In Jordan, the Choice is Between Poisoning & Starving
July 20, 2021

Our neighbor reasoned: "I'm still strong, so I think I can survive the shot". Keep in mind, he's not concerned with surviving covid, he's concerned with surviving the poisonous shot. The choice between starving or being poisoned to death is how we view it."
This may become universal.
by BG
We watched our neighbor in June decide his future.
In order to retain his employment in the private sector, he had to receive at a minimum the first shot of his choice of poison.
Both him and his wife had stated since the lockdowns began here in March of 2020, that they knew this was a scam, and they never would receive a "vaccine".
Now we watched him with a heavy heart as he decided to take the shot-- so that he could still provide for his family. He opted to take the Chinese version of it, Sinopharm, "to have the best chance of surviving".
His reasoning is "I'm still strong, so I think I can survive the shot". Keep in mind, he's not concerned with surviving covid, he's concerned with surviving the poisonous shot. The choice between starving or being poisoned to death is how we view it.
This is what our life is like being stranded here in Aqaba, Jordan.
We are watching our neighbors and the city forced into taking a shot in order to have access to employment and travel, and starting August 1st to enter establishments.
We cannot leave as we refuse to take a PCR test, or receive any version of the sorcerers' poison.
As of July 1st, we now cannot even enter/exit Aqaba without being vaccinated (no more going to the beach), or taking a PCR test.
Our neighbor's father was holding out and refused to take the shot. However, his land with his animals and fruit trees are a few kilometers outside of city limits. The Shurta (police) told him he had to receive the shot, if he wanted access to his property. He also opted for the Chinese version, reasoning that he will have the best chance of surviving it.
Maybe we should be thankful the tanks aren't rolling down the streets anymore, and we aren't locked down from 6p.m. to 6 a.m. everyday, and all day on Fridays.
But if they are going to poison us and inject us with unknown substances, we would rather be back under lockdown.
The latest hoax here is the Chinese Sinopharm shot is not recognized by some of the surrounding countries, such as Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. So people are lining up to get the Pfizer shot, (in addition to their previous Sinopharm shots), in order to travel there.
Again, as of August 1st we will be barred from entering public institutions, utilities, commercial centers, and all service sectors. We are in a besieged city here, but why should we fear in the days of evil, when the crookedness of our supplanters surrounds us?
Amman- No Jab; No Work Permit
TP said (July 21, 2021):
Sinopharm I know nothing about. A Filipino I know well got her second Sinovac jab yesterday. She developed immediately an unbearable pain in the arm. Then it began swelling, then rashes came. After crying all night she began puking, then came a very high fever. She is now in the hospital.