Nurse Disgusted by Medical Perfidy
February 7, 2021

"I'm a medical professional & I've known that this was a SCAMDEMIC from the very first day they announced it, & I've never been so disappointed & angry with the medical community as I am in this very moment.
Unfortunately, I have conversations with other peers in the business & they're fearful of losing their jobs too if they were to speak up & go against their employers."
by Magen Davis
I know that this comment is late in coming, but I just found your posts & I find them a refreshing change to the fake PROPAGANDA shoved down our throats by the EVIL SOCIOPATHS in the world.
This is an attempted takeover by the Cabal, however not only on the American people, but they are attempting to take over the world now.
Other countries are going through this (some are finally waking up to the destroy & takeover plan. American's however will be the only country that will be a possible lose for the Cabal's plan, bcuz we're armed, more of us are waking up & fighting back, & with BiDUMB now occupying a stage that looks like the White House but is not & killing hundreds of thousands of jobs within his first couple of days "leading" (he's just a puppet of Obama) this country, more people who have been supporting him & actually took the bait & voted for such pure evil are seeing exactly what they voted for & they're not liking it so much.
I actually had a friend who said that he voted for him tell me that he was wrong, & he now understands what I've been trying to get across to him for the last four years... did I mention that he's a US Marshal??
Even those who have a front row seat to the political circus have been brainwashed by the MSM PROPAGANDA TELL-A-VISION which is the enemy of the people....
Maybe this is how it HAD to happen?? I don't know for sure, but I'm starting to feel more optimistic than the past year or so.
I hope that I'm correct in my opinion bcuz if I'm not, then the whole world will be enslaved by the satanic illuminati who already control way too much.
I keep praying for God to give me the strength & depth of character to succeed in turning the hearts of the people in my path that I have the power to help them see the truth so that they might join in the fight for the common good, that dark may become light & that God wins always is my hopeful mantra.
I'm a medical professional & I've known that this was a SCAMDEMIC from the very first day they announced it, & I've never been so disappointed & angry with the medical community as I am in this very moment.
Unfortunately, I have conversations with other peers in the business & they're fearful of losing their jobs too if they were to speak up & go against their employers.
I get that, but in this case it's also not saving the future for the children that they are just trying to keep clothed, fed, and homes over their heads.
The children might live for today, maybe even tomorrow, but give it a year and it won't matter. They'll either be emotionally dead, or literally dead, or just wishing they were dead.
Which hell will be worse? Complete enslavement of the human race or true death where your spirit is free & with God?
If we don't stand up today against the tyranny we won't have a future worth leaving our generations to come. They'll live in slavery, the most EVIL of all evils.
As part of the group of people who have woken up & understand the Cabal's game plan to kill us off, we MUST keep trying to wake our fellow citizens up, trying as hard as we can to be compassionate & understanding of their beliefs & the difficulty in reconciling those beliefs that they have been brainwashed by.
Most people are truly good people and they don't want to believe that anyone could or would be so EVIL, so SOCIOPATHIC, that they would seek to do everything in their power to destroy them.
Unfortunately, the Cabal is indeed out to destroy America & every other nation in the world to conquer Earth with the power of satan & not the good of God.
I pray that we can wake up our fellow brothers and sisters in the world and give them the courage to stand up for the good of humanity and for what is righteous!
With God all things are possible and we MUST keep that faith in him close to our hearts. If we have faith in him, we will prevail! We just have to work for it!
First Comment from JR md: Thank you for publishing Nurse Davis's remarks .The Medical Profession is staying silent in part because the hospital reimbursement is higher if they can report a Covid-19 death , which , in reality , is rarely attributable to the virus alone . Most deaths are associated w/ multiple co-morbidities : CHF ,Obesity ,COPD , Diabetes , advanced age , & on & on .
The psychiatric complications of the lockdowns are astronomical : skyrocketing alcoholism , drug related overdoses , suicides , impoverishment of families due to loss of job incomes . The pediatric suicide rates have skyrocketed due to unnecessary school closures . Grades are plummeting due to ineffective on-line teaching . Computer monitors are harmful to young eyes .The true mortality is under a 0.5% .
MASKS MAY HELP IF ONE IS COUGHING OR SNEEZING , but cannot prevent transmissions of the Covid-19 virus ( or any virus ). Is there a law firm brave enough to bring class action lawsuits against the Teachers Unions for their dictatorial , & unscientifically supported school closures ? Virginia's Pediatric Neurologist Governor is malpracticing on a massive Public Health scale . While I am a retired physician,the statements I've made are factual
First Comment from S
Excellent analysis and especially the part about worrying about bucking your boss and losing your job and livelihood. Impending Slavery trumps all that now. (geez, I hate using that word any more).
10 years ago during the Swine Flu Scam, I was forced to take the Jab or be fired. Out of 800 or so employees at the hospital I worked at, only four refused the Jab and were fired.
I am ashamed that I was not one of them, oh me of little faith that I would survive financially (I was wrong about that)...
Then as now, $$$$$$$$$ were at stake, bribes from Big Pharma to get Obamacare passed, tying hospital Medicare reimbursement to Jab compliance. Now it is direct Bribes to hospitals and doctors to ascribe deaths of patients to SARS/COVID19-- No proof required. Fraud and Perfidy go hand in hand.
Essel said (February 8, 2021):
I am happy to see that a brave woman stands up to warn against human frailty.
"The children might live for today, maybe even tomorrow, but give it a year and it won't matter. They'll either be emotionally dead, or literally dead, or just wishing they were dead."
Complete corruption usually begins with small, practical arrangements with morality and even just healthy logic. But small arrangement will become big over time.
Gramsci, who advocated corruption through praxis, understood this perfectly.
The terrible pragmatism, this idol of the amoral, disguised as a quality, and presented as such by influencers and MSM, is based on the same idea : to see only the concrete short-term benefit, independently of any considerations. "Whatever Works" teaches master-corrupter Woody Allen.
Fortunately, sometimes some good souls wake up suddenly, thinking that "too much is too much". Alas, they are rare and then have to endure almost total solitude. Such is the price of rectitude.