Destroying Guidestones was NOT an Act of Defiance
July 21, 2022

Edward Menez lives just 50 miles from
the Guidestones site and visited it
both before and after its destruction.
Since Americans are too docile, cowardly, stupid
and brainwashed to consider such a bold move,
he assumes it was done by the Illuminati
to cover their tracks now that their goal
of human depopulation is nearing fruition.
by Edward Menez
July 6, 2022 the Georgia Guidestones were supposedly blown up in the
early morning hours. However, only one of the four large columns was
destroyed in the blast, with the other three columns and the rectangular
capstone still standing.
later that same afternoon, bulldozers razed the Guidestones completely
and the time capsule next to the Guidestones was removed . It seems a
lot like the 9/11 clean-up where molten metal was removed even while it
was still burning hot. Another removal of a crime scene to take away
all evidence?

That certainly
seems like the case to me. Here is a photo from last week when I was there to witness for myself what
remained of the Guidestones....absolutely nothing. Notice the tower
with the camera still attached, though, and facing the entrance.
The destruction of the Guidestones was not done by some
rogue individual, but was a planned operation by the usual Satanist insiders.
There were surveillance cameras all over the area of the
Guidestones, which shows a sign in front of the then-intact and
complete Guidestones which reads: "Notice: This Area is Under Video
Surveillance by Elbert County Sheriff's Office".
So why weren't we
shown footage of someone planting explosives? The cameras must have
been conveniently off or malfunctioning just like so many other false
flags and psy ops (like they were when Jeffrey Epstein's alive body was
spirited away from prison).

having the #1 Guidestone commandment being "Maintain Humanity Under
500,000,000 in Perpetual Balance With Nature" was
such incriminating and concrete proof of the Satanists' goals that they
had to Memory-Hole it.
Perhaps the Time Capsule at the foot of the
Guidestones had such incriminating evidence in it of their nefarious
plans for humanity that it had to be dug up and removed.
I believe the
Satanists want all traces of this monument blatantly stating their
Agenda 2030 goals erased, as if there had never been any such thing as
the Georgia Guidestones at all. With Internet censorship being so
prevalent these days, that wouldn't be hard to do.
as I mentioned to my wife as we were leaving the site last week, they
would also have to get rid of the hard evidence as I pointed to a road
sign at the corner of the road which stated:
"Guidestones Road". To which my wife deadpanned: "What guidestones?"
Related- The Guidestones Went Down in Georgia
First Comment from RF
Edward misses the point of geomancy, which is an integral part of their oCCult rituals i.e. skulduggery.
The Georgia Guidestones lay 1800 (666) miles in a straight line from the Hoover Dam. You can't miss the importance of this fact, we are witnessing a massive ritual.PS: In addition the Georgia Guidestones were located exactly 666 miles from the UN HQ in NY.
The Georgia Guidestones lay 1800 (666) miles in a straight line from the Hoover Dam. You can't miss the importance of this fact, we are witnessing a massive ritual.PS: In addition the Georgia Guidestones were located exactly 666 miles from the UN HQ in NY.

Essel said (July 21, 2022):
Dear Henry,
How obvious! Apart from any material evidence (which will never be found) the usual modus operandi, caricaturist present, is an indisputable signature.
I had tried to expose it on different blogs but nobody noticed, all expressing their joy. This shows how naive and ignorant people are of the level of cunning of their mortal enemy...
"... the great rule of modern history is to judge only on written documents and material evidence, while the great rule of Masonry is to apply the rule of secrecy to everything it holds dear.... The ideal of the historian, for about fifty years, has been to see without trying to understand, even avoiding it [...] but here is a field where it is impossible to see if one does not understand, and very often, one must understand at the first hint without having seen, without ever seeing [...]. When one remembers the Masonic doctrine and considers the men rather than the papers, one will see clearly..."
Bernard Faÿ, La massoneria e la rivoluzione intelletuale del secolo XVIII, Ed. Giulio Einaudi, Torino, 1945, pp. 223-224. (This text was first written in French, then translated and preserved only in Italian, the author, Professor at the Collège de France, pursued by the forces of "epuration" (i.e. the Communists) having taken refuge in Italy at the "Liberation".)