My Wife Tested Negative Yet Taken to Secret Quarantine Facility
January 29, 2021
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January 29, 2021
B said (January 31, 2021):
THIS looks to me like a behavioral experimental study à la Tavistock..
Greg said (January 30, 2021):
So the pastor has been a good little boy playing along with this scandemic but he feels he needs to speak out now that his wife has been medically kidnapped. Sorry to say but this pastor is exactly the reason why this ongoing tragedy is happening. He said himself he followed along until he was personally affected.
This "pastor" can burn in hell for all I care.
Makow- This example illustrates that compliance is really complicity in our own destruction.
JG said (January 30, 2021):
All it takes is being around someone with Covid and they almost assume that you are a candidate even though you have tested negative. My guess is that maybe someone had tested positive on her return flight and therefore they are temporarily quarantining all the passengers from that particular flight that were in close proximity to that passenger. Maybe this is why the police would not volunteer a lot of information to you about it.
Yes, the Church is under a lot of political opposition these days as the atheist liberal globalists strive to take away the strength and sovereignty of the Church.
Throughout history the Church has always remained strongest during times of persecution and today's world will not be an exception to that rule.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
RE said (February 1, 2021):
I am aware of this situation. I also agree with the two comments by Greg and JG. It was by divine instructions, that I have not worn a mask since its inception and never will.
Yesterday, Saturday January the 30th, I went to an "Independent Grocer" store (part of Loblaw chain), and for the first time was asked to leave by an over reaching female employee for not wearing a mask. She even offered to give me a mask, which I thankfully declined. This is Trudeau's and Ford's doing. They have been compromised and are
doing Satan's bidding. Canadians better stand up against this tyrannical imposition or we will find all ourselves under the model of the Chinese CCP in the near future.