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Home Depot's Racist, Sexist Message to Its Customers

March 23, 2022

It's safe to assume that 85% of Home Depot's customers are white male heterosexuals.

Below is the company's message to its white male heterosexual employees which, no doubt, applies to their customers.

Since when is a hardware store in the business of guilting its employees?

All corporations are controlled by the Masonic Jewish world central banking cartel, i.e. Communists, Satanists.

You only need to own 4-5% of a company's stock to control it.  This is part of the Masonic Jewish assault on the white race.

"White privilege" means that, unlike Jews, and every other race, people of European origin are not entitled to a national home where they are the majority.  Why? Because Organized Jewry perceives them as an obstacle to Jewish supremacism.

below, credit Jim Stone 

How about the vaccinated "check their privilege" over the un-vaccinated who are threatened with loss of livelihood and freedom to enter public places and travel?


Home Depot announces name-change to 

Homo Despot


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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at