Real Disraeli was a Destroyer
November 1, 2020

(left, Benjamin Disraeli, 1804--1881, Prime Minister 1874-1880)
Benjamin Disraeli's career is a reminder that the British Empire was a creation of the Illuminati Jewish bankers. Indeed, the bankers' hidden agenda (to enslave humanity) defines the course of modern history. Instead of defending the Rothschilds, ordinary Jews need to disown them or else, accept the blame for the NWO, with Freemasonry.
DISRAELI the DESTROYER (dates from 1920's or early 1930's)
by Arnold S. LEESE (1878-1955)
(Edited/abridged by
Disraeli was commissioned to achieve the following principal Jewish objects:--
1. To strengthen the British Nation to carry out Rothschildian policy.
2. To use Britain to oppose the might of the enemy of Judah, Russia, and to reduce the prestige of the Romanovs.
3. To introduce the poison of Liberalism into the Conservative machine, the results of which policy are now obvious in the attitude of Mr. Baldwin, the "Conservative" leader.
4. To push forward the ideas of democracy by Reform Acts so that Britain would later be an easy prey for Government by Jewish Finance.
5. To further the emancipation of the Jews in Britain.
All these he did.
Disraeli had ... a love of display; shameless bare‑faced effrontery of the type which puts white men who come into contact with it, entirely out of their calculations; a purely materialist outlook; and an intellect trained, as all slave‑races are trained, by observaÂtion on the lower aspects of human nature in others. He had Semitic obstinacy, which assisted him in his ambition to shine by his intellect its spite of racial handicaps. Utterly insincere in action, because he had no motives beyond personal advancement and his duties as a destructive Rothschild agent, he turned upon his colleagues as it suited him.
Disraeli was baptized as a Christian when a boy but he was not religious. He regarded Christianity as a continuation of Judaism, and lumped the two religions together under the obscure phrase, "Semitic principle."
He was often heavily in debt and never seems to have stood on his own legs, financially. He married a widow 15 years older than himself, but possessed of a large fortune. He was nevertheless always in the hands of money‑lenders.
Disraeli's father was a Jew of means and a student, indifferent to Judaism; his wealth gave his son an easy entry into a certain class of fast society in London, where Disraeli associated with many friends of revolutionaries on the Continent, and also with such characters as Count D'Orsay and Lady Blessington. Disraeli was intimate with Lionel Rothschild in his adolescence, and reveals, in letters to his sister, how Lionel gave him advice and financial assistance.
To gain his ends, he wormed his way into the favor of Queen Victoria, but that Sovereign, although influenced by him, kept him at a distance. He was unable to control the great lady as Rasputin in our time controlled the Tsarina.
During the life of Disraeli, the Rothschilds used England as their principal tool, knowing that her policy had been favourable to Jewish loans and encouraged more. The Jews' weapons were not turned against England during this period, or, rather, not for her immediate destruction.
That is why the name of England stood high among the nations during Disraeli's political career. The poison instilled was a slow one. The might of Britain was brought into opposition to Russia over a miserable dispute on a matter of no concern to us as a nation, a squabble between the Greek Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholics in Palestine.

As a Rothschild agent, Disraeli used his friendship with Napoleon III to bring France and Britain together against Russia, so that the two nations might do the Rothschilds' dirty work and help to separate the West from Russia. Thus, Britain was brought into the Crimean War. Even during this war, Disraeli did all he could to embarrass the Government until the Prince Consort had to appeal for goodwill in case Constitutional Government failed in the throes of the nation's crisis.
In 1876, the Turks excited indignation in the Western Nations by atrocities against Bulgarian Christians; those atrocities may easily have been excited by the judicious payment of Rothschild money to the Turks; but a new war was due, to make profit for the Jews.
Disraeli did all he could to "pooh‑pooh" these outrages so as to bring England into opposition with Russia and on the side of the Turk. Russia, the natural protector of the Balkan Christians, went to the relief of the Bulgarians and soon forced the Turks to accept surrender under the Treaty of San Stefano, which allowed for a Greater Bulgaria.
Had Britain, under Disraeli, not backed the wrong horse, she would not only have gained Cyprus for the Empire, but Egypt and Crete as well.
Let Mr. T. P. O'Connor describe the triumphal return of Disraeli from this Jewish victory for which he received the Order of the Garter:--
"This picture is certainly one of the strangest, if not the saddest. Here were these multitudes of free English Christians cheering the man who had given back more than a million of Christians to the most degrading slavery, as if he had conferred an everlasting honour upon the name of England, and had most at heart the interests of Christendom.
"To those benighted beings, the acquisition of Cyprus and the protectorate of Asia Minor were the great interests of the hour; but to the future historian a little episode, of which these cheering multitudes knew nothing, will probably appear the most interesting.
"Sir Moses Montefiore, at the advanced age of 95, had come out to meet the Premier. Introduced by Lord Henry Lennox, the Prime Minister grasped him warmly by the hand, and seemed delighted with the kindly veteran's welcome. By that small scene the meaning of this apotheosis of Lord Beaconsfield by a Christian people is written to letters of light. That day represented the triumph, not of England, not of an English policy, not of an Englishman. It was the triumph of Judaea, a Jewish policy, a Jew. The Hebrew who drove those crowds to Downing Street was dragging the whole of Christendom behind the Juggernaut car over the rights of the Turkish Christians, of which he was the charioteer.
'I have brought you,' he said at Downing Street, 'peace with honour.' I think I am anticipating the verdict of a very near posterity when I say that what Lord Beaconsfield that day brought to England was war with shame."...

Disraeli from an early age had a complete knowledge of the Jew world power and could not help boasting about it. His novel "Coningsby" portrays Rothschild under the name of "Sidonia," as follows:--
"During the Peninsular War, a cadet of the younger Branch of this family made a large fortune by military contracts and supplying the commissariat of the DIFFERENT armies. He had established a brother or a near relative in most of the principal capitals. He was Lord and Master of the Money-Market of the world, and, of course, virtually Lord and Master of everything else. There was not an adventurer in Europe with whom he was not familiar. No Minister of State had such communication with secret agents and political spies as Sidonia. He held relations with all the clever outcasts of the world. The catalog of his acquaintances . . . would throw a curious light on those subterranean agencies of which the world in general knows so little . . . The secret history of the world was his pastime. His great pleasure was to contrast the hidden motive with the public pretext of transactions."
After describing how Sidonia meets Jews in key positions in every foreign court he visits, Disraeli puts the following words into his mouth:-- "So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
Should any reader of this pamphlet make the objection that these extracts are not to be taken seriously as coming from a Novel, let us quote from one of Disraeli's works on history, "The Life of Lord George Bentinck" written in 1852; the quotation is as easily applicable in 1934.
"The influence of the Jews," he writes, "may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property. Destruction of the Semitic principle, extirpation of the Jewish religion, whether in the Mosaic or the Christian form, the natural equality of men and the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the Secret Societies which form Provisional Governments and men of Jewish Race are found at the head of every one of them. The people of God co‑operate with atheists; the most skilful accumulÂators of property ally themselves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen Race touch the hand of all the scum and low castes of Europe; and all this because they wish to destroy that ungrateful Christendom which owes to them even its name, and whose tyranny they can no longer endure."

In 1875, the Khedive of Egypt, forced by financial stringency, was anxious to sell his interest in the Suez Canal. Disraeli must have known of this at once through his friend and master Rothschild. A Mr. F. Greenwood, Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, received private advices that the shares might be acquired for England, and patriotically refusing to make a journalistic "scoop" of the information, hastened to Lord Derby with the news. Lord Derby consulted with his Hebrew Prime Minister, and the latter then bought the shares.
Parliament was not sitting at the time, and Disraeli borrowed £4,000,000 from his colleagues the Rothschilds, who made a profit of about £500,000, which no doubt earned for Disraeli a considerable commission. It was, of course, to the Jewish interest that Britain should hold the Suez Canal (until the Jews got Palestine out of the Great War). Disraeli had written to the Queen saying, "We have scarcely time to breathe, we must carry the matter through." He was very, very anxious that Rothschilds should handle the loan! Now, read this extract from a letter from the Hon. G. M. Kinnaird to The Times dated 20th March, 1930.
"When Disraeli announced to the House his purchase of Suez Canal Shares, my father, the Hon. Arthur Kinnaird, M.P. for Perth was seated next to the Governor of the Bank of England. On hearing Disraeli's statement that he had gone to the only people who could have advanced the money, the Governor of the Bank of England whispered to my father, 'What a lie! I could have given it to him in a minute.'"
Thus, we now know that the money was available all the time at home, and the deal could have been put through without the help of Jewish money at all.
Lady Gwendolen Cecil in "The Life of Robert, Marquess of Salisbury" summarized Disraeli's character as follows:
"In all that is disputable in Mr. Disraeli's character--his lack of scruple as to the methods he thought permissible is beyond question. He was always making use of convictions which he did not share, pursuing objects which he could not avow, maneuvering his Party into alliances which although unobjectionable from his own standpoint, were discreditable and indefensible from theirs. It was an atmosphere of pervading falseness which involved his Party as well as himself and which culminated in the cynical audacity of 1867."
Similarly, T. P. O'Connor in "The Life of Lord Beaconsfield," writes: "That whole character is complete in its selfishness, the whole career is uniform in its dishonesty. Throughout his whole life, I do not find even on a single occasion, a generous emotion, one self‑sacrificing act, a moment of sincere conviction except that of the almighty perfection of himself. I find him uniform in all his dealings with his fellow man, and behind every word he utters I can only seethe ever‑vigilant custodian of his own interest. There is, throughout the same selfishness, calm, patient, unhasting, unresting. Such a man the myriads of this mighty Empire accept as chief ruler; for such a man, millions of pure hearts beat with genuine emotion; to such a man is given to sway, by his single will, your fortunes and mine, and even those of countless generations to come. Which shall a near posterity most wonder at, the audacity of the imposter, or the blindness of the dupe? The immensity of the worship or the pettiness of the idol?"
Related - also by Arnold Leese, Jewish Ritual Murder
-------------------------------------------- Masonic Jews Backed Both Sides in Chinese Civil War
JV said (May 26, 2013):
yes, I've often thought Disraeli represented a symbolic and political shift from the previous 'pirate empire' to 'the bankers' empire', and his Crowning Victoria Empress was a dramatic symbolic act in so many aspects of this.
Also, it struck me that there are similarities between Obama and Disraeli, both coming out of no-where with no significant career ladder before reaching the top of empire position. Obama is more symbolic of a final symbolic and political shift in this empire than Bush.