Cabalist Breeding Program -- Is Brad Pitt the Son of Robert Redford?
April 22, 2022

Upon looking the article over, what immediately struck me was that both of Brad's true parents were boldly named. Jane was named as being his mother. Jane is both the name of Brad's adoptive mother and his true mother Jane Fonda. It matters not that the Jane being referred to was his adoptive mother because Jane also happens to be the name of his true mother.
The article then named Robert Redford under the guise of telling the story that Doug and his wife had attended the NYC premier of the film directed by Redford, A River Runs Through It, and starring Brad way back in 1992. But this particular article was telling the story of Doug and not Brad which told me that an admission was being made that Doug is also the biological son of Jane Fonda and Robert Redford.

The purpose of these fictional narratives is to cause us to be "asleep" or ignorant of reality. Failing to "wake up" communicates to our Satanic overlords that we love the world of illusion that they create for us and that we want them to persist in deceiving us which also grants them permission to proceed with their stated goal of bringing to fruition a Totalitarian New World Order. Choosing to awaken from our slumber informs them that we no longer consent to them perpetuating a fictional world for us to experience and sending this message, ultimately, is our objective.
Disabusing ourselves of the false notion that incestuous breeding results in deformities and realizing these breeding practices are employed in the present day then gives us "eyes to see." And what do we then see? We see that a myriad of clues are hiding in plain sight for us to discover and interpret in the interest of deconstructing official celebrity narratives and apprehending the truth beyond these illusions. Satanists operate according to the occult principle that they can lie to us as much as they want so long as they make the truth available to those who sincerely wish to find it. Our challenge is to train our minds to "read between the lines" to find the truth because Satanists never hand it to us on a silver platter.
----- Question from Gary The Matrix Hacker wrote in the aforementioned article: "Disabusing ourselves of the false notion that incestuous breeding results in deformities and realizing these breeding practices are employed in the present day then gives us 'eyes to see.'" Is he stating that incestuous breeding between first degree relatives does NOT result in deformities and/or genetic abnormalities, and if so, how does he explain that such things are in fact well documented in medical science? Matrix Hacker replies The short answer is that medical science is funded by the elites and the research that promotes their conclusions and agendas get the funding. The very idea that incestuous breeding leads to physical deformities is an inversion of truth. Cabalists have created a false narrative that states that deformities result from incestuous breeding for us to believe because believing the false narrative creates a mental hurdle in our minds that is extremely difficult for us to overcome as we attempt to "wake up" to Reality. According to Susan Maureen Brandt, the reality of incestuous breeding is that it reduces the number of genes available and desirable traits such as beauty are easily reproduced in children that are bred by beautiful parents who are very closely related. Now, this is not to say that deformities can never occur through incestuous breeding. The Hapsburgs were known to have done lots of inbreeding and they had physical deformities. They are a famous counter-example to the authentic rule that incestuous breeding results in more-beautiful-than-average people. Therefore, to think of them as the prime example of what results from inbreeding is a mistake on our part that also provides a great cover for the Satanists who aim to deceive us into believing that they don't engage in these practices in the modern day. Because Cabalists are both masters of deception and diabolical, it would be wise of us to consider that the Hapsburgs may have been subjected to improper inbreeding methods on purpose as a means of gradually undermining their power and influence over time. What I find interesting is that the breeding program appears to consist of mainly half-sibling breeding and occasional parent-child breeding with no breeding at all among full siblings. Full sibling breeding may be the Achilles heel, or downfall, within incestuous breeding because it appears that the Cabalists avoid it altogether. And it is quite possible that the Hapsburgs were subjected to full sibling breeding. Reply to another question from Gary- We have a symbiotic relationship with the Cabalists/Illuminati and they will continue to clear the way for us to break every taboo known to man for as long as we communicate that we want them to. One of their goals is to indoctrinate us into the Satanic cult via our willingness to debase ourselves by mimicking the behavior of their Satanic celebrity-marionettes but without receiving any of the rewards that cult members earn for selling their souls. They rule by fear and deception and when we get sick of their shit-show and fully wake up to the reality of their shenanigans, this will dissolve the power they wield over us and they will be rendered obsolete. If there are rumors that Hunter Biden and his half sister Ashley made a sex tape then I would read this as an admission of the truth. And, yes, this activity would be a cover for breeding even if a surrogate had been employed for the breeding (Ashley is 40 years old now). Recently, Henry posted a photo of Malia Obama dressed like she was attending an orgy and the photo was said to have come from Hunter's laptop which is telling us that Hunter also bred with Malia. Our Satanic overlords love rubbing this stuff in our faces and what all of the sexual activity is really telling us is who is breeding with whom. ![]() ![]() What about breeding within political dynasties? Have you ever seen how much Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks like Nazi leader Martin Bormann? I do not believe that Bibi is the son of Ben Zion Netanyahu! |
MB said (April 23, 2022):
Love reading these articles by Matrix Hacker as they actually explain so much about current events!
Matrix Hacker mentions Harry Potter detailing the idea of babies being adopted into other families at birth, but Game of Thrones (a much more recent TV series) really brings the concept of incest to the fore, and based on Matrix Hacker’s articles, I don’t believe this was by accident. In fact, the whole premise of the show (a bastard born of incest then being made king, this incest becoming public knowledge which then sparks several wars) is based entirely on this topic!
Given the hype around the series and the fame George RR Martin has received for the show and books, I suspect that he has been assisted with, if not entirely gifted and then taken credit for, the entire plot for Game of Thrones. It is again a case of the “Powers that Be” showing the truth to us in plain sight as to how the world really works, yet we still fail to see the obvious.
As Matrix Hacker discusses, while the show promotes the idea of incest between members the previously ruling family, the Targaryans, which enabled them to retain power for generations (as is what has been happening in reality), it then slightly discounts this idea by showing full sibling relations occasionally causing madness; this same madness led to a revolution against the Targaryens and their eventual downfall.
Thanks for the great content, as always.