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Corrupt Indonesia Embraces Covid Boondoggle

April 2, 2022


Two hundred & eighty million Indonesians
have been terrorized
and poisoned by their government
which has embraced the covidscam whole hog.
But is it halal?

Two courageous individuals are
taking the government to court.

by Indo Patriot

Ted Hilbert a permanent resident from Luxembourg and Fatoni Rahman, an Indonesian citizen,  are suing the Indonesian president Joko Widodo and the Ministry of Health to stop the Covid-19 vaccination mandates currently enforced.

They object to the government's Covid-19 policy - particularly the vaccine mandate as a requirement to access government administration services/public transportation and be allowed entry to public spaces as well as facing fines for being unvaccinated.

fucking-moron.jpgThe plaintiffs provide evidence to demonstrate how President Widodo's (left, nickname Jokowi) mandated vaccination policy violates a number of Indonesian laws, has failed to prevent Covid-19 transmission. They request that the vaccine mandates now be stopped.
In January 2021 the first batches of the Emergency Use Authorized poisons arrived in the country. These (Sinovac, Novavax, Pfizer, AstraZeneca  and subsequently Sinopharm, Moderna and Sputnik V) would be mandatory.  

To encourage vaccine uptake Jokowi "received" his first Sinovac dose at the  presidential palace on the 13th January 2021. Nobody saw whatever was in that vial actually being injected into the President (and, of course, nobody could verify if that was the Sinovac vaccine). 

Still, despite the media stunt, uptake in the general population was not high -  even with incentives ( win-a-motorbike-balis-klungkung-aims-to-boost-vax-rate-with-door-prizes/. )

 So the population needed to be pushed a  little harder. 

By mid-August 2021 malls in Jakarta announced that visitors had to be  vaccinated - Link: malls-reopen-exclusively-vaccinated-shoppers-2021-08-13/ (this also extended to domestic/international travel by sea/air).

Prior to this, Jakarta's deputy governor requested financial penalties for vaccine refusers (link: indonesia-vaccines-idUSL4N2KO1ZD).  

indo-mural.jpgAlmost overnight the situation changes - vaccine clinics are everywhere with hundreds of people lining up to get jabbed. Now Jakarta is 99.98%  vaccinated and Bali, a popular travel destination, 83.13% vaccinated.
But it's halal right?  

Indonesia is 87.2% muslim  so great emphasis has been placed on the vaccines being halal to resolve any hesitancy.  

This is completely untrue as ALL of the vaccines contain and/or have been tested with HEK-293 (Human Embryonic Kidney cells - aborted foetal  tissue...amongst other questionable ingredients such as chimpanzee  adenovirus: indonesia/en-PI-AZD1222.pdf.

All vaccine ingredient listings: https:// All are haram (forbidden) under  Islamic law (Link: islamic-perspective/) and can NEVER be halal with the "pandemic" 0.05%  Infection Fatality Rate (Link: 99/1/20-265892.pdf). 

The Muslims have been sadly duped.....along with everyone else. 

Many citizens are now fully conditioned by the fear-based propaganda and despite receiving up to three vaccine doses are STILL wearing masks (often  double masked) and practising social distancing. 

You CANNOT wake them up - even with the needless and dangerous  vaccination of children (Link: aged-6-11-vaccinated-per-day-in-bali-as-province-aims-to-complete-first round-this-month/). 


Vaccination clinics have been destroyed in Aceh . There's resistance to Jokowi's vaccine agenda in Madura.  There are increasing reports of children dying from the Covid vaccines,  doctors becoming sick after the jab ( and hundreds-indonesian-doctors-contract-covid-19-despite-vaccination dozens-2021-06-17/), deaths from vaccination and https:// vaccine-recipient-in-bali-dies) and those reporting adverse reactions.

The Government dismisses reports of vaccine injuries/deaths as fake news,  refuses to provide official health data to justify the vaccine program and  proclaims the vaccines are both safe and effective. 

indo-mask.jpgWith high levels of government corruption, it's important that news of the  lawsuit goes global - especially with the greater threat of  trans-humanist modification  and population culling. 

The vaccines contain what appears to be nanotech/ parasitic organisms.

I pray that the Indonesian people will actively pursue action and justice  against their wicked leader and his accomplices. 


Law Suit Press Release release-lawsuit-against-indonesian-president-and-minister-of-health-stop covid19-vaccination/ and their supporting evidence: https://investigasi _x_tr_sl=id&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at