Jacob Rothschild- The Truth Doesn't Matter Any More
December 14, 2021

"Everyone must do the same. In all communist nations we have fostered, it is customary that for "equality" for the desired and planned "levelling" in this new order, in order for people to have the same in their needs and wants, everyone has to be psychologically trained to obey the same commands"
"The universal vaccine programs not only open the door for behavior control through gene modification and enhancement, but more importantly for the present operation - psychological behaviour control with the vaccines is even more fundamental. Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour." --- Jacob Rothschild
"You keep asking "why?', like a schoolboy. You think cold hard facts and reason have sway with the public when they believe their governments are caring for them, giving them money, and trying to make them safe." Henry, it is all psychology and the media, and despite anything I say it will make no difference to the outcome." or
"You see Henry, you proceed to attack us based on the old and outmoded method of arguing which is with facts and reasons. That is not the way things are done anymore. People generally like to pretend and generally will believe anything they see most other people believing in or else they simply do what they are led to do by the media and what we want. If someone like you goes against their interests and beliefs, they are likely to discount what you say and completely shut it out of their minds. That is what is happening to you."
"What you are concerned about are the methods we are using to solve these problems, which you say are "totalitarian", and "communist". To us those are only abstract words like the words 'truth', 'freedom', and 'justice', and in any crisis people mainly act on emotion and not upon actual fact, critical thinking, and reason."
First Comment from JK
Mandatory vaccines are coming to every country in the world. The elites will not stop
until they force this evil thing on everyone. They need to do this to
cover up their murderous crimes when people start dropping but also to
make sure no one can escape the Alien life form from invading their
bodies. Humanity has been sold down the river by the most corrupt evil
people in history.
Humanity needs to take most of the blame. You allowed
this to happen. If everyone said no, if everyone resisted, it would
end. I have no hope of this happening. People are weak and self centred; they won't take the consequences of resisting and the elites
know it so it's just a waiting game. I cannot understand the lack of
Take a listen to Bill Deblasio's aka Warren Wilhem's
arrogant rant today bragging about breaking everyone's will and forcing
them into a corner like rats. America can't win anymore because we have
no will, we won't stand up, we are not a cohesive population and we
can't stand the most minor inconvenience.
CN said (December 16, 2021):
Congrats, Henry, on catching their attention!
We must keep in mind that the people that surround these mega-billionaires are yes-men or ass kissers, whatever term you want to use and that slews their impression of how people are. Even with their think tanks, which end up only confirming the way they were already thinking, they are hard pressed to truly judge how people will behave.
And anyway, to a king of fiat currency, the Truth never did matter.