Headlines for May 19 -- We're Dealing with the Devil
May 18, 2022



Behind the scenes, the leaders of both parties agreed that yes, we are at war with Russia, that we will fight this war "until victory" , although no one wants to clearly explain what this victory should look like, and that the US authorities are ready to spend up to 3 trillion dollars to defeat Russia.
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Phenomenon confirmed and explained, multiple applications
UK inflation hits 9% on back of soaring energy costs

Reddit -"Politicians all over the world should take notice, you had a great ride, the time to pay is rapidly approaching-you might be able to salvage something by stepping up, exposing those guilty in this world wide plan to destroy our lives. once the shtf-my guess is it will be far too late, and you cant hide forever-if at all."
Truckers Suing City of Ottawa
DEL RIO, Texas-Border officials processed a record 260,450 illegal and inadmissible aliens during April, according to newly released Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.
More than 202,300 illegal border crossers were apprehended by Border Patrol agents, while an additional 58,140 individuals presented themselves at ports of entry-21,137 of whom were Ukrainians.
The numbers are an increase of almost 68 percent over fiscal 2021 numbers, which was a record-breaking year on its own.
The number of apprehensions is markedly higher than any April on record, including during the past 10 years, when apprehensions ranged from a low of 11,000 in 2017 to 99,273 in 2019-until last year when April hit 173,701.
Border Patrol agents in Texas are the busiest, with more than 128,000 arrests during April-an average of 4,260 per day. Along the whole southwest border, agents are apprehending an average of 6,700 illegal aliens per day.--

The World Health Organisation ("WHO") and the World Economic Forum ("WEF") begin a four-day meeting on Sunday as they continue to close the net on your right to choose.
The WHO has launched a plan for a so-called Pandemic Treaty which would give it unprecedented, undemocratic jurisdiction over its 194 member nations, including the UK.
Under the treaty, the WHO could order mandatory vaccines, digital health IDs, lockdowns, isolation, testing regimes, no-jab-no-job rules, or anything else it decided as policy, irrespective of dissenting voices. If the UK signed up, the Government would lose any sovereign power to decide this country's fate in the event of another pandemic, or other health issues.
Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks Not Happening in 'Any Form' as Ukraine Toughens Stance
In recent weeks, the leaders of France, Germany, and Italy have all come out in favor of a negotiated solution to end the war, but Washington does not appear to be on board with the idea. When asked about the US's position on negotiations, Biden administration officials have said they feel the best way they could help Ukraine is by supporting them militarily.
Medinsky said that Ukrainian negotiators had agreed to much of the draft deal Russia proposed but said other factions of the Ukrainian government were likely against the agreement. "But they probably represent that part of the Ukrainian elite that is most interested in reaching a peace agreement," he said. "There is probably another part of the elite that doesn't want peace, and that draws direct financial and political benefit from a continuation of the war."
-He has serious Kidney failure and damage -growths on his kidneys that are blocking functioning. He has lost weight -lost his appetite -His Kidneys slowly slowly started to stop functioning
Nightmare. -They are hell bent on killing us -if they don't get you this way they gettcha another way
I also discovered yesterday a dear male friend in Germany died -by suicide -just couldn't handle the whole nightmare --money -work isolation pressures
So sad -- We need to continue the battle for justice and freedom from tyranny."
Biden's 'Disinfo' Board Paused, 'Scary Poppins' Drafts Resignation
The Department of Homeland Security has 'paused' it's newly created Disinformation Governance Board, after its head, Nina Jankowicz, was called out for being a Russiagate truther, and going full "libs of TikTok" with creepy Disney-themed songs in a fake British accent - lending to the nickname "Scary Poppins."

A new survey reveals that CEO confidence in the economy has dropped to its lowest point since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic
The survey, conducted by The Conference Board, found that 68% of CEOs surveyed fear that the economy is headed for a recession
CEOs surveyed say they fear that the Federal Reserve's efforts to quell soaring inflation will trigger the recession
11% of CEOs surveyed say they fear a deep 'hard-landing' recession, while the rest expected only a mild recession
IRAN: Digital Food Rationing Rolls Out Using Biometric IDs Amid Food Riots - Truth Comes to Light
Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs.
Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can't afford rapidly inflating food prices.
This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, "control food, and control people."
Reader---"This video was posted 2 weeks ago by US Army Special Operations Forces (SOF) recruitment entities. It is a fully legitimate military recruitment commercial. As you know, military recruitment videos pull at young peoples desire to belong but they are also used as weathervanes, pointing the direction in which our Handlers plan to take us. This video gives me the feeling of "join us or be part of the carnage that's coming".

"How many companies that received the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy have since gone bankrupt?" asked an Inquiry Of Ministry. The Agency replied that 750 insolvent firms received payments.
According to Blacklock's Reporter, when asked, "What is the total amount of subsidy received by the companies?" The Agency said payments to the 750 insolvent firms totaled $145.9 million.
Of the 750 bankrupts, almost half were tax delinquents before they successfully applied for taxpayers' aid. The inquiry said 352 owed back taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency when they were sent the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy payments.
Russia kicks out Canadian state media
The CAF has been struggling to reform its reputation for decades after reports of widespread sexual assault surfaced. Yet recently many senior officers have been removed despite being cleared of the allegations. Why has there been a sudden removal of the senior leaders of the CAF over the past 18 months?
The Trudeau government has used the #MeToo movement to push through radical, woke reforms of the Canadian military. Trudeau Is Purging the Canadian Military
MM said (May 19, 2022):
The overall state of affairs is not looking well. Faced with the pure Evil and Satan himself, the ordinary folk in North America (i.e., the White middle class) is mentally and spiritually paralyzed. Not all of them, but a very good chunk. Decades of the Jew Hollywood propaganda, professional “sports”, a long-time rotten to-the-bone two-party system in the US, and other social drugs have been poisoning the minds of the millions in the US, rendering them blind to this final destruction of the US/Canada as we know them.
A fraction of the US population which constitutes roughly 2% of the US citizens (Jews) controls every aspect of our everyday life - finances, health, politics, media, etc. Brother Nathanael is doing his best to open up peoples’ eyes, but it seems he’s got a rather limited number of them who are willing to listen and get awoken.
Not even Tucker Carlson would dare to venture there and encroach on the dangerous “red line zone” when it comes to Jewish supremacy in the US.
The treacherous Fox News keeps pretending to be a “non-mainstream” conservative media outlet, while they openly support the Jew Mafia-financed Nazis in Ukraine and keep peddling the same trite cliché regarding “midterm elections” or any other elections in the US for that matter. The name of this game is nothing else but the perpetuation of the corrupt & completely worn-out political system run by the Jewish banksters on Wall Street and in the so-called Federal Reserves.
The rest of the media outlets are openly working for Satan. If they are not spewing globalist/transgender agendas at a particular moment, they will entertain us with “reality shows” where Kardashians and other celebrity whores will be teaching our girls how to get out and fuck as many (colored) dudes as they can. Or they will let us listen to the Jew witch Joy Behar and her black Jew wannabe lap-dog Whoopie.