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Bank Accounts Will Be Seized -- Satanist Insider

December 15, 2021

1930_0701_milbury.jpgAloysius Fozdyke - "Just so you know, there will be a cover story about a virulent computer virus which will necessitate the banks of the world closing (for about three days?). When these re-open it will be back to the 1930s where depositors must prove why they need their money. The more things change, the more things stay the same. Just remember I told you so.

 "This is what I know in broad outline. What was conveyed at that time. And this (or so similar it's a distinction without a difference) will happen. I keep to my own agenda at my stage in life and practice."


(Disclaimer - I am conveying AJF's message. I have no idea if this will happen, but certainly it could. See links below. They would need to quickly convert us all to their digital currency or how would we pay our taxes?)

"We control the major finances of the world but also your governments, the major media networks, most jobs on the planet, and even the money in your bank accounts. These are the facts which you cannot change."  

"If people will allow such vaccines to invade their own bodies and their children's in order to comply and to be the same or "equal" to "everyone" else they most certainly will not object to or oppose their wealth, use of resources and life styles being equalized as well."

- Jacob Rothschild Lifts the Veil   Dec.7 2021

Satanist Insider Dances on Our Graves

The Seal of The Usher
Dedicated to Norman Lindsay

 by Aloysius Fozdyke

"Norman Lindsay (see bio below) maintained t
hat cruelty and violence were natural and that society's denial of these was simply Christian hypocrisy... Lindsay rediscovered that in a threatening ritual situation - with its heightened sense of alertness, with reaction and responses at fever pitch - if the chance to respond in a constructive way is denied then everyday responses to danger become dysfunctional. In such individuals fear, anger and sadness can be manipulated to quickly escalate."

So, you ready? Look at it from our point of view and ours' is the only one which matters - you and yours don't deserve to live!

Be off with you! Where's your impotent, slumbering saviour when you need him?

Two thousands years' worth of orphans' and widows' tears never moved him - so he ain't coming now!

The worse things get the more strongly you'll comply. Console yourselves in the knowledge that you paid for what's coming, so I hope you appreciate value for money. 'They're only shower blocks.'

Remember the scene from Life of Brian?

"Good. Out of the door. Lying on the left. As many jabs as we say.'

Just hapless, cowardly, honourless, ignorant and stupid filth deserved of death or anything else you're given.

Take a good, hard, clearsighted look around and then tell me I'm wrong - especially if you're vaccinated. I enjoy a good laugh, and all the more so if it's at someone else's expense.

This is the Age of Satan. The last century was His! All of it!

Now we are manifesting Our dark Goddesses and Gods - starting with, but as these operations take time, not limited to The Usher of Desecration, then Vindex.

The mass human extinction will provide more low quality, almost physical energy than can be harvested and directed to these manifest ends. If yours is harvested, at least you won't have died in vain.
I am advanced in years and reliant upon medication to live; therefore, I will shortly die - supply lines, etc. But I die knowing that I will walk with Satan, in His world, with His Bride and that I will be born again as an independent, sovereign God. I have continued and built upon my Deities' and Teacher's work. I have gifted Australia, New Zealand and Canada to the new Chinese Empire. The Übermensch is Chinese! [The Chinese don't use Messenger RNA vaccines or suffer much Xtianity.]

I will float to Hell on generational rivers of other peoples' persistent tears! My contempt and hatred will live on in their misery. I will die with both a curse and a smile on my lips.

Satan is My Father

And I am about His Work

In His Temple.

Related - Harry Vox-- Jewish Banking Cartels Planning Theft of all Deposits
-------------Rothschilds Intend to Precipitate Financial Collapse
----------------Israel Leads 10-country Simulation of Major Cyber Attack on World Financial System

440px-Norman_Lindsay_1920.jpgNorman Alfred William Lindsay (22 February 1879 - 21 November 1969) was an Australian artist, etcher, sculptor, writer, art critic, novelist, cartoonist and amateur boxer.[1] One of the most prolific and popular Australian artists of his generation, Lindsay attracted both acclaim and controversy for his works, many of which infused the Australian landscape with erotic pagan elements and were deemed by his critics to be "anti-Christian, anti-social and degenerate".[2] A vocal nationalist, he became a regular artist for The Bulletin at the height of its cultural influence, and advanced staunchly anti-modernist views as a leading writer on Australian art. When friend and literary critic Bertram Stevens argued that children like to read about fairies rather than food, Lindsay wrote and illustrated The Magic Pudding (1918), now considered a classic work of Australian children's literature.

Apart from his creative output, Lindsay was known for his larrikin attitudes and personal libertine philosophy, as well as his battles with what he termed "wowserism". One such battle is portrayed in the 1994 film Sirens, starring Sam Neill and filmed on location at Lindsay's home in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. It is now known as the Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum and is maintained by the National Trust of Australia.

First Comment by Anthony Migchels

Fozdyke is certainly right, it's coming.

Last week, Zion led an 'exercise' of ten nations to 'prepare' for a 'cyber attack' on the Banks.

What I warned about in my last article for you, already months ago, that the Fed is going to start tapering because of self induced inflation, and that this will hammer 'the markets', is now materializing.

Not only are they tightening money, they're doing it while Chinese real estate (the biggest asset class in the world, worth more than US, European and Japanese housing combined) is melting down. Evergrande is busted, and it's leaving a 300 billion black hole that is metastasizing throughout the financial system as we speak. Many, there and elsewhere, will undoubtedly follow; in the US Zillow is already over.

Banks are going to go bust, and Bail ins, where the depositors will be made to pay for the black holes in the balance sheets of the Banks, will come. Remember: all the money printing started in Sep19, because the Banks WERE already all bankrupt, they wouldn't lend to each other anymore. This led to the mega bailout in the weekend that we were locked up/down, six months later.

Have a look at this: two months ago, the Fed published who received the bail outs at the time: ALL the big Banks, American and European, were gone.

When?! I expected last summer, and was proven wrong, but nothing has changed on the outlook, only the time table. And I was wrong to put a time on it, simply because it's always the same: you can see what's happening, the trends, but only God and the Bankers know when. Geopolitics moves slowly, even now.

Holding big money in a Bank is, besides willing cooperation with the New World Order, suicide.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Bank Accounts Will Be Seized -- Satanist Insider "

GS said (December 16, 2021):

ozdyke is a blithering fool. (As is JR, by the way).

Indeed, he is going to hell in a handbasket, but he will most certainly not become his own god. He also seems to be conflating satanism with luciferianism.

The truth is, Satan and his minions are on a very short leash, no matter how much the world is currently infested with diabolical influences.

NOTHING happens without God's approval. Period. God uses people, angels, demons and saints as tools for the contrast and discovery of spiritual truths, basically for our own benefit.

I can personally attest to this.

The key is to get right with God, right now. Christian Orthodoxy is perhaps the best way to do this, which is precisely why the Good Church (versus the anti-Church) has been targeted so heavily over the last 40 years or so.

Father Chad Ripperberger (an exorcist in what is known as The Divine Economy of Authority) lays it all out with precision. He is not only an ordained priest, but has a PhD in psychology. He's a brilliant man, and one of very few who can bridge the supernatural world with the physical in ways that make complete sense.

Regarding bail-ins, I cannot say with certainty that they will or will not happen, but what I can say with confidence is that we are well within the mechanics of a decentralized economic movement - I know this because this is my main vocation.

I have also worked with many different groups, including those tied to the central banks. Their efforts to develop CBDCs are well behind what we are doing with asset-backed cryptocurrencies or NFTs (non-fungible tokens), as just one example.

The big banks will no doubt be casualties in this rapid shift, but I doubt the people they need as customers of various types will be taking the fall for their improprieties. Most likely it will be just the opposite.

This recent interview I did with Michael Jaco talks about these innovations in fuller detail.

Keep your faith in God and in Jesus the Christ. It is more real than anything we experience in the world at present.

JB said (December 16, 2021):

He writes "Two thousands years' worth of orphans' and widows' tears never moved him - so he ain't coming now!"

That made me smile. 2000 years (from ~33 AD), that's the delay I expect (Joshua 3:4/Hosea 6:1). Only Christians can understand, the wicked are not allowed even if they wanted to. "the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand" - Daniel 12:10

These people are being set up by God himself, their world empire will be a terrifying adversary, that will then be used as a punching bag and then discarded like trash. We are told their religion will be Satanism and demon worship (Rev 13:4, Rev 9:20).

God is laughing at them. "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed (Jesus), saying, "Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us." He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision." - Psalms 2:2-3 (~1000 B.C.)

CC said (December 16, 2021):

Well Fozzy, You're back! Not for long by the sounds of it, this saddens me, l'd love you to still be around for the end game and witness the crumbling of all that you traded your soul for (did you have one l wonder).

l have to say that reluctantly l must concede many of your conclusions with regard to the herd-like nature of the masses and the fact that this is your time. No one can argue with the temporal power you appear to exercise or the daage you can still do, so you should continue to orgasm over it while you can.

Yes you and your ilk are kings of this paradigm - however (isn't there always a however for all of us) your ecstasy and hubris has blinded you to an over arching truth - that in the end even the devil works for God. How can it be otherwise? This paradigm is ending.

The great awakening is underway, gathering pace and with all your wiles and clever schemes, cannot be stopped. But the really funny part Fizzy is that you and your ilk are a necessary component of it. Everything you do only awakens more servants of the truth - funny! For the great divide to happen there has to be the dark and the light, this is your temporary role.

Those who do not voluntarily seek truth and awaken within will have it imposed from without through suffering and that's your purpose in this passing dream. It is by its very nature temporary. Soon all will be accomplished and when your role in the program is completed you and yours will simply be deleted (maybe the makings of a poem there?).

Meanwhile your 'god' can spend eternity shafting you, while here you won't even be a memory.

The Christ nature is being rebirthed within men or those many who have made a place for it and no l'm not talking about the flying up in to the sky 'rapture' that so called Christians think will happen.

A spiritual force is coming the like of which your myopic mind does not have the capacity to conceive of. Can you not feel it? Are you not a little uneasy, l think so or why the need to boast?

Who is it you are really trying to reassure? Somewhere at the back of what remains of your mind there is a splinter that won't quite go away. Happy Christmas Fuzzy!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at