Brabantian- Was Trump Drugged?
January 20, 2021

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January 20, 2021
Peter M said (January 20, 2021):
I think Trump and his whole family were seriously threatened with their lives
Doug H said (January 20, 2021):
Modern Day Andrew Jackson. Not a saint, but inspired to fight and expose, the real enemy within. Now Martyred like all Heroes.
JG said (January 20, 2021):
This is one of the saddest days in American History. The Inauguration Ceremonies were more like a funeral rather than a day for a new beginning. Yes, it was a funeral for Constitutional America and all who supported it and tried to keep it.
The death of the American Re public started last March with all the illegal Covid Orders that were allowed to suppress our Constitutional guaranteed liberties. Our cities were then under seige by the Antifa Rioters, Arsonists, Murderers, and their fellow domestic terrorists last summer.
The MSM refused to condemn these domestic terrorists once they found out who was financing them. Antifa's game plan was to disrupt the progress President Trump had made along with the message that if President Trump were re-elected the American people would have to expect more of this sedition. They took siege of cities like Seattle and Minneapolis and were allowed weapons along with being rewarded with an autonomous zones. Many innocent people were killed and injured as the MSM in their sad attempt for damage control labelled them as " mostly peaceful protestors'.
It didn't work as the largest Republican voter turnout in history went to the polls and voted for President Trump. His opposition was both stunned and furious. They wanted him out and they did what they felt they had to do to succeed in doing so with the cooperation of the courts and the MSM. Free elections in America were now under suspicion and the public knew it and made their voices heard about it.
America was one of the strongest nation states left in the world and the Globalist agenda is to abolish that status. The backbone of any nation state is their patriots.
The patriots in America have now been labelled as a domestic threat by the MSM and you can expect to hear this theme propagated for a long time to come. If Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin, and George Washington were alive today they would be hunted down and labelled as terrorists.
It's as if the old British Empire Globalists wants their colonies back. And now, the War of 1812 was won really won by the bad guys.
Mike said (January 20, 2021):
I don't buy this for one second, Henry, the bastard was/is DRUGGED, when he raped those young kids with Epstein???
And all the shit & crap they brought up from day one: from the PUSSY HATS marches, to Russian Collusion, to the Ukrainian Jew listening to his phone calls, on Biden doing Real Criminal Activity there, in the Ukraine.
All it would of took is one MSM interview with Katey before the election or even later.
BUT THEY COULDN'T cuz he was caught in Mossad honey trap by Epstein, he's compromised NOT DRUGGED, and he'll do anything to save his hide like the rest of these psychopaths! MSM is ZOG controlled.
Katey's recorded rape is their " LARRY SINCLAIR" over Trump's head, not a damn drug, the guy doesn't even drink.
This is just more HOPIUM: they are trying to pass for sick & vile degenerate who's comprised just like Beijing Joe!
Throw the " HOPIUM PIPE" out!
Wesley Everest said (January 20, 2021):
I was never fooled. He was the Judas goat leading sheep to slaughter. Job well done. I sure as hell ain't making excuses for him.
Remember when he showed up in the Las Vegas hospital to photo-op with a "survivor" crisis actor. Never asked an inquisitive question.
Borrowing money is not leadership. Opening the Treasury doors for all the greedy hands of fellow billionaires IS deplorable.
His long friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. Need I say more?
Never stopped the ScamPlanned-demic. He destroyed the middle class like a good Commie globalist would do. Handed the ball off to finish the job.
His appeal was he was entertaining. And that is what soulless, brain dead Americans love the most, to sit on their couch and be entertained.
Doug P said (January 20, 2021):
have wondered if evil and sickness are the same thing. My research and reading into politics and law has gradually morphed into a study of mental illnesses such as narcissism, etc. I mostly do this research by listening to youtube videos, particularly Sam Vaknin, rather than reading. My favorite contemporary book is Martha Stout's "The Sociopath Next Door". I have come to believe that evil and sickness are the same thing, that there really isn't spiritual evil, only empirical. This is inline with Christianity which states that evil is of this world. Christianity is my guide.
I have arrived at the position where I now believe all of these people in power are mentally ill and they seek power as protection, that is you cannot persecute powerful people as easily as ordinary ones. Narcissism is a protection mechanism. Power is a wall that protects them from being persecuted for their mental illness. People who seek power have always seemed "off" to me and not quite right in their judgements.
Sane and good people do not want the responsibility of power that creates responsibility that extends beyond themselves. Power is a burden because it requires constant decision making and decision burn out is well known - it happens in the legal profession with judges. I had a position at work where I was constantly having to make decisions. I got decision burn out.
So whether or not he was drugged is not relevant. He wouldn't get elected if he wasn't crazy because crazies need to be surrounded by other crazies.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Peter L said (January 21, 2021):
When was it ever the peoples house, From the inception in 1776 it was always an illusion that it was the peoples house. The US was just a reverse babel: many nations under one tongue, a masonic creation in further rebellion against God. But the good thing is that it has been revealed, the externalization of the hierarchy. If it has been revealed it is God’s doing and now maybe it is God’s turn. All the “freedoms†we thought we had were just an illusion anyways, such as private property, voting ect. Trump was a kabbalist through and through, a liar and a fraud.