Communist Coup is Recipe for Civil War
December 27, 2020

And realize that even under Trump, they will be immunized like cattle against a non-existent virus?"
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December 27, 2020
Matt said (December 28, 2020):
In your most recent article you state Donny Trumpet is a Freemason, you are incorrect. Donny Trumpet is a Jesuit trained at Fordham university just the same as Cuomo. Fauci is another Jesuit and the system is loaded with them. Trumpet personally accelerated the 5G roll-out.
Brought in operation warp speed. Is personally over seeing operation lockstep. Openly used the parable of the snake "you knew i was a snake and you let me in"
So yes he is 100% controlled opposition and we are finally making some head way in exposing this.
JG said (December 27, 2020):
If you remember months ago Mitch McConnel and Steve Mnuchin offered Congress a stimulus package that included a $1200 stimulus check and $300 of additional unemployment payments and Nancy Pelosi refused. She refused it because it was a COVID Relief package ONLY and had NO PORK spending attached to it.
It took Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats 4 months to add all the unessary special interest fat into their new bill that they had to make cuts on the stimulus check from $1200 to $600 to keep it under 1 trillion.
President Trump rightfully refused this bill and now is demanding $2000 stimulus checks and less fat. Nancy Pelosi is now in favor of it and odly it's some of the Republicans who are opposed. If the Republican Senate defeats this proposal they can kiss the upcoming Georgia Senate elections good bye and they know it. It should be interesting how this one plays out.
Michael P said (December 27, 2020):
I just read your latest piece. Very insightful with respect to the overall picture, the players, and the magnitude and urgency of the threat, but I think your conclusion is wrong - IMO Trump is not going to just flunk out. If his ultimate goal were betrayal, he would not have asked for his supporters to converge on Washington on January 6th, and he would not have encouraged so many people to wake up to the reality of the situation in the first place. It is natural that he would right now keep everyone guessing as to what exactly he will do, and when.
Meanwhile, dragging out the process, while nerve-wracking, causes more and more people to reveal themselves as the traitors they are - with
SCOTUS, Barr, and Pence being the prime example. The vote on January 6th will force each member of Congress to drop the mask.
Dave Martin said (December 27, 2020):
It’s the second American civil war, and its origins predate the November elections fraud, which seems on track to steal the presidency from the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump.
The genesis of this civil war is the ideo-cultural war that has waxed and waned across the nation since the late 1960s.
So, November’s election thievery might better be regarded as an outgrowth and escalation -- a potentially nation-shattering escalation – of that decades-old cultural conflict.
America’s first civil war had its phony phase of sorts, too. Lincoln was elected on November 6, 1860. Fort Sumter was attacked on April 12, 1861.
Over five months, tensions built, and then hostilities commenced.
We’ve entered momentous and perilous times, comparable to the four years of the Civil War and the eight years of the Revolution.
How this war evolves is unknowable. Wars tend to have lives of their own. No patriot should assume a favorable outcome.
The days ahead must be hard fought, for victory must be hard won.
It’s simply the price of freedom.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
James C said (December 28, 2020):
"The United States has been Communist-controlled since Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, and definitely since the FDR Administration."
Lenin is on record as having stated: "The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation."