How Communist Jews Weaponized Blacks
July 1, 2021

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July 1, 2021
Richard B said (February 28, 2017):
Read The Slaughter Of The Cities By E. Michael Jones. Also available on youtube./rb
LD said (February 27, 2017):
Weaponized is an alternative word for radicalized. The former is a power word, the latter to conceptual for the self-willing low info mind of the Sapien psychopath.
Crypto RADICALIZES it's way to preeminence, the prevalence of the method they use to achieve this a very simple three point agenda that is lost on the monkey brained masses that cannot think in paradox.
When someone is being psychologically weaponized, this person is being lied to. Radicalized, same, with the exception that the latter in this case gets another noble cause label, revolutionary. Weaponized begs war.
You can't reach people with this. They don't have the intelligence DNA. This is the reason they are referred to as a flock of sheep. SHEEP DON'T THINK, They eat at McDonalds, frequent Planned Parenthood and party with MTV.
THIS is God BLESS America! It's a fucking monkey brained IDIOT society.
Peter said (February 27, 2017):
Here is another view from an unexpected place: A Russian government minister passed on a message that may have been issued by President Putin:
All Whites in Europe, Russia and America must form a new alliance if we are to survive the war against us by the dark-skinned people. No Whites in Europe, America and Russia will survive if we don't form our new alliance NOW.
This was buried by the Communist Main Stream (American) Media. Those freaks want us all dead ASAP.
President Putin has rejected Communism. He is an Orthodox Christian. He has rebuilt all of the 600 churches that were destroyed by J. Stalin. The Russian armed forces are now in position to respond to any unwanted
action from anywhere. President Putin wants our President Trump to stay in office and complete his list of items to restore the USA. The Russian planes just off shore along with a couple of spy ships are there to detect any unwelcome activity from those who despise PEACE.
Pedro said (February 27, 2017):
For the first 66 years of it's existence the NAACP had Jewish presidents, that says it all.
There is a full chapter on the NAACP in this book by Eugene Michael Jones, and it's connection to the revolutionary Jewish mischief. Selections are here.
And why do the 'Jews' hate whites more? Simple, because they are the threat to their hegemony and to some extent , particularly with Christianity*, kept the Beast at bay and Usury somewhat subdued . If it was blue people , then they would be most hated. If Whites disappeared tomorrow, it would probably be Chinese or Indians. Never themselves as their own (and our) worse enemies.
* Ceavats apply according to the doctrine of equal standards and judgement. It seems that the Mendicants (Dominicans and Fransciscans) and the corrupt clergy they were all but replacing, have a lot in common with the Jesuits and the NWO mob. I am calling them the OWO, or Old World Order. Order from Chaos it seems. Rome , as those of Leuren Moret's Iranian Bloodlines seems to be the case, whether they call themselves Jews and are not, or not.
PS Trump was trained at the Jesuit Fordham University for 2 years.
JG said (February 26, 2017):
This continuing assault on the White Christian community has many forms and devices.
It all unraveled 50 years ago when the devil was let out of the bottle and he's been at liberty in America ever since.
There was once a strong and larger Black Christian population but once the Marxists infiltrated their institutions and enlisted them into their own, Black Identity then took a turn for the worse.
The doctrine of Godliness, love, and spirituality was now replaced by materialism, hate, and covetness.
Forced integration along with racial quotas in the workplace depleted the merit system. Employers could no longer hire their most qualified people only.
The hypocrisy of it all is that those people who preach this hatred against the Whites are the same people desire to live in some of the most segregated White Communities if and when they can afford to.
Why isn't more of our attention being focused on the people in Africa who are starving to death and who are NOT the descendants of those who were sold into American slavery.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
SK said (May 31, 2020):
Its a revolving circle of life. I'm not sure why the hate many years later. The Jews or any cultures is not perfect. We are born into this world not by choice for some of us , but being 61 its been ongoing this life with wars & endless wars. You are right about black & white, i have meet lot while living in Toronto and they were like many of us just wanting the best for there families. President Donald Trump is breaking up the cabals , i have to believe. breaking up the cabals
I'm really not sure the gains to have ongoing genocidal other the power, money and more on the list . If i am reading it right President Donald Trump is following John F. Kennedy steps.One person can make a difference, and everyone should try. John F. Kenned