The New Feudalism
November 7, 2020
The "Great Reset" is an "efficient" global feudalism that goes much farther than its medieval brother since the scanner is all-seeing: every person, every mineral, and every berry is digitally tagged and tracked.
Under that framework, every peasant has a function that is derived not from the mystery of life, and not from their inner calling--but from AI, the master of efficiency and the servant of the king. Ideally, the peasants can be convinced that it's good for them (or necessary to be safe, see "contact tracing") and that this is what progress and happiness are like--but if not, there are other ways, from classic violence to virtual prisons to "morality pills."
The reform in question is meant to disrupt all areas of life, on a planetary scale: government, international relations, finance, energy, food, medicine, jobs, urban planning, real estate, law enforcement, and human interactions--and it starts with changing the way we think of ourselves and our relationship with the world. Notably, privacy is a huge thorn in the collective eye of our "great resetters"--and--as I am typing this, they are pushing their sweet-talking points about how privacy is really an outdated concept--especially when it comes to people's medical data, sheesh--and that we simply cannot move forward with the bright future if silly people keep clinging to their privacy.
...The desired end result is a giant, joyless, highly controlled global conveyor of everything and everybody where privacy is tremendously expensive, dissent is unthinkable, and spiritual submission is mandatory. It's like a 24/7 medicated reality, except the medications are both chemical and digital, and they are reporting you back to the mothership, which can then punish you for bad behavior by, say, blocking your access to certain places or by putting a hold on your digital bank account--perhaps without any human intervention at all.
Traditional America, now, is very much in the way of this. Its habit of generous consumption and free expression, its self-centered foreign policies, its sense of entitlement, and its big suburban houses are a no-go. A traditional, independent, strong America is an obstacle.
In that light--and with a disclaimer that I don't think that there is such a thing as a just empire, I feel like there is an active effort to "even America out," to co-opt its government, to destroy farms and small businesses--especially the ones that are not consistent with this all-digital future--and to bring down the entitled middle class, especially in "outdated" career paths. It feels like we are currently in the middle of a "color revolution," a soft coup. Usually, American elites do it to other nations--but now it's happening on domestic soil.
Did we forcefully move most activities--such as education, medicine, shopping, sex, and recreation--online for now, as we are working on "digitizing" the physical world, for easy tracking and surveillance?
Did we, despite the lockdowns for white-collar peasants, continue with construction--including very robust construction of new telecom structures and cellular antennas, necessary to support the IoT?
Did we succeed at near destroying the livelihoods of many independent farmers who were competing with our new "edible" products, and also at disrupting the traditional food supply chains?
Did we also succeed at destroying a good number of small face-to-face businesses?
Well, of course!
Live music venues and theaters?
For sure.
Are we working on replacing law enforcement with AI?
You bet! Defund! Defund! Defund!
Are we trying to legitimize the complete erosion of privacy and easy access to private health data?
Yes! Because health emergencies.
Are we on target when it comes to tracking every movement of every person?
Contact tracing, yes! But some countries are still behind.
Is a digital health ID now required for international travel?
Yes, Common Pass is live!
Have we been able to disrupt political and legal procedures and create chaos?
Yes, Sir!
Importantly, have we succeeded at messing up human thinking and relationships to the extent that we, the robot, the abuser, are now everybody's only friend?
Still working on it but close.
Are we well on target with prepping the people for a broad rollout of smart wearables?
Yep. Wear your mask.
Are we legally controlling people's sex lives?
Speaking of, state control of people's bodies and sexuality is a classic sign of religious reform. Whenever that happens, watch out.
Or let's take lockdowns, for example. Lockdowns and restrictions of movement and physical contact are great tools of behavioral modification--and behavioral modification, also known as social engineering, is for sure a very respected art form among the powerful ones. A self-respecting social engineer plans ten steps ahead and creates situations in which targets beg for desired changes! I posit that currently, we are subjected to an involuntary S&M dance. We are in the middle of a ritual of designed to create a sense of confusion, insecurity, and dependence--eventually to be resolved by our Masters, for which we will be very grateful because we will just want the unbearable tension to be resolved. Already, many have developed Stockholm Syndrome, siding with the abuser. The measures are entirely arbitrary--but it doesn't matter, we are expected to comply and to accept that our suffering and deprivation are for our own good. It makes us a "better person."
In the eyes of a psychopath, there is no joy.
In the eyes of a slave, there is an acceptance of a strange feeling of numbness where the soul used to be.
Where do we go from there?
I, for one, don't think that we should accept the darkness. I think that our best option is to insist on dignity and to find our hearts. Our hearts will tell us what to do next.
Thanks, Katherine
Related-David Icke---COVID laws are Systemic Demolition of the Human Psyche
JG said (November 8, 2020):
Henry, I was wrong about this election. The fix was on like President Trump had anticipated with the mail in voting campaign months earlier. He will contest these results but it won't matter. The fix is on and unfortunately it probably will stay that way. The NWO globalists have some Republicans on their side now who are already turning on him.
They wanted President Trump out of office from day one.
Yes, this probably is the end of traditional America like it is the end of traditional Canada and Europe. However, nationalism will never be totally gone forever. Instead we'll now have a sick and perverted kind of nationalism that is not based on the flag or constitution but will be rooted only in obedience to the super state.
I read a part of the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale 'Snow Queen' last night that really made me think. The Snow Queen had this mirror that when you looked througb it you saw nothing but the ugliness in people and this world and not the beauty and good of people that God has created. The Snow Queen tried to reach the heavens to mock God with it but the mirror exploded on the way and the pieces fell to Earth and corrupted many of the people. I thought of myself being at times being cynical and insensitive to people especially in my younger years.
One day we'll have to let all this NWO stuff go and concentrate on the good of God and his creation.