Nursing Home Worker Fired for Refusing Daily Covid Test
April 10, 2021
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April 10, 2021
Ken Adachi said (April 11, 2021):
He did the right thing by refusing. If ENOUGH people followed his example, they would soon run into trouble and suffer a backlash.
The nursing home is wide open to a lawsuit for violating his civil rights in trying to force him to undergo a medical procedure without his consent. Since he didn't agree to submit to medical tests or take vaccines when he was hired, they can't fire him now for refusing to submit to tests or vaccines. Local, independent lawyers are typically self serving scum who don't want to upset the local political power structure and will turn you down, but there are still pro civil rights law firms who will represent you, or represent a gorup of people in the same situation.
If I absolutely had to get a covid test, the ONLY one I would consider is the saliva sample test in which you spit into a tube or funnel and the saliva is tested. You do not want to give them the opportunity to "swab" your nasal or oral cavity with ANYTHING because you have NO IDEA what that "cue tip" swab is REALLY doing - or putting into your body. The last thing you want to do is to TRUST these people on any level.
Even with the saliva sample test, which is not easy to find, they are still acquiring your DNA signature which then goes into any number of AI computer systems, like DARPA. Once they got your DNA, then they can do a lot of nasty things to you electronically, including harassment and torture.
John P said (April 10, 2021):
Henry, last year around this time Gov. Cuomo mandated all nursing home workers to be tested twice weekly as a condition for employment. My wife held a position as a director of activities which she worked hard to attain. She loved her job and the residents loved her. But she refused the invasive tests and was fired. Same deal as this writer. She wrote a nice letter to human resources explaining that she did not want to lose her job and she offered to work from home until the restrictions and mandates were lifted. They still fired her. We still believe this was a violation of her rights especially since this requirement didn't exist at the time she was hired. I spoke to five local attorneys and not a single one would take this case on. So she lost her position and we lost our health insurance in the process. I should also mention that I had to delay an important surgery until we settled our health insurance situation following her termination and it may have caused some additional damage to a kidney. We have all become so accepting of these executive orders that nobody stops to consider the violation of employee rights. How can an employer force employees into invasive testing?
Surely this is a violation of the US Constitution. It is one thing to scan the forehead for your temperature (which I also oppose) and another to conduct invasive procedures. This is medical terrorism and the attorneys are a sad group these days. thanks for another great article. john p
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Yakov said (April 11, 2021):
Nasal swabs are a route to insert pathogens and toxins into the absorbent body tissues. Besides, rupture of the meninges or brain tissues is not ruled out. Rapid antigen tests create false positives because by definition an antigen is any foreign particle - germs, fungi, soot, suspended particulate matter from inhaled fumes etc - inside the body. Ideally, a sputum or blood test should be preferred over invasive nasal or anal swabs.