medical equipment and components and software for it.

Cars for Kids didn't tell you that the proceeds went to Jews

brinton-levine.jpgSatanists normalize mental illness, part of their "Death to America" agenda

Biden's Transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and Gender Fluid "Pup Handler" Sam Brinton Attend French Ambassador's Bastille Day Party
Researchers in China claim they have developed 'mind-reading' artificial intelligence that can measure loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party, reports say

Saudi Arabia has a thirst for heavily discounted Russian diesel and other fuel products banned by many countries in the West.

The world's largest oil exporter more than doubled the amount of Russian fuel oil in the second quarter to supply power generation stations to meet surging cooling demand this summer and allow the kingdom's crude exports to increase.

BRICS International Forum President Purnima Anand told Russian newspaper Izvestia that Saudis are planning to join. That would boost multilateral cooperation between BRICS, including Saudis, meaning they wouldn't cave to the US demands to restrict Russian energy imports.

President of Serbia: "All Hell is About To Break Loose in Ukraine" - World War 3 is Already happening


The truth about the Council on Foreign Relations

Russia Continues to Stack Cash While America Sinks Like a Dead Hooker Someone Threw Off a Bridge

Andrew Anglin- Using these energy sanctions to punish Russia is like if a woman tried to punish a man by giving him blowjobs.

white-traitors.jpgThe Plan to Vaccinate Every Cow in Australia


Israeli MDs Hiding Adverse reactions in small children

The last honest journalist in Canada

CBC whistleblower quit over COVID propaganda

All of a sudden, we were eliminating one entire side, and we were saying 'Here's the truth,' and to me that was misleading -- and it wasn't honest." Klowak said that this was the turning point for the CBC. They were repressing information the public needed to "make a decision based on informed consent," and things "started to spiral" into outright censorship at the network.

"It was quickly becoming not safe for people to tell their stories and to have their voices heard because they would be dismissed; they'd be cancelled; they'd be belittled," Klowak explained. "There was this huge disconnect between what I saw we were publishing and the stories I was hearing."

Jim Stone thinks he has been poisoned by a Jew who prepared his coffee


Muslim Reader-- Have you seen Jordan Peterson's latest video?

"Jordan is an agent of Dajjal/Antichrist. He is promoting the "Abrahamic Accord" which is a launchpad for one world religion. He is not misinformed. He is vile and deceitful and that's putting it nicely."

what-if.jpg'90% Bots': Elon Musk Reveals Twitter Is a Military Grade Psy-Op To Brainwash the Masses

The vast majority of Twitter's "daily users," it appears, are automated spam bots that the Big Tech giant uses to induce mass formation psychosis and other forms of social conditioning.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is likely behind the AI bot front on Twitter. Now that we know Twitter is controlled by spam bots, its not a stretch to assume the same spam bots are also likely present on Reddit, Facebook, Instragram, YouTube and TikTok.

"After all, it's no secret that the powers that be are conducting military-grade psy-ops on the public," writes Vince Quill.

"All of us have at one point or another encountered bots, sometimes it was obvious, other times not so much, but 90% of the users being bots is just beyond the pale."

Twitter's bot check sample size was only 100 users, Musk reveals----What this means, of course, is that Twitter, along with the rest of Big Tech, is little more than a social engineering tool to manipulate and brainwash the masses into believing the scripted reality that psychopaths are using to maintain control.

Calgary Stampede food vendors selling crickets and mealworms, plus drag queen shows including communist transsexual performer Karla Marx.

No wonder Trudeau thought it was a good place for a publicity stunt


Paramedics say they transferred few COVID-19 patients during the early stages of the pandemic -- despite media claims that hospitals were overwhelmed -- but since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines they've seen a rise in heart attacks, strokes, and chronic infections.

The Western Standard heard from more than a dozen healthcare workers, including six paramedics, three emergency dispatchers, two nurses, two firefighters, and an embalmer.  All said they'd begun seeing an increase in medical conditions, such as heart attacks, strokes, chronic infections, and women with menstrual issues, after the vaccines were rolled out. But they said a culture of silence in the healthcare industry, particularly among doctors, was preventing the issues from being openly discussed.


NuclearBlastSign-MenloPark-NJ-Mall_large.jpgNuclear radiation warning sign put up in New Jersey mall, just after NYC warned about it



PJW-  Biden is Painful to Watch

Miles Mathis-

Get this through your head: the government is the problem and it isn't going to save you. Only you are going to save you. How are
you going to do that? Mostly by saying no. When they tell you to put on a mask, in unison you say no.
When they tell you to take a vaccine, in unison you say no. When they tell you to enlist to fight in
Ukraine, you say no. When they tell you to pay for a new fighter jet or a new program to the Moon,
you say no. When they tell you to use their pronouns or to turn your son into your daughter, you say
no. When they tell you serial killers are out to get you, you say no. When they tell you to give up your
guns or gold, say no. When they tell you a jar of piss is an art installation, you say no. Tell them to
take all their conjobs and threats and taxes and fear porn and stick it where the sun don't shine. But
mainly tell them the jig is up, since you won't believe the lies anymore. No matter what they tell you,
you won't believe it, whether it is concerning war or medicine or anything else. You are done believing
them, you are done believing in them, you are done taking orders, and you are done taking suggestions.
You are done being bluffed. IT IS OVER, and you aren't ever going back to the Old World Order or
the New World Order or any other Phoenician conjob by any other name.

There are many fates far worse than death, and the primary one is LIVING WITHOUT HONOR

Neil Oliver - '...they're pretending like it never happened'

  '....the west's leaders are all delivering the same script....'

None of the candidates have criticized lockdowns, which NO ranks as the most damaging policy ever, are prepared to disavow future lockdowns, digital "health ID" or currency; all continue to bang the 'Great Reset' drum, which we are somehow expected "not to notice."


Russia all-in on the COVID scam

Makes one question everything else
Moaaz Ahmed---6 hrs ago

Whole body muscle twitches since nov 2021 with fluctuations good days and bad days ,, mri show non specific lesion as neurologist said ,, blood tests normal except low vit d level. Recently I experienced mild burning sensation in both legs with heaviness and increased twitches just 1 day after beginning vit d ttt.  I'm very anxious and afraid of MND.


The Scary Truth About Merrick Garland That Should Have The American People Worried

Chris Emory joins Owen to discuss his new documentary film exposing Merrick Garland and the corrupt Democrats who use the justice system against political enemies.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at