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Makow-- Die on Our Feet or Live on Our Knees?

February 4, 2021

Covid is a gimmick to advance the Cabalist central bankers' longterm goal, the dispossession and enslavement of humanity. 

Your choice: Be an accomplice in your own suicide, or fight.

by Henry Makow PhD

You cannot understand current events unless you appreciate that our "leaders" are all agents of the Satanist (Cabalist) central banking cartel (Rothschilds.) Their aim is the destruction of Western Civilization. 

(Texas Gov. Abbot & Elon Musk make sign of Baphomet pretending it's the Texas Longhorns sign. They always have a cover story. The Illuminati plan may be to divide America in two.)

You cannot succeed in politics, business or entertainment unless you join this traitorous and despicable cause, or at least acquiesce. These traitors recognize each other by making Masonic hand signs. But practically everyone who advances falls into this category. Western society has been totally subverted by Freemasons acting on behalf of the Cabalist Jewish central bankers. Want to get ahead? Sell your soul to the devil. 

But remember, the Illuminati will eventually liquidate their accomplices.


A reader listened to a podcast by Rabbi Aidel Kaiziski on Isaac and Esau:

"Even though Jews are white and their fate, at least for most, is tied to that of the west, there is a minority who wish to kill the West so that the messiah (the antichrist) can come. This explains a lot that is happening at present.

Sabbatean Jews believe in redemption through death, destruction, chaos. It's why they can also justify the mass murder of jews for (their) greater good." (around 25 min mark)

Put simply, Cabalists believe the earth belongs to them and the goyim are squatters.
They are remedying this situation with Agenda 21, a form of Communism which gives them total control over literally everything, including wealth, power, thought, your spouse and your children.  The COVID hoax is a convenient pretext. The "virus" will never end. 

Everything Joe Biden is doing is designed to destroy the United States and the American way of life: migration, gender dysphoria, demonizing conservatives, "climate change," allowing trannies to compete and shower with women, gun control, cancel white culture, the covid scam etc. He is even considering considering a "reality tsar"  i.e. a Ministry of Truth. 

Cabalists believe that they overrule God and the natural order. They think they can redefine reality according to their interests and perversions simply by controlling information and discourse. They believe that thinking or saying something makes it true. Deception and cheating is their religion


Like most of my generation, I was dysfunctional until age 50 when I discovered that society is run by a satanic cult, i.e. the Illuminati bankers. I had been brainwashed.

They undermine us in order to cripple us.  Here are ten examples.  

For example, because Hollywood taught me to worship women and sex like a religion, I could not relate to women as human beings. As result, I did not have a family. The knowledge of how heterosexuality works is suppressed. I had to self-publish a book on heterosexuality which didn't garner a single review or interview in the MSM. 

PLAYBOY turned a generation of men into sex addicts ready to eschew the responsibilities of marriage and family. Feminism taught women that promiscuity was "empowering."  Wake up folks !!!

The COVID hoax is just the latest in a string of contrived events designed to hobble Western society and subject it to Cabalist control. Do you think the sinking of the Titanic was an accident? Do you think Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11? That Oswald shot JFK? 
That WWI and WW2 weren't orchestrated? That Hiroshima was necessary? That the Cold War was real? 

At the same time as they inflicted the covid hoax, they anesthetized society by pumping up the stock market to ridiculous highs. While the country is going down the toilet, people think they will be spared by hoarding digits controlled by the same bankers who are out to screw them. Good luck with that.


Will anything short of a revolution stop the destruction of Western Civilization?  They will never stop destroying us and everything we hold dear. So
the question is not if but when we begin to resist. The longer we wait, the harder it will be. 

The Communists crossed the line when they stonewalled Trump. They crossed the line when they stole the election. Will the 80 million-plus American people who voted for Trump call them to account?

Don't be fooled again by people who point to the midterm elections or 2024. That ship has sailed. Don't be a rube.

Don't be fooled by their rhetoric. They are the "terrorists." They are the "extremists." They condoned BLM and Antifa violence and riots. They are congenital liars. 

They are gangsters, perverts and psychopaths. 

They are a clear and present danger. 

Related- Occult "Creative Destruction" Drives Lockdown 
-----------------  Our Backs are Against the Wall
------------------ Black Defence Secretary to Address White Nationalism and Extremism in the Ranks 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Makow-- Die on Our Feet or Live on Our Knees?"

DD said (February 4, 2021):

This fits right in with what i said before about how the 'rulers' wanted to fool people to control them by deception. they took the names of the good & assigned them to what is not good. for they wished to take free people & enslave them forever.

the masons teach that God is cruel & vindictive and kept adam & eve prisoners in the garden of eden ; until lucifer came along, lied to eve telling her she would not die but be as God, and freed them so they could use their own intellect to set up their own civilizations. human based nations have all been the same ever since. all ruled by secular belief & paganism, through luciferian doctrine and pushed by people like albert pike that laid out the plan for the three world wars.

JG said (February 4, 2021):

The MSM trial of Donald Trump is set to commence this coming Tuesday. This is a slow time of the year for daytime television so why not give the public something to talk about. The Democrat's goal here is to do a retroactive impeachment of a retired president for the first time in US history for being an inspiration to the largest protest ever in Washington D.C. on January 6th.

The objective here is to humiliate Donald Trump and ruin his legacy as president with the hopes of diminishing the support he received from his 80 million voters. They could be making a big mistake because, as we all know, Donald Trump is very good at defending himself. He could easily be even more popular after this sham trial. This one could very easily backfire on them. They are counting on 17 Republican Senators to abandon their former president and their own party and vote to "retro impeach" him. What a joke!

They want to get it in to the public's head that unless you're an Antifa or BLM rioter, looter, or arsonist, you don't have the right or option to protest.

Essel said (February 4, 2021):

I totally agree with what you describe. Except on one point. The solution cannot be found in a "revolution". To think it is still to be a victim of their scam. Indeed:
1°/ "Revolution" means returning to the initial position. For Gnosis, which underlies the shenanigans of the cabbalists, it means a return to the "golden age", because for them history is cyclical. Thus, the Revolution is fully one of their categories, not victims.
2°/ The reconstruction of history, as they operate it, makes the masses believe that the events they are plotting are a phenomenon that arises spontaneously, but it is not so, all of them have been fabricated. This is the case of all the "revolutions" in the history books "ad usum delphini" (Balzac, Les illusions perdues), starting with the French Revolution.
3°/ The "more cannot come out of the less", of a thousand fools, will never give birth to an intelligent idea.This is why the so-called Darwinian evolution is a hoax, but at the same time, a weapon of deception.
A few days ago, a restaurant owner in Nice wanted to open his restaurant in defiance of the ban so that his colleagues would do the same. But he remained the only one, was immediately taken into custody and all customers were fined €135 ....
Only God is able to stop this tyranny. It is enough to ask Him for it through prayer and conversion. But few people are willing to pay this price, at least for now.

Thanks Essel

Communists don't have a copyright on the world revolution.


Joe said (February 4, 2021):

Hi,Henry. As a proud self-hating Jew ( yes,I got that from Atzmon) I agree that feminism is jewish-Communism. It's so obvious, except to the Goyim. I still have a certain contempt for them.

They are so easily led! Look at car safety, a completely bogus field. We convinced Nader and he did our bidding in order to become a media star. Now we have government safety goofs coming out of our rectal orifices. Great, more state control, less freedom for the Goyim. In a way I love it, but the truth is that this is Satanic. Forgive me God. Thanks for your website. You are a real Mensch!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at