Headlines for Feb. 27, 2022
February 26, 2022
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No going back to normal, says Klaws Swab. Prepare for a major cyber attack that will shut down the economy and make the plandemic seem like a minor disturbance. Covid is a scam to introduce worldwide Communism. Just watch this.
Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces to be on highest alert
The move comes in response to "hostile" rhetoric by top NATO officials, Russia's president has explained
EU seizing assets of Russian Central Bank? Putting Russia in the trucker doghouse?
The Battle for Kiev Is the Silliest War Yet, the Level of Disinformation Is Absurd
Andrew Anglin • February 26, 2022
Ukraine, John Mearsheimer, and Unexploded Intellectual Bombs
Ron Unz •
(Plan B?)
Andrew Anglin • February 26, 2022
Ukraine, John Mearsheimer, and Unexploded Intellectual Bombs
Ron Unz •
(Plan B?)

Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces to be on highest alert
The move comes in response to "hostile" rhetoric by top NATO officials, Russia's president has explained
The move comes in response to "hostile" rhetoric by top NATO officials, Russia's president has explained
American living in Ukraine says Russia wants to capture the country intact, not destroy it as the US does
Sweden's no lock down policy WAS right and countries that enforced them had 'significantly worse outcomes', report by its government finds
Fine Art: the world's most secret tax scam
Ukraine not refusing to negotiate but not ready to accept Russian ultimatums -official
'Nazi sympathiser', 24, started building homemade sub machine gun in his Leamington Spa garage 'to kill Jews', court hears
Zelensky found a billion dollars and a villa in Miami
Fine Art: the world's most secret tax scam
Ukraine not refusing to negotiate but not ready to accept Russian ultimatums -official
'Nazi sympathiser', 24, started building homemade sub machine gun in his Leamington Spa garage 'to kill Jews', court hears
Spike Genes Have Patented DNA Sequences. This is Dangerous.
Zelensky found a billion dollars and a villa in Miami
RT questioning WEF?
Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?
Much more light must be shed on the World Economic Forum's agenda and its string-pullers
Germany to Send Anti-Tank Weapons, Missiles to Ukraine in Major Policy Reversal
Fascist Chrystia Freeland's Excellent 1989 Adventure in the Ukraine
Canadians should not be surprised by the fact that our Liberal Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, has been hiding a big Nazi skeleton in her family closet.
France has deactivated nearly four million vaccine passes as the definition of "fully vaccinated" continues to change. Authorities are now requiring everyone over the age of 16 to receive their third booster dose within four months of their second dosage, which has been dramatically shortened from the original seven-month period.
RT questioning WEF?
Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?
Much more light must be shed on the World Economic Forum's agenda and its string-pullers
Germany to Send Anti-Tank Weapons, Missiles to Ukraine in Major Policy Reversal

Canadians should not be surprised by the fact that our Liberal Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, has been hiding a big Nazi skeleton in her family closet.
France has deactivated nearly four million vaccine passes as the definition of "fully vaccinated" continues to change. Authorities are now requiring everyone over the age of 16 to receive their third booster dose within four months of their second dosage, which has been dramatically shortened from the original seven-month period.
Video of people collapsing while advocating the Cabalist Vaccine
Edmonton Police Officers Who Joined Trucker Protest 'Relieved of Duty Without Pay'
John Kaminski said (February 27, 2022):
I've had the impression for a long time, maybe as long as eight or ten years, that the U.S. is being set up for destruction, not only to bring it down to the level of the rest of the world, but to bring it down far below the rest of the world. Our internal sabotage is certainly helping that process, but the list of U.S. atrocities since WW2 which I've frequently compiled is now being noticed by the rest of the world, and my suspicion is that there is plenty of evidence the entire rest of the world is being prepared (by Israel of course) to gang up on the U.S. and destroy it for good. We see it clearly in the presence of so-called a COVID deaths by which the white countries are being depopulated. as well as by the formidable list of evil machinations that the U.S. has engineered all over the world to destabilize countries for purposes of stealing their assets, notably oil but also minerals. Foremost at the moment is U.S. responsibility for triggering the so-called conflict in Ukraine, the primary cause of which is the U.S. backing of the 2014 neocon revolution. With Russia riding in to resolve the unjust situation, it's only a small step from there to rally the rest of the world to put a stop to this U.S. crime wave that has negatively affected nearly every country on Earth.
So a 'wag the dog' war in Ukraine staged for the edification of the rest of the world is added to the stealing of people's bank accounts in Canada in the suppression of genuine patriotism and the persecution of innocent people in Australia with toxic treatments for a fake disease and all of these disingenuous plots generated by the U.S. and then unfairly blaming it on China gives the rest of the world ample evidence that America is a mad dog that needs to be put down. The deliberately incompetent Biden administration plus the U.S. track record of invasions all over the world based on false pretenses merely prove the point.
The saddest part is that the vigilantes riding to the rescue of the world from U.S. tyranny will pretty much take over the market for corruption that the U.S. will lose so that nothing will really change and individual freedom will be farther away than ever because America failed to fulfill the purpose it pretended to promote but never did, which was liberty and justice for all.