Only the Vaccinated Are Set Free: CDC
May 20, 2021

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May 20, 2021
MIKE K said (May 21, 2021):
The Bible translators were off a letter....
It is the MASK of the BEAST
Not the MARK of the BEAST
that let's u buy and sell in the last days
Christine said (May 21, 2021):
You wrote: "Isn't that what Revelations said?"
1) It isn't "Revelations": It is the "Book of Revelation".
2) People have been taking the "mark of the beast" ever since the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ: The beast is Judaism. Accepting any of their blasphmemous beliefs is the "mark of the beast".
The "teachings" of the Talmud and the Zohar are now so ubiquitous, noone even notices them.
The rebellious Jews have made sure that EVERYONE is an unwitting Kabbalist, even if only through listening to their occult "pop music" or watching the Talmudvision.
The devil has deceived the WHOLE world.
That's why the nations are now morally insane.
Doug P said (May 21, 2021):
The real battle is to stay sane, not comfortable. I don't see how this is possible if you are in a crowd of morons. I stay in. I'm relearning all that math I learned in university a long time ago. It's fun this time around because I get to really learn it and take my time. When sanity returns I will emerge from my cave, better and stronger than before.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
RK said (May 21, 2021):
Walensky refers to "our growing understanding" of the effects of the injection. She affirms that 'the experts' are figuring these effects out as the program proceeds. Any normal rational person would be outraged by the injection of substances whose effects have yet to be determined into hundreds of millions of human bodies.
It's pure cognitive dissonance--but, alas, decades of relentless exposure have rendered most people insensitive to it.