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Reader Claims Vaccines Will Harm Unvaccinated

May 2, 2021

(This looks like one frightened woman. A young mother-to-be entrusting her life to eugenicists.)

" Pfizer was very interested in knowing about the effects of exhaled breath and physical touch on those who did not receive the vax notably pregnant women and warned participants to keep a safe distance from the latter."
As such the transmitted stuff from the vax that's circulating in the atmosphere will adversely impact non-vaxxed people who will gradually begin manifesting harmful symptoms."

Ezra "was working on a PhD thesis in a physical science but dropped out due to spiritual reasons - the gains accrued in the mystical sense far outweigh anything I would've acquired by sticking to scientific research. I have no regrets about truncating my academic career. Mystical experiences have shown me via direct perception the deeper layers of existence far exceeding what science knows or will ever know about the reality."

by Ezra

During the m-RNA C19 vax clinical trials on human volunteers, Pfizer was very interested in knowing about the effects of exhaled breath and physical touch on those who did not receive the vax notably pregnant women and warned participants to keep a safe distance from the latter.

This shows that particles created by the m-RNA or non-m-RNA vaccines ... are transmitting/shedding spike proteins and/or toxins generated by chemical reactions in the body between the ingredients in the vax and cellular chemicals via the skin, breath and sweat of recipients of the vax.

As such the transmitted stuff from the vax that's circulating in the atmosphere will adversely impact non-vaxxed people who will gradually begin manifesting harmful symptoms.

Most of the vaxxed population, especially the young and healthy with robust immune systems that would incite cytokine storms as the immune system goes into a frenzy with a plethora of antibodies vigorously attacking cells with the spike proteins, will be seriously maimed but more likely will perish sooner or later say within 1.5 to 2 years of receiving the jab.

Once a certain threshold of accumulation of foreign particles (spike proteins and/or toxins) in the body is crossed, the organs of unvaxxed people affected by exposure to vaxxed persons will begin collapsing as antibodies attack healthy cells killing them leading to their decimation.

If as some hypothesize that an ionizing radiation of certain frequencies emitted from the nano particles in the vax was involved, then, the entire body would become a transmitter and a heating sensation or electric field effect would be felt by the vaxxed as well as by those in close proximity to the vaxxed persons, or a darkened glow caused by ripping out of valence electrons would be visible on their faces or limbs, while breath and touch would not come into the picture.

First Comment from Ken Adachi

Vaccine Synthetic Spike Protein - BioWeapon Attaches To Receptors All Over The Body

THIS is the most compelling and important information on the internet that EVERYONE needs to become aware of. This story was the sole topic of Dr Sherri Tenpenny's and Dr Larry Palevsky's April 22, 2021 Round Table discussion with Covid Vax physician/whistle-blowers Dr Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merrit, and Dr Christiane Northrup. This is life & death information that you MUST acquaint yourself with to help avert the Greatest Genocidal Disaster to ever befall humanity in the course of human history. Educate Yourself NOW while you still have the opportunity.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Reader Claims Vaccines Will Harm Unvaccinated "

Luis said (May 5, 2021):

Dr Henry, ah this annoys me greatly. Literally all independents journalists and good doctors spent an entire year exposing the myth of asymptomatic transmission, and that would even be impossible because c19 doesn't exist.

Now they are conveniently promoting the "shedding" of a spike protein created by the mRNA jab, all because it fits their narrative against jabs? Can't you see that now these independent journalists are doing the exact thing they have been accusing wolves of doing? Pick and choose when it's convenient??? Change the tune as they go along???

Haven't they all accuse many people of lacking critical thinking? Aren't they behaving the same? Just because others are parroting, they parrot as well??? 🙄🙄🙄

How many blogs and accounts on social media are now parroting this same myth???.

K said (May 4, 2021):

I downloaded and read the Pfizer document. My physician (a GOOD one) was against my wife and I getting vaxxed, and has written blogs on this.
Anyway, I am sending this to as many people I can, whether they are in denial or acceptance of truth. I have given up my massage business because too many, if not all clients kept saying they got the "vaccine". After a couple of weeks of this, I pretty well shut down. It is a loss of income. Also, being a retired pharmacist, I let my license expire due to the propaganda (NOT) reality that was spewing from their Continuing Education.
Thanks so much for your info.

Ray said (May 4, 2021):

The title of article should be "Doctors" not "Reader" IMO

The vaccine is THE BIOWEAPON and it is contagious. The spike protein "sheds" and I am scared for my daughter. Most teachers here have been "vaccinated" meaning genetically altered for life.

Some people will survive this but many won't and millions of children will be sterilized and millions of children will be sterilized andand it will be spun to blame the unvaccinated and a "new variant" when covid 19, the original has never been isolated in a lab, because, it never existed. Meanwhile China is wide open for business.

Bill said (May 3, 2021):

First and Quote from the article " During the m-RNA C19 vax clinical trials on human volunteers, Pfizer was very interested in knowing about the effects of exhaled breath and physical touch on those who did not receive the vax notably pregnant women and warned participants to keep a safe distance from the latter ".

My rational question is, why Pfizer was interested on what the unvaccinated people are exhaling on an injection trial? Wasn't these trials meant for those who participated in receiving the Bioweapon injection? What this has to do with un-injected people? It doesn't make sense.

Maybe the author means the injected instead.

Also I want to add that unvaccinated people with a strong immune system, have nothing to worry from the shedding of the injected ones. Our immune system is a miracle by God's design, very adaptive and resilient. There is no way that a healthy unaltered immune system, can't handle any pathogen or foreing protein, if this passes through natural pathways like breathing, touching or eating. It's a different story if a pathogen or protein is directly transmitted through blood or body fluids Just like AIDS or Hepatitis C or B.

I think unvaxxed people should avoid having sexual activity, share needles or do anything with Vaxxed ones, wich involve sharing blood or body fluids. Other than this, we can trust and take care of our immune system, and I beleive we will be safe 100%.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at