Valentine's Day: Cabalists Poisoned the Well of Love
February 14, 2021
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February 14, 2021
Dan A said (February 15, 2018):
Marriage and family can be saved if we realize the value of both.
We must realize that social engineering is happening. Most don't have any idea. Then we can focus on what is really important in our lives.
We must realize there likely is a God and that we do in fact have a soul.
We must realize also that porn can be destructive, especially to marriages and negatively affects the balance of a man/woman intimate relationship.
True deep passionate love in no way involves sexual attraction or sex itself.
Our ideas about life should be intrinsic and introspective, and not based on outside factors such as Hollywood.
True love does come from compassion.
"We should start to adopt spiritual ideals like Truth, Goodness, Love, Beauty, and Justice"
These values we as a society need do not necessarily have to be based on the Christian faith. There are other souces we can seek to get these values
JG said (February 15, 2018):
The "well of love" can only exist when man still has a measure of innocence left in him.
We continue to confuse love with lust. It's our own selfish desire to put the label of love on what is a really physical lust to excuse ourselves.
There are also those who marry for money and tell themselves that they will eventually "learn to the love" their partner in due time.
Love is not selfishness, love is unselfishness. It's not a fairy tale that exists only in our imagination.
Once man's innocence is gone he has been had.
AZ said (February 15, 2018):
Concerning your latest article ‘Cabalists Poisoned the Well of Love’ I would like to say, that every shadow is been cast by a light. By which I mean that one can keep on moaning and crying about lost common values, but there is also a brighter side to be seen. For me the brighter side of the planned destruction of all social structures, especially the family structure, is the opportunity for people to become more individualized through their quest for finding a new social bonding. By the possibility to find on an individual level a conscious connection to the creative source within, people are able to express their own creative power in a more nonattached way.
Blood bonds are not free. They are tying one to the generational family ties, which are based on karma. By expanding ones consciousness past the smaller family unit and learning to connect with likeminded fellow humans in a liberating way, we all can learn to embrace the whole of humanity as our family. In my opinion we are now living in a transitional time in which we may learn to develop a totally new communal paradigm. Rahm Emanuel ones said: "Let a good crisis never go to waste". He meant this according the Illuminati way of creating order out chaos. But we all have the capabilities to create a new god inspired order out of the chaos that the Satanists inflicted upon humanity. It was their task to that. Now it is our task to put the pieces together again in a new way and mend the mirror of broken dreams. All in all this transitional time can empower us on a very deep level. So let’s go for it!
Michael B said (February 15, 2018):
"Male apes are sexually attracted to almost every comely fertile female ape. Their interest lies in fertilizing this female and usually goes no further. Don't blame the ape- that's the way nature made him."
This is true but the difference between Man and apes is that Man has a soul and reason whereas apes have no soul and run on instinct alone. Therefore apes or animals can never sin because they are always doing the will of God. Man can use reason to deny his passions which is what brings him closer to God.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
James C said (February 15, 2021):
My father always told me that men want sex and women want security. Scriptural support for this idea can be found at Hosea 2:7, where backsliding Israel returns to her husband and says: "I'll go back to my [first] husband [Jehovah]. That's where I was at first. I was better off then than I am now" (Hosea 2:7).