Makow-- Communism is Replacing Capitalism
February 25, 2021

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February 25, 2021
JG said (February 25, 2021):
The merit standard has been replaced with a dysfunctional system where the best man often loses. And yes, the reality of this insanity will catch up with us very soon. America will no longer be able to remain competitive in the world economy if political correctness prevails over knowledge, expertise, and experience. Without America's best people in the key positions of government, finance, and the corporate sector it will be doomed to fail.
We now have a president who has become a slave to this partisan dogma and has lost his and America's identity in the process. Without political bipartisanship you no longer have a sovereign government. Many people at home and abroad don't believe Joe Biden is really in charge. And, if he really is, they don't appear to have a lot of confidence in him. This is not good.
DD said (February 25, 2021):
they destroy us with secularism & try to make us believe that there are secular answers; what a game. wasn't it Khrushchev back in the 1950's that took off his shoe, slammed it on a desk & said,' we are going to get you no matter what it takes'. we got drugs & rock music that aimed at our youth, eastern mysticism thanks to the beatles, and a 'eat drink & be merry' attitude. we have been destroyed without them firing a shot. God says, 'return to me, and i will return to you'. 'My ways are not your ways'. O for a great spiritual revival in the land!
Christine said (February 25, 2021):
Globalism = Communism
Communism = Talmudic Judaism
Talmudic Judaism = Satanism
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Glenn said (February 25, 2021):
"Your game is up, Rothschild. We've seen this coming for a long time, and you've virtually confirmed it.
Don't ask for our acquiescence in the loss of everything we hold dear, all beauty and joy, life itself." - Henry Makow
Perfectly emoted. I'll see your bet and raise you 10 (:
Rothschild et al; God is not your friend. Not your's, Rockefeller's, Goetz', Tedros', Fauci's, Schwab's or the poisonous lot of you.
We know you are against God and therefore against God's creation - all of us. We are going to fight you tooth and nail, even to the death to secure this world for our children and grandchildren. You can take that to your fiat based corrupt bank.