Headlines for May 11, 2022 - We are Living in a Science Fiction Movie
May 10, 2022

Sound Familiar?
In other words, Jews readily made alliances with oppressive, degenerate non-Jewish elites and participated with these elites in exploiting the non-Jewish population...
Sects and cults often perform initiation rituals to introduce new members. The ceremony is meant to tear down the old way of thinking and to introduce the cult's mindset (rules, rituals, etc.).
Strategies in the tear-down-process include isolation, repetition and trauma. Another key component is masks.
The purpose of masks in an initiation ritual
Ego/identity death
Imposed silence
Token of submission (to ritual master and cult mindset)
Signal consent for transformation
Signals acceptance of 'the spirit of the mask'
The spirit of the mask depends on the nature of ritual.
In this case, the nature of the ritual is satanism.
The mask wearer welcomes the spirit of satan...

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has issued a "call to arms" in response to a leaked ruling from the Supreme Court which would overturn Roe v. Wade, implying that the USSC would come for 'LGBTQ+' rights next.
Martin Armstrong
Col. Richard H. Black is a former Republican member of the Virginia State Senate from 2011 to 2020. He did not seek re-election in 2019. The West is putting out nothing but propaganda, and that is obviously a setup for one thing - the overthrow of Russia. Suddenly, the WHO is pushing for total control of the world, forcing digital IDs and vaccination requirements to stop the free movement of people. This is the pre-stage for the push for a one-world government to be under the United Nations. For the WHO to come out and suddenly say - Oh! The COVID deaths were 10x greater than we reported to support their power grab.
Putin's Russia is the only thing that will save us from this tyranny. We must get behind Russia.

Viewer- "I've been a fb friend of Eva for years. Her reliability & honesty is her badge of honour. If she speaks on a subject, rest assured it the truth. Eva doesn't sugar coat and most importantly refuses to bow out do to Western pressure.
Tucker Carlson- host reacts to churches being targeted after leaked documents suggest the overturn of Roe v. Wade on 'Tucker Carlson
Tim Horton's - Canada's once beloved coffee chain is a child killer

Kentucky senator discusses how he is working to bring other lawmakers together to dissolve Biden's Disinformation Governance Board
Gonzalo Lira (2 videos)
The mentality of sanctions is the mentality of teenage girls
Mark Trozzi MD
Stopping the WHO, and building a better future
Major figure in German Jewry ensnared in harassment scandal at liberal rabbinical school
IN said (May 11, 2022):
When there are domestic problems leaders usually take their nations to war. It is a time honoured tradition going back thousands of years.
When the Brandon administration was sinking Putin attacked in an American election year.
Note also that Macron of France has been benefitting overall from the war with his diplomacy. Yes the Dominion machines cheated to make him an illegit leader. Nevertheless, he has benefitted quite well with this war in Ukraine.
One proof I offer is how conveniently the 'unfinalized' abortion decision got leaked this year. In an election year; when the Brandon Administration is not doing too well? Schumer actually said vote for Democrats and we will protect abortion on demand. Kinda "coincidental". Just remember the war with Ukraine might just be staged also. It is also almost likely an attempt to get rid the US dollar as the world reserve currency.
So pardon my suspicions.