Headlines for May 2, 2022 -- Russia is Blocking "Neo Colonial Oppression"
May 1, 2022

Lavrov stressed that the US has been pursuing a destructive course for decades. The minister, in particular, cited the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, the attacks on Iraq, Libya, its attempt to destroy Syria, as well as "color revolutions" in a number of countries, including Ukraine. "All this has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and led to chaos in various regions of the planet," he added.
The Russian foreign minister noted that the Westerners are trying "with the most brutal methods" to suppress countries that seek to conduct an independent foreign and domestic policy, and it is not only about Russia.

US recruits Israel against Russia
Recently, things changed dramatically in the past fortnight or so, as Israel gave up its neutrality toward Russia's special operation and accused Moscow of committing war crimes. Biden's conversation with Bennett took place as Russia-Israel relations began plummeting.
https://mobile.twitter.com/GonzaloLira1968 "When NASA needed a pen that worked in zero gravity, they spent $1 million dollars on its developments. The Russians used a pencil."
Intel Slava - Russian news aggregator

After infection or jab? An estimated 38 million Americans have developed an autonomic nervous system disorder following Covid-19 infection

Mark Trozzi MD
Last week the Canadian Medical Association Journal published fraudulent science by University of Toronto epidemiology professor (((Dr David Fishman))) and his team. This fake science inverted reality and blamed the covid "unvaccinated" for covid cases in the "vaccinated". This is a complete inversion of reality. The article was also drenched in thick rhetoric promoting human rights violations and forced injections. Big pharma media puppets across the nation and around the world ran with this fake study, and spread hatred for non-genetically modified people.
Dr Byram Bridle helps us get the facts straight, expose the fraud, and stop the divide-and-conquer being played against us.

The Good Samaritan Society (GSS), with locations in Alberta and British Columbia, has informed all unvaccinated staff they have until May 13 to provide proof of vaccination or be terminated.
Poilievre would audit Bank of Canada, ban Central Bank Digital Currencies

Celebrities in the US and the UK propagandized the population into receiving the experimental COVID-19 injection with disastrous results. Nurses, doctors, and patients explain how vaccinated individuals experienced a range of serious and even deadly side effects.
Caitlin Johnstone - Oh God It's Going To Get SO Much Worse
Like, immediately immediately. We went from a massive narrative control campaign about a virus, which people accepted because they wanted to contain a deadly pandemic, straight into a massive narrative control campaign about Russia and Ukraine. Without skipping a beat.
Northern Truthseeker says rain on the upper plains designed to prevent planting. He also deals with the killer jabs and Ukraine.

PL said (May 2, 2022):
followed RDS for 2-3 years, and I'd have to say he was very well informed and was developing a large 'awakened' flock through his numerous channels of communication and public appearances.
Was he whacked? Although I don't have any information edge with which to validate my speculation, it wouldn't surprise me given the vast volume of information he was serving up to the masses.
Another 'Truther' patriot who met a similar fate in a Toronto hospital recently was Rob Kirby ( www.kirbyanalytics.com ). Rob had a Bay Street career and figured out how the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the banks were using derivatives to prop up a house of cards. See "The Fed Derivatives Scam" by Rob Kirby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nORlriHj3ho
The central bankers don't want people to know or understand how they operate, and both Roberts were hellbent on exposing the central bankers.