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Poll: Americans Embrace Permanent Slave Status

February 11, 2021

Covid proves that people are willing to forfeit their human rights, dignity and freedom on the flimsiest of pretexts.

We've been so degraded and our minds trivialized, that we can't understand catastrophic historical change, let alone cope with it. 

"Americans are willing to kneel in slavery to the ruling class long after the "threat" of COVID-19 is gone. Many will continue to be obedient to their masters, lick the hand that feeds them, and wear the ritualistic shame muzzle for the foreseeable future."

by "Patriot Rising"

Researchers at the Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center polled more than 2,000 people across the country and found that most of those surveyed are OK with continuing many pandemic protocols for public health, even when COVID-19 is no longer a major threat. That includes wearing the shame muzzle.

The survey was actually indicative of the ability to control and manipulate the public without actually having to use the physical chains of slavery. The survey specifically found the following:

(How easily we have given up our humanity. Masks are occult. We've entered the Twilight Zone.)

72 percent of people still plan to wear masks in public.
80 percent will avoid crowds.
90 percent will frequently wash their hands and use hand sanitizer.

The oppressive slave state rulers "hope" they have convinced people to hand over their liberties for a false sense of security.

Dr. Iahn Gonsenhauser, chief quality and patient safety officer at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center who helped conduct this survey says he's "hopeful" that people will consider wearing masks during cold and flu season in the future. 

"I'm hopeful that our experience with the flu this year is enough of a learning and teaching moment that more people understand the impact we can make if we approach flu season differently in the future," he says.

The ruling class is laughing at us and the chains we've fastened around our own necks.  They didn't even have to lift a finger. People have become willing sheep.

Some are waking up, however. It is just a ridiculously slow process right now.  Stay aware and use discernment.

First Comment from Riad-

God, The Almighty knows best. That's a Commie poll.

We stop being a physical human being when we die. This has happened to many of us who have been vaccinated. There is no such thing as transhumans but demons (jinns in Arabic) do exist and under extreme circumstances where the five human body systems have weakened and starts to fail, the human brain starts to hallucinate and demons can control it. This does not happen unless we will it.

We all have a God give free will and God given rights. We are, therefore we have human rights - they must not be violated. If anyone (only the one who covers and lies to the truth) is foolish to take away our free will and human rights, then be absolutely certain that that one will be touched by Satan, the Accursed in one's brain - one will be humiliated in this world and after his death one will have a terrible punishment that the worst punishment of this world (death penalty or by mutilation) does not even come close.

Those that can leave the inhuman lockdowns should go to places where they can live freely. Grow your own foods. However, know that unless you have a space force, you cannot fight back but you can do defensive jihad until God, the Almighty who owns the heavens and the earth and all that are in between them forgives and help us. God, The Almighty knows best.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Poll: Americans Embrace Permanent Slave Status "

Doug P said (February 12, 2021):

If these people were not child molesting satanists, I hate to admit it, but I would likely be going along with it as well. I don't know everything, I can be wrong about my religion and my beliefs, but I do try to understand and I know there are lots of people a whole lot smarter and better than I am. But I just cannot be on the side of what I absolutely know to be evil and sickness.

Geoff said (February 11, 2021):

I think the whole purpose of the plandemic is to get us to willingly take the vaccines. Early on the leaders around the world said in unison that things would not be back to normal until we got a vaccine. They were obviously all reading the same script. This planted the vaccine idea as the solution to the problem.

All of the other conditioning is just to get us used to saying 'yes' to everything and complying so we will then automatically say yes to the so-called vaccine.

Yes I will wear a mask
Yes I will sanitise my hands
Yes I will social distance
Yes I will use the covid tracking app
Yes I will stay home
Yes I will take the vaccine.

Once you start saying Yes it is harder and harder to say No. The vaccine will enable your DNA to be altered. As well as all the death and injury that is going to occur as a result of the vaccines there is also the religious aspect for Christians.

It is your DNA that makes us human. Non-humans like cats and dogs do not get to go to Heaven. Once your DNA is altered will you still be human in God's eyes? Will God know when you die? Even if your name is already written in The Book of Life if God doesn't recognize you as human when you die will you still get to Heaven? As a Christian I am struggling with these questions and I am finding it hard to work all this out at the moment. I wonder if you or your readers have any thoughts on this aspect.

Bruno said (February 11, 2021):

Surely you must be jesting? Americans slaves? sheeple?

Like another post was wondering "do I live in a simulation"? or your other post "It's all fake". Oh yes, Americans have been slaves for 100 years or more. Their whole reality ever since originated in the fake, manufactured dissimulation, multiple personality, schizophrenic outfit called Hollywood. So was their latest interpretation of the Constitution that guaranteed them to pursue their own type of happiness like Jonestown or like their fake, painted, stuffed, squished, manufactured women or their war mongering, genocidal men, fake success, fake religious tolerance of every type of evil even killing and eating your own children. And then they are wondering "is this a simulation'. In objective reality it actually is. But in their personal, MK Ultra reality it is quite real, like the torch bearing mass rallies of the Nazies. It is the ONLY reality they have ever known - and equally insane. The once supposedly esoteric, exceptionalist horrific Charles Mason and his demon possessed girls event has gone mainstream by now. Look who is running the insane asylum. All of the prophetic harbingers left to materialize is the Camp Davidian incineration mirror imaged in the suicidal swamp Covidian incipient massacre. And how they yearn to return to 'how it was before'. Sorry guys, a whole other mystic dimension of constellations and powers have taken hold of events. Of course you won't know in this life, but know you will. It is such a tremendous tragedy like the many other large scale massacres during human history, you really have to watch it. It can actually drive you insane. I know how Nostradamus must have felt 500 years ago looking into all the subsequent epochs of time, coldly divining the future of a sheeple race ever since then: utterly deceived, utterly insane, utterly possessed, and utterly demanding it as the latest and greatest.

JG said (February 11, 2021):

The MSM knows the power of repetitive misinformation and what it can do to people. Their unprecedented 24/7 Covid blitz that began last March and that is still running on all the major networks is a prime example of what that kind of power can do. Never in the history of America or the civilized world has commerce been compromised by anonymous lockdown orders that still rule today.

The majority of the public hasn't been deceived by this campaign but are going along with these orders because of threats, fines, and shutdowns if they don't. It's called totalitarianism. If you can't fool them than make them into becoming obedient fools by force.

They want mask wearing, anti social distancing, and all Covid Orders to be your new way of life (the new normal). There will be no end to this one for a long time to come.

Once totalitarianism is tolerated than other illegal decrees and orders not related to Covid will be implemented. Sound familiar?

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at