Steven Fishman - Is the UN Using Chemtrails to Poison Us?
May 23, 2021

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May 23, 2021
TA said (May 24, 2021):
If the objective of chemtrails is to poison or infect people, there are much more effective ways of achieving this goal. More important, how does the ruling elite protect themselves from the poisons in chemtrails?
Corollary one to Bonner’s Law of Information: The farther away you get, the clearer the picture becomes.
Welcome to America, a third world banana republic where elections are stolen instead of won.
Vaccination: #MyBodyMyChoice
Dr P said (May 24, 2021):
A NASA project which already planned to throw toxic products at us by plane ... and not just that.
Doug P said (May 24, 2021):
The thing that doesn't get said often enough and everyone knows is that the people in positions of power are crazy and they are put into power because they are crazy and not in spite of it. Pick one, any one, take a close look. Would you want this individual as a house guest? Neighbor? They are also getting crazier. The Black eyes you wrote about months ago just scratch the surface. That is why all of this is happening. The crazies can be directed or mind controlled somehow and professionals just do what they are told, as CS Lewis explained, they are just clever devils.
David C said (May 24, 2021):
This is part of the full-spectrum genocide being waged against humanity, weather warfare being more powerful and destructive than using bombs. Dr. Hearndon co-wrote a study of the health effects caused by spraying coal fly ash in the atmosphere, which is horrifying to contemplate, and why pulmonary disease has gone up all over the world recently. The staged fires are part of the geowarfare, the weather warfare used to grow fire fodder rapidly with rain, then they dry it with a drought, like California has right now, with dry tinder waiting to be ignited. The chemtrails and ship trails are used as an accelerant. Ship trails are caused by burning slag from the oil industry as bunker fuel - slag is what's left after everything is refined out of oil, and very toxic. Like spraying coal fly ash, it's VERY illegal, but they do it with impunity. When I fly back and forth from Portland to Los Angeles, I see the ship tracks about 30 miles offshore all the way up the coast of California, for hundreds of miles. It astounds me that the pilots and passengers just ignore the obvious pollution being dumped into the sky just offshore. When I flew back up to Portland at the middle of March 2020, the entire state was covered in a thick bunker fuel fog, all the way from LA to Oregon, and the next day I read about all the fires that had been started the previous night in California, and southern Oregon, the same place I saw the bunker fuel fog the previous day. I believe the bunker fuel fog was used as an accelerant for those fires, it was incredibly thick, and I couldn't see through to the ground until we reached southern Oregon. Sequoia trees are thousands of years old, and have lived though hundreds of fires, but are dying from the current fires, because they burn much hotter and faster.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Alex said (May 25, 2021):
I have been barraged by contagious mRNA theory from every direction, the vaxxed are contagious etc, but am not buying into it yet because nobody can explain how mRNA prions and spike proteins bypass our God-given immune system (if we don't vax) . And nobody has tested this. Pfizer is a pack of liars. People should stop eating meat especially non-kosher and "nutritional pellet fed/carnivores" if they want to avoid prions. Read Dr Lorraine Day on this.
Deut 7:11-15 "I WILL keep you FREE from EVERY disease."
Exodus 15:26 I am the Lord who heals you.
Exodus 23 I will take away sickness from among you
Psalm 103:3 God promises to "heal ALL our diseases"
Alex Albert