Mike Stone - It's Official: Football is for Homosexuals
July 3, 2021
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July 3, 2021
Al Thompson said (July 3, 2021):
I used to love football and I watched it every weekend until the Michael Sam incident. Now, I don't watch it at all. Michael Sam I believe was a defensive end for the St. Louis Rams. I remember ESPN promoting Sam as a courageous man for coming out publicly as a homosexual, when in fact, he must have been corrupted by another homosexual. The homosexual people violate the natural law that the real God created and they will suffer for their misdeeds.
Everyone gets back what they put into life. In addition, to mix this garbage with a large business such as the NFL is incredibly stupid and evil.
Anything that is good and has virtue is always attacked by the evil ones. Homosexuals are evil people and they are destroying themselves.
Doug P said (July 3, 2021):
It's been about 25 years or more since the normalization of homosexuality. I think most people have had enough experience with gays to know there is something wrong with them. I think most people go to gay pride parades for the same reason people slow down as they drive by car accidents. The media still pushes it, and it's on the screen, but I don't think many really are buying into it now. Everybody knows...it doesn't need to be talked about so much. Being a homosexual or pervert is the best way to get a good government job or be a rising star in the legal profession.
DD said (July 3, 2021):
Those who embrace such a lifestyle will wax worse & worse. The proof is in the cities of sodom & Gomorrah, and the other cities on the plain at that time. God only allows this for a short time giving the people a chance to repent. This is one of the worst of all sins. Come out of Babylon, my people, says the Lord, and be not partakers of her sins. This has become a habitation for all foul birds. Lot and his family were the only ones spared from sodom at that time. God could not destroy it until he was removed. This is more of a sign to America today & all other countries. Fire & brimstone is next. All true Christians will be raptured shortly; the signs are here.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Ray said (July 3, 2021):
I only have two words about America & our "free" western "Democracies"..
Sodom & Gomorrah!
& we all know, what has happened to Sodom & Gomorrah ??