Headlines for March 1, 2022 -- Can Putin Trust the Promises of Thieves?
February 28, 2022
Zelensky has a billion dollars and a villa in Miami
More than a billion dollars are held in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's accounts abroad. This was announced by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the Opposition Platform - Party For Life Ilya Kiva.
According to him, Zelensky has accumulated $1.2 billion in the Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika in Costa Rica during the two and a half years of his presidency. This money was transferred to the president by Ukrainian oligarchs, such as Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk, Igor Kolomoisky. As Kiva noted, replenishment is done regularly, in tranches of $12 million to $35 million. And they go through banks like First Union Bank, Deutsche Bank, Banque Nationale de Paris. According to the deputy, the movement of such funds would be impossible without the control of the authorities of Germany and France.

"In addition to the President of Ukraine at the Dresdner Bank, the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Yermak has accounts for a modest $56 million, Svyatlana Tikhanovskaya for $4.5 million, most of which she transferred in December 2020 to HSBC bank in London office. Also accounts Arseniy Yatsenyuk has one in the Miami branch of the Dresdner bank," Kiva said in her post on the Telegram channel.
We Must Stand with Ukraine, as They Stand for Us
AOC and Bernie Sanders' 'Democratic Socialists' group blames the US for Russian invasion of Ukraine and demands NATO is scrapped: 'US must end the imperialist expansionism that set the stage for this conflict'

No plans to occupy Ukraine, Russia tells UN
Lord Jacob Rothschild Admits His Family Created Israel
Paul Joseph Watson- First Casualty of War is Truth
PUTIN WAS KICKED OUT OF THE WEF. That's a REAL GOOD sign. If he was the enemy of all of us the way Biden is, he was not "good enough" at it.
Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons

Canadians will carry masks like umbrellas, says Tam
7500 km Canadian freedom chain planned for March 5
Jewish Fraternity At Indiana University Accused Of Having 'Appetite' For Money, Greed, And Sexual Assault

How The Mossad Collaborated With Heinrich Himmler To Free Jews From Concentration Camps And Ship Them To Palestine
American Jewish Patriot Alan Saborsky as Kevin Barrett's guest
r/conspiracy - Boosted people account for 65% of deaths. Unvaccinated are 12%. How people -- especially the young and healthy -- are forced and duped into getting these useless covid vaccines is astonishing.
Vaccines Are Medical Quackery and Legal Barbarity and Murder
by Edward Hendrie
NOT BEING REPORTED: US Trucker's Convoy Now Stretches Over 15 Miles Long [VIDEO)
Six facts about FidelCastro Jr. that will make your blood boil
CR said (March 1, 2022):
It's wishful thinking to believe that Putin isn't part of the NWO.
Look at the Russian coat of arms, "two headed eagle" is also the phoenix, new bird emerging from the old one. It's about creative destruction.
Some sort of diplomatic solution would be best, but Western leaders are mostly retarded and Putin is bent on war, seems he's itching to use his hypersonic missiles. Like Poland in WW2, Ukraine could be the beginning of WW3.
Remember what assholes like Aleister Crowley said:
There is a Magical operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood. Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned and conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.
Putin is a kabbalist and surrounded by Chabadniks, you think there is a chance he isn't part of this plan?
Look at the book of Esther, it's an allegorical story in which Haman is Adam. They want to destroy humanity altogether, likely by depopulating the world and turning the survivors into GMO cyborgs. It's insane but the WEF, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk are openly discussing these things.
Putin and NATO are two side of the same coin, and Russia and China are close allies. They are right beside each other anyway, and communism came to China via Russia.
This is a genuine concern but it is also plausible that he wants to prevent the Masonic Jewish locusts from eating Russia alive. Throughout history, their proxies have thrown away the script.