Are Aliens Pulling the Strings on Earth?
May 11, 2022

His latest points on Disclosure is that sometime in the next few months, once the federal reserve has crashed out, the Globalist while freaking out will leak information admitting them and their technology; all in a ploy last ditch effort to maintain control over the masses as they try to instill their New Digital Currency and ID control.
The Jews chose the Aliens as god with Aliens using Jews since then as their puppets. Once kicked out of everywhere the Jews set up their own puppets aka Freemasons.
Yes, dark Aliens control Jews, who in turn control Freemasons all the while the ET light workers try to help us out; BUT first we need to awaken to our Lost Humanity History to see what really happened. No ET is not coming to save humanity, we need to do that collectively as all are of ONE the source.
As most people do not believe most stuff from media, or what govt force fed them with; it is highly unlikely that many will believe what i write here. I leave it to what the universe says 'we will give you all you need, BUT, you have to work for it'. Cosmos knows we have all answers available if we work to find them. Simply put, know your history of Aliens wars on earth that they won and as history repeats itself, are they going to win the present Armageddon?
So given the Stolen-Hidden Real Human History, maybe it's time to step up a notch and Expose the real evil behind the infamous Satan et al. Dark Aliens have had control over humanity for eons and yes via their (they are god, little g) chosen ones the Jews. Masons are just minions to the Jews because the Jews made a mess of things and got kicked out of everywhere. Dark Aliens are while more advanced than humans technologically are emotionless (no vagus nervous system) so they are Stupid even if intelligent.
The more revelations come out, the more we will see and connect the dots to Real Human History. Just looking at the faces of the minions aka Globalists and the plans they are mapping out for us gives a glimpse behind the curtain of who are the real enemy ie those mind-controlled brain-washed by the dark Aliens.

Revelations is here and as all is being made manifest-known we will continue to see Armageddon being setup and played out. No human will be spared the psychological trauma of what will be as Aliens-ETs show themselves along with all the breakdowns of present human society.
Thanks to the internet all Secrets Revealed are instantly shared by all those awakened and open minded enough to care about Requiting God's Love, grow their soul-spirit and be all they can be, a soul experiencing life in a human suit.
At present, 2022 seems to be the time for the Alien-ET revelations; be it their technology we use or their involvement in Real Human History that is hidden... STAY TUNED.
Maybe if humanity really knew who was behind it all, they'd get fed up with the games, stand up. revolt and take back their lives. BTW only those that are awakened and open minded are impervious to Alien mind-control; so with 50% of humanity mostly open minded; we are half way there.
For those readers that want a different point of view, all the while re-connecting with God of Love, and to understand what has-is going on in hyper-space with the good and bad other-dimensionals
Matrix Hacker said (May 12, 2022):
I also made a pit stop at the alien theory on my path to waking up after discovering William Bramley's book The Gods of Eden. The narrative was quite compelling at the time because I had the distinct sense of not wanting to be here experiencing the material world and thought perhaps aliens were somehow holding humanity here against our will. Ultimately I had to reject the theory because it was revealed to me that seeing ourselves as victims of others whether is be of the Cabalists or aliens, is how we give our power away. Waking up to reality is how we take our power back and that entails taking responsibility for having made the choice to experience this world of insanity.
Alien contact and abduction stories are a common feature of mind control programming. Orson Welle's 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds was used as a test to ascertain how gullible the populace would be to a mock alien invasion that could be used to unite humanity under a one world government. Ultimately it was determined that it would not be believable enough so that plan was chucked in favor of global warming/environmental crisis which we see them using currently.