Headlines for March 30, 2022
March 30, 2022

(left, Penetration? Is Fidel Castro's son Klaws Swab's bumboy?)
Send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
Canadians just got word that Bill C-11, the Internet Censorship Bill, is due to come up for debate in the House of Commons.
If this bill passes, the internet as we know it is will be changed forever. That's why we need you to phone your MP right away and demand he or she vote against Bill C-11!
"The text of the bill itself asserts that "diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and ages" must be prioritized in internet programming. That guarantees we will see more sexual perversion, more gender ideology, and more identity politics pushed on us and on our children online." Canadians! Phone your MP and demand s/he vote against this.
If this bill passes, the internet as we know it is will be changed forever. That's why we need you to phone your MP right away and demand he or she vote against Bill C-11!
"The text of the bill itself asserts that "diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and ages" must be prioritized in internet programming. That guarantees we will see more sexual perversion, more gender ideology, and more identity politics pushed on us and on our children online." Canadians! Phone your MP and demand s/he vote against this.
Begging freedom-loving Canadians to become terrorists
Fidelito is treating Canada's Freedom Convoy Truckers and Their Supporters as Terrorists -
Spencer Fernando - Fidelito is turning Canada into a shit hole. Canadians are leaving for countries where they feel welcome.
"The Q4 2021 emigration was still 55.7% higher than the 5-year median for the quarter prior to 2020. It also happens to be the biggest Q4 for people leaving since 1974."
Fidelito is treating Canada's Freedom Convoy Truckers and Their Supporters as Terrorists -
Spencer Fernando - Fidelito is turning Canada into a shit hole. Canadians are leaving for countries where they feel welcome.
"The Q4 2021 emigration was still 55.7% higher than the 5-year median for the quarter prior to 2020. It also happens to be the biggest Q4 for people leaving since 1974."

"It's all over but the shouting." Russia is playing chess. NATO checkers. A MUST-LISTEN
Scott Ritter -- Russia is Succeeding Wildly in its Objectives!"
The West wants Ukraine war to go on forever - Gilad Atzmon
The USA, Britain and NATO believe that the war in Ukraine makes Russia weak, reduces Putin into an Amalek figure, makes NATO strong and will lead to an extensive boost to the USA's military industrial complex. Accordingly, Biden, Johnson and NATO want an indefinite continuation of the war. Ukrainians must be very tired of the disaster inflicted on them by their leader and the warmongering West.
The USA, Britain and NATO believe that the war in Ukraine makes Russia weak, reduces Putin into an Amalek figure, makes NATO strong and will lead to an extensive boost to the USA's military industrial complex. Accordingly, Biden, Johnson and NATO want an indefinite continuation of the war. Ukrainians must be very tired of the disaster inflicted on them by their leader and the warmongering West.
Will Putin Wake Up to the Threat of Russia's Atlanticist Integrationists? by Paul Craig Roberts
Chubais, Kudrin, and Nabiullina are Washington's candidates to be installed as president of Russia once Putin can be overthrown. Although Chubais has fled, Putin has taken no action against Kudrin and Nabiullina.
Nabiulina bears sole responsibility for Russia's loss of her foreign exchange reserves. The central bank chief had most of Russia's reserves in foreign banks where they were easily seized by the sanctions. As Glazyev has said, this is open undisguised treason, and Putin just nominated Nabiulina for reappointment!
Nabiulina bears sole responsibility for Russia's loss of her foreign exchange reserves. The central bank chief had most of Russia's reserves in foreign banks where they were easily seized by the sanctions. As Glazyev has said, this is open undisguised treason, and Putin just nominated Nabiulina for reappointment!
Jim Stone defines chutzpah-
The definition of arrogance: (This is SO BAD it is hard to believe it is not scripted:
Get this: Europe and the United States:
1. Stole Russia's gold.
2. Stole Russia's foreign assets, including private assets, both hard and financial.
3. Kicked Russia out of the world financial system.
4. Cut Russia off economically.
5. Called for the destruction of Russia.
6. Then had the audacity to complain about Russia demanding they start paying for everything in Rubles or gold.
2. Stole Russia's foreign assets, including private assets, both hard and financial.
3. Kicked Russia out of the world financial system.
4. Cut Russia off economically.
5. Called for the destruction of Russia.
6. Then had the audacity to complain about Russia demanding they start paying for everything in Rubles or gold.
Data: Canada and Israel are suffering from a pandemic of the fully vaccinated
Canada and Israel are among the world's most highly vaccinated nations. In Canada, 83 percent of the population is fully vaccinated and nearly half the population has received an additional dose. In Israel, 68 percent of the people are fully vaccinated and 58 percent have received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
None of the vaccines that flooded Canada have saved it from its current COVID-19 onslaught. Data provided by the federal government of Canada itself shows that seven out of every 10 COVID-19 deaths are among the fully vaccinated.
Canada and Israel are among the world's most highly vaccinated nations. In Canada, 83 percent of the population is fully vaccinated and nearly half the population has received an additional dose. In Israel, 68 percent of the people are fully vaccinated and 58 percent have received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
None of the vaccines that flooded Canada have saved it from its current COVID-19 onslaught. Data provided by the federal government of Canada itself shows that seven out of every 10 COVID-19 deaths are among the fully vaccinated.

COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines
These government statistics show there is no greater danger to the lives of Americans today than our own government which is sitting on data that show the following increases of reports in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines:
68,000% increase in strokes
44,000% increase in heart disease
6,800% increase in deaths
5,700% increase in permanent disabilities
5,000% increase in life threatening injuries
4,400% increase in hospitalizations
This is mass murder and genocide.
These government statistics show there is no greater danger to the lives of Americans today than our own government which is sitting on data that show the following increases of reports in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines:
68,000% increase in strokes
44,000% increase in heart disease
6,800% increase in deaths
5,700% increase in permanent disabilities
5,000% increase in life threatening injuries
4,400% increase in hospitalizations
This is mass murder and genocide.
Child COVID Cases Have Dropped by 93% Since Virginia Governor Youngkin Lifted School Mask Mandates
General Flynn: Putin Is Derailing The New World Order

Gunman Kills Five Israelis in Tel Aviv Suburb in Third Shooting Attack in a Week
The assailant, a 26-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank, was shot dead; Bennett says Israel will fight terrorism 'with an iron fist'
Gunman Kills Five Israelis in Tel Aviv Suburb in Third Shooting Attack in a Week
The assailant, a 26-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank, was shot dead; Bennett says Israel will fight terrorism 'with an iron fist'
ISIS = Israel Intelligence Service - This wouldn't be the first time Zionists killed their own.
Edward Hendrie
Steve Kirsch argues logically that autopsies of persons who die within two months of vaccination would put an end to speculation about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines. But Kirsch realizes that will not happen. He explains: "I'll tell you why they don't do it: They don't do it because they know the results would be devastating and would immediately halt the vaccine and discredit the FDA, CDC, the entire medical establishment, virtually all members of Congress, and the mainstream media." Attached is a report by Kirsch wherein he extrapolates from the reported statistics the real death rate from the COVID-19 vaccines. He concludes that the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is under-reporting deaths by a factor of 41X. That means that the VAERS report of 26,059 deaths from COVID-19 vaccines as of March 18, 2022, actually represents 1,068,419 deaths.
Reader writes-
"For those of you who have taken the third dose, go and take a test for AIDS. The result may surprise you. Then sue your government." - French virologist, Luc Montagnier
"AIDS is a complete immune deficiency (not a virus). Wellness Way doctors have found the vaccines are destroying peoples immune systems.
Is it any coincidence that Moderna is now launching clinical trials for a new mRNA based AIDS vaccine?
These sick people are making money on both ends. They don't care about you. This will only stop when everyone stops.
Pray for people to wake up. Pray for people to see the truth. Then love them through it when they do."
(Gender dysphoria is a sickness and affront to God. It is spread by Satanists to destabilize society in advance of a police state.)
Edward Hendrie
Steve Kirsch argues logically that autopsies of persons who die within two months of vaccination would put an end to speculation about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines. But Kirsch realizes that will not happen. He explains: "I'll tell you why they don't do it: They don't do it because they know the results would be devastating and would immediately halt the vaccine and discredit the FDA, CDC, the entire medical establishment, virtually all members of Congress, and the mainstream media." Attached is a report by Kirsch wherein he extrapolates from the reported statistics the real death rate from the COVID-19 vaccines. He concludes that the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is under-reporting deaths by a factor of 41X. That means that the VAERS report of 26,059 deaths from COVID-19 vaccines as of March 18, 2022, actually represents 1,068,419 deaths.
Reader writes-
"For those of you who have taken the third dose, go and take a test for AIDS. The result may surprise you. Then sue your government." - French virologist, Luc Montagnier
"AIDS is a complete immune deficiency (not a virus). Wellness Way doctors have found the vaccines are destroying peoples immune systems.
Is it any coincidence that Moderna is now launching clinical trials for a new mRNA based AIDS vaccine?
These sick people are making money on both ends. They don't care about you. This will only stop when everyone stops.
Pray for people to wake up. Pray for people to see the truth. Then love them through it when they do."

Good article on the trans insanity from Brandon Smith
Jeff Berwick -- at 18 min
HIV added to shot to disable the immune system.
Needed to allow the Nano Particles to enter the body's systems.
Heart damage in teens after second Pfizer shot
Jews Blow Gasket When Fox News Reporter Claims Rothschilds Hired Charles Darwin To Invent Theory of Evolution - Christians for Truth
Jeff Berwick -- at 18 min
HIV added to shot to disable the immune system.
Needed to allow the Nano Particles to enter the body's systems.
Heart damage in teens after second Pfizer shot
Jews Blow Gasket When Fox News Reporter Claims Rothschilds Hired Charles Darwin To Invent Theory of Evolution - Christians for Truth