June 29, 2022

"Aloysious (sic) Fozdyke said almost nothing new except for the little that's stale news and the rest of his missive is fudge or conjecture."
" Well, as we're claiming victory, I guess that leaves you with death. 'The Lord is my shepherd' - 'like lambs to the slaughter'. The expendable masses are a living travesty of and to themselves. Deep down, at least your subconscious knows you'd be better off dead. Satanists know how to play the game, because everyone else is a willing rube. "
Death or Victory: Carnival Showman, Devil Worshipers and Immortality
Dedicated to Oswald Spengler
Dedicated to Oswald Spengler
by Aloysius Fozdyke
(henrymakow.com)Anton La Vey was big on dualism, as well as fetishes and sadomasochism. These three elements permeate his philosophy and works, but dualism is his central theme. And dualism is the basis of all manifestations of Satanism: self and not self, you and them, reality and conditioned response, non-conformity or the collective. From this, the politically incorrect self-differentiation between Satanists and their marks becomes increasingly and painfully clear.
"The Earth's energy grid was altered on Friday the 9th of December, 2011 by magicians working at energy points around the globe: Ayers Rock, the Flinders Ranges, Osaka, some megaliths in Wiltshire and other locations. This subtle, yet powerful, shifting will increase in effect, with time."Summer Valentine from a Satanist - 26th of June 2013.
I remember how I was mocked, but anyone now prepared to doubt my statement? Or the fact that I knew the restructuring of society in a way which was unbelievable just those few short years ago? I told you "prison planet", hierarchical and technology-based feudalism, population reduction and so much more (which you missed, for now).
In a more recent article I stated, "Bank branches everywhere are closing, because convenient, digital currency is coming quickly..." Anyone pick up on that word "quickly"?
I've given it to your readers - chapter and verse; good and hard - including that gold will be confiscated. I 'explained' the legal, political and economic basis of China's acquisition of Australia, New Zealand and Canada. No one else has. That's underway - big time. I told you we use Paradigm Magick, ritual and I named names no one else did.
My Work is done. The future of the English-speaking western world is Chinese. And assuming you have any, your descendants will be just like you; that's deeply reassuring.
I don't care what others opine.